Who else went sex crazy?

by buffy 95 Replies latest social relationships

  • buffy


    First of all, confused, I am not!!! You, however, that's another story. For the first time in my life, I'm the one in control of my life not the JW's. Who's in control of your life, I wonder? And, yeah, I went thru a wild time in my life went I left the JW's. But, I blame being a JW for that. I was kept imprisoned in the "society" and not aware of anything going on in the world around me. It was only when I got a little taste of "the world" that I realized I was being kept in a closet for no reason at all other than to be controlled. By the way, I'm now married, with an adorable little boy. And, no doubt, better off then you'll ever be.

    Second, what kind of name is Sword of Jah. You're not Jah's executioner. You don't have any right to judge me. So, what gives you the right to call yourself the Sword of Jah. And, what gives you the right to even be on this website. You're not suppose to be reading apostate literature. So, shut the hell up and get on ur knees, cuz looks like u have some repenting to do. Don't worry about my sins, just keep track of your own asshole.


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Swordfish, what makes me so sick about you and other witnesses, is the fact that you all think that anyone other than yourself are righteous people. You're all a bunch of self-righteous hypocrits that NEEDS to get a life!!! We know how you all are first hand, so don't come on here and try to preach to us, you just make yourself look bad. But then again, I have found that's the only way that people like you can have any type of self-asteem.

    Edited by - Tinkerbell4125 on 24 September 2002 15:23:4

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    I'm just wondering...

    Why would a JW be looking under the topic Dating, Relationships & SEX??

    And, why under this thread title? Hmmm, I wonder what he's looking for....

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Buffy, to answer your question, yes I guess you could say that I went a bit *hog wild and pig crazy*!!! After being raised a witness, being a virgin and married at 21, leaving that abusive relationship that the elders never helped me with, yes I tested the water a bit!!! Had a damn good time too!!!! LOL

    I'll not give details, but I sure had some wild moments!!!!!

  • rocky220

    Lost Diamond...you hit the nail on the head......I too wonder what is he looking for....perhaps the girls at the Kingdom Hall too hot to handle????? Anyway Swordperson......as long as you are a Dub......you dont need to know about no-ones sex life except your own, and that's only if you are married, you naughty little Dubbie you!!!!!! BUG OFF!.........rocky220 [From the You dont want to mess with me class]

  • buffy



  • Crazy151drinker

    He probably got frustrated and had to go masterbate. But then the guilt of masterbating got to him again and he became frustrated. So then he had to go masterbate again. Its a sad endless cycle :(

  • SwordOfJah

    No, buffy, I did not get scared off. I thought there would be on sense in responding if you do not respect Jehovah's law.

    Swordfish, what makes me so sick about you and other witnesses, is the fact that you all think that anyone other than yourself are righteous people.

    Excuse me but how was I showing that I am more righteous. I simply pointed to Jehovah's law on immoral conduct. I do not judge, the immoral person that keeps sinning although knowing Jehovah's law is judges him/herself.

    Why would a JW be looking under the topic Dating, Relationships & SEX??

    To answer your stupid question, there is a feature on this forum called "active" and it shows all current threads in all forums. I doubt I would search topics about sex from you depraved people.

    And last to all. The scriptures are clear on how Jehovah views sex and how Satan has manipulated this world into thinking that his laws are too rigid. Unfortunately, since you search now for any excuse to criticize Witnesses, you don't realize that in some things you are speaking against Jehovah's rightous laws. Fornication and Adultery are just one example.

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    Sword of J,

    I don't feel the love you should have for your "neighbors" coming from you....if fact you are quite harsh! Did you forget to wear your humble "new personality" coat today? If you were honest about your comments, one would think you would try to be an example of a loving witness, with a mild manner, and soothing to the soul. What a let down!

  • LB

    Feeding trolls here

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