Who else went sex crazy?

by buffy 95 Replies latest social relationships

  • xenawarrior
    For example, if they ever accept traditions of men

    traditions of men = Governing Body. And, if what is coming out of the governing body is truly from Jehovah, is Jehovah then confused? How else would you explain all the change in JW doctrine over the years? And don't try the "new light" thing cuz I ain't buyin it.

    and teach lies like the Trinity, Hell Fire, that we have an immortal soul, then I would certainly see that as a sign.

    Only these three lies? How about other lies?


  • outoftheorg

    Hello again Sword.

    In a situation like this it is foolish to say "wait on Jehovah". We and you are told by the wbts to turn to the elders for help. To turn to them in all matters and they are to keep the org clean and to make it a safe place to worship for all. The elders are to be looked up to as a place of refuge. They are to take actions against wrong doers. They are to protect the innocent. Nowhere are we instructed to just wait on Jehovah and not to bother with going to the elders.

    We went to the elders and look at what happened. Nothing. In fact it is a slap in the face of the victims to have that evil man standing at the head of the congregation and spouting off on matters of how we should all be clean and righteous to have Jehovahs approval and several in the congregation know that he is not clean or righteous and is a child molester!

    They had 5 accusors and believed 2. There are the required numbers of victims for action to be taken. The same subject came up a few years later and again nothing.

    Tell me please, what is it that makes the wbts want to cover up child abuse? Why can it not be dealt with? What is it about child abuse that triggers this wait on Jehovah syndrome? Is it Jehovahs fault? I think not. Is it the fault of the holy spirit? I think not. It has to be a failure of the wbts leaders the governing body. Why? What goes on within that group that they can not deal with this issue. Is it some submerged guilt in the minds of the gb?

    There is no waiting on Jehovah in other issues like Smoking-lying-causing divisions- gossip- etc. These issues are jumped right on with df ing etc but this horendous issue of molestation can go to the back burner and some time in the future it will be dealt with by Jehovah.

    The lack of action on the part of the elders has caused 5 people to lose all respect for the wbts and leave the organization. If it is true that to stumble someone brings blood guilt on the one causing the stumble, the gb and the elders involved have blood guilt on them all.


    Re Jesus waiting on jehovah. In times of hurt He acted now to heal the sick and raise the dead. He did not Wait on Jehovah. He took action in throwing out the money changers. He preached to the church leaders . ALL the situations that required action he did not wait on Jehovah. He acted. Are you telling me that my daughters molestation is such a minor thing that it does not need addressed now? Is Protecting the flock from this evil elder so unimportant that it can be left up to some time in the future? What if it was your child?

    Edited by - outoftheorg on 24 September 2002 18:38:32

    Edited by - outoftheorg on 24 September 2002 18:44:6

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Very good points outoftheorg!

    Couldn't have said it better myself!!! =;o) So what is your reply Sword? Please try to explain this to us!

  • mamashel

    First of all sword, if you were a servant of Jehovah the way I was taught for 10 years, you wouldnt be any where near this board, unless your trying to get extra field service time. Then second you better be prepared to get the SWORD if they find out you are even talking with anyone on this board.

    Sounds like by your reply to this topic, your living a secret life anyway.

    As for the answer to the question, It was good while going to the hall, but now it is on a totally different level. I never thought it could be this good.


  • lisaBObeesa

    Dear Brother SWORD,

    you said:

    I will certainly answer your question. I am here for my own personal reasons, one of them being that I can see ahead of time how Satan is organizing opposers against Jehovah and his representatives here on earth. In a war, it's very important how your enemies manipulate information and resources in order launch attacks against you. This way I am prepared for Satan's attacks.

    You dont have to worry about this war, right? Dont you have faith in Jehovah? Wait on Jehovah!! He will take care of the apostates and the 'war' you speak of!

    The counsel of the Faithful and Discrete Slave is to stay off of apostate sites.

    Jehovah has given you direction through the Faithful Slave for your protection. We must be humble LOYAL to Jehovah. Do you feel that you dont have to listen to Jehovahs counsel?

    If you would like to talk about your concerns, I can arrange to have some elders to call on you. Just email me with your congregation. I am sure that these brothers can redirect your thinking on these matters. I can see you are a honest-hearted one.

    The congregation must be united and clean. If one member starts going on to apostate sites, even with the best intentions, the safety of the entire congregation is threatened. And you do not want to have bloodguilt for stumbling one of your brothers or sisters do you? Surely not!!

    How sad it would be if we did not see you in the new system because you thought you could ignore councel and you one day fell into apostacy because you spent too much time in the company of apostates! It could happen! It has happend to some other brothers and sisters who thought they were 'too strong' to be turned away.

    Remember, the spirit of independence is just what Satan wants us to have. Independent thinking is a snare that, sadly, many of our brothers have fallen into. Don't let it happen to you!

    Perhaps instead of spending all this time at apostate sites your time would be better spent in Jehovahs real work, the door-to-door ministry. Im sure you would find it encouraging, and it would help you to keep your mind on uplifting things.


    [email protected]

  • Englishman

    Hi Venice!

    Yup, the iggy thing has passed with flying colours!

    Did I go bananas with my new found freedom?

    yes. Yes. YES!


  • rocky220

    @ Lisa!!!!!!

  • SPAZnik


    why are you on this website at all.

    I will certainly answer your question. I am here for my own personal reasons, one of them being that I can see ahead of time how Satan is organizing opposers against Jehovah and his representatives here on earth. In a war, it's very important how your enemies manipulate information and resources in order launch attacks against you. This way I am prepared for Satan's attacks.

    Doesn't the Bible speak about the "temporary enjoyment" of sin? Being honest about who we really are/were is O.K. Only then can we move to a healthier ( or if you prefer, more righteous) way of life

    This is satanic reasoning at its best. I must caution you that Jehovah will not take this twisting of his words lightly. There is no excuse to sin against our heavenly Father.

    blind blind blind.

    don't you see the glaring contradiction in your own logic?

    so let me get this straight, you are saying that it is okay for YOU to disobey YOUR god jehovah by visiting and reading apostate literature against the clear direction of his so-called earthly organization, for YOUR own PERSONAL reasons,


    it's not okay for someone else to disobey some other "righteous law" of YOUR GOD for their own personal reasons.

    interesting. hypocritical, but interesting. so what you are saying is that when YOUR god jehovah, through his organization, directs YOU to avoid places like this, for HIS own personal reasons, YOUR personal reasons are more important so you circumvent his.

    seems to me that would make you an apostate just like the rest of us.

    in that case, welcome to the site.

  • outoftheorg

    Hello Sword ?? Hello?

    I guess Sword doesn't have an answer to my questions. Just like a jw, when the discussion gets complicated they run off or get angry with me. Never fails.


  • scuba99

    Hi Buffy,

    I can definitely relate to your post. Sex was such a taboo subject growing up that I swear I thought I would spontaniously combust if I so much as touched a girl "innappropriately". My libido was so suppressed for so long that I truly believe it cost me my marriage. When I realized I wouldn't die on the spot if I did the deed with someone I wasn't married to I kinda went overboard. I can honestly say I made up for lost time. Now I'm not proud of it but it sure was fun=)

    What part of the country are you in Buffy?....just wondering...=))

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