President Bush's speech

by Mulan 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister

    Spelling...don't get me started! Just when I think I'm getting better, my sister e-mails me to point out all my mistakes.

    Right, sisowuzzy????

  • nowaytess

    I am conservative myself and lived in Liberal Massachuttes. I seen what lebelism has done to that state. The crimnal have more rights than the victims ever do or will.

    A state which has a liberal political leaning also has a higher tax rate per capital and higher amount of those who depend on Goverment benefits. Liberal States also attractive to those who are on welfare or are dependent on assitance.

    Being on public benefits , the laws or the system does not encourge one to becomes self sufficent. So those who depend on the Goverment to survive will always vote their pocetbooks.

    I am with you on one subject. Clinton just could not keep his penis in his pants, out of some girl's mouth or stoking himself while having phone sex. If I were a congressman who found out while talking to the president Clinotn on a matter of business he was getting a blow job, I be embarassed to have him as President. I sadly regret to have vote for him in 1996 because I did not expexct Perot to win,

    I rahter have my President misprnuncate a few words over a man who a President who is dispickable!

  • pharisee

    Hey, dont be so hard on good ole George Bush, it could be worse, we have to live with that Canadian Icon of a Leader, Jean Chretien.

    His idea of a war against Iraq, would be to fire hippies and then hockey players out of a cannon!

  • RevMalk

    President Bush is the greatest leader this country has seen since Nixon. Who cares how his speech is, no-one is perfect. Some people are good speakers, some aren't. IMO I'd rather trust a president that does good by his people rather than some smooth talking Full of Crap BS'er. He's alright in my book, and until he screws up, he's still got my vote. Should he disarm Iraq? Absolutely! Disarm everyone, it'll only make things better for us in the end, and you can thank Clinton for all this, him with his "Let's all be friends" attitude. Ya, so he has more time for disgracing our Nation. We finally have a somewhat wholesome person in the white house that wants to clean up. God Bless him!

    I haven't noticed, but does he know how to pronounce "Saddam" better than his Dad?

    Edited by - Revmalk on 8 October 2002 1:36:18

  • Yerusalyim


    You stated that Saddam doesn't yet have Nukes. We don't know that. Somehow or another everyone seems to keep forgetting that 35 lbs of enriched Uranium (weapons grade) was discovered only 150 miles from Iraq in a taxi, the fissible material was on its way to Iraq. It only takes about 50 lbs to make a nuke, a dirty bomb much less. With 50 lbs of Weapons grade Uranium Saddam would have a Nuke in less than six months. He's actively seeking the material. For all we know the material discovered was only part of multiple shipments. He may already have the stuff. Do we wait till he has the bomb to take him out?

    Not that YOU brought it up, but I'm also tired of hearing how UN (not US) Sanctions are killing Iraqi children. Yes, Iraqi kids are indeed dying, but the fault lays with Saddam, not the Sanctions. The Oil for Food program works, but Hussein administers the money, it's not getting to the kids, but rather enriching him and funding his military. That kids are dying is a shame, but place the blame where it goes.

  • Trauma_Hound

    nowaytess it's amazing why people would dwell on his sex life, let me ask you this, what right do you have to force your morals on Clinton? Don't you think it was up to his wife? It's funny noone else in this entire world cared about this, accept the republicans. I'd rather have a president getting a blow job, then one that would be quick to use a war machine. It's funny we did nothing to stop pakistan or india from getting nukes, and I'm more afraid of them using them, than Iraq, which hasn't been proven to have any at all, and pakistan houses alot of terrorist groups. Hell Israel has nukes, and they aren't any better then any other country in that region, and we give them over 5 billion a year.

  • JanH


    Somehow or another everyone seems to keep forgetting that 35 lbs of enriched Uranium (weapons grade) was discovered only 150 miles from Iraq in a taxi, the fissible material was on its way to Iraq.

    The early news reports were false. Shortly afterwards, the men were released, and the story forgotten. The amount found was only 140 grams (~5 oz). At the time the story broke, there was no evidence whatsoever it was weapons grade, as it had not been analyzed, and since then I haven't heard anything about it.

    I was slightly skeptical about this story when it broke, as the timing was just a bit too convenient.

    - Jan

    Edited by - JanH on 8 October 2002 6:1:31

  • cellomould

    Go to the CIA webpage to read press releases, from last year and earlier, about suspected terrorist supporting states. You will see just who the key players are. (Note: you will see very little about Iraq)

    Let's face it: the United States would like to 'change' no less than 5 regimes in that region. Iraq is a scapegoat. Notice I did not use the word 'innocent', but I maintain that Iraq is a scapegoat.


  • plmkrzy

    Bush wants control of the oil in the Middle East one way or another and he will probably suceed the the standard of living will go up for citizens in the Middle East in return.

  • cellomould
    "And in order to make sure that we're able to conduct a winning victory, we've got to have the best intelligence we can possibly have. And my report to the nation is, we've got the best intelligence we can possibly have thanks to the men and women of the CIA." President George W. Bush to the CIA Employees (27 September 2001)

    Our intelligence couldn't possibly be any better? Is that right?

    How hollow the people of the CIA must have felt at that statement. If I were there, I would have felt patronized. Yes, they have done a great job, but refrain from patronizing them.

    This man speaks in hyperbole and other illogical rhetoric far too often.

    Our intelligence-collecting will improve, Mr. President...just don't continue to put all your chips in the offensive pile.


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