Who else went sex crazy?

by buffy 95 Replies latest social relationships

  • SloBoy

    Hey Sword,

    How are you doing today? Things going O.K.? How's the family? Oh, by the way, could you do something for me? The Bible puts a real premium on getting the facts straight before replying to a matter, right?. Please go back and re-read my post. NOWHERE is there the encouragement to engage in or "excuse" sin. Buffy said that the sex was enjoyable, the Bible says sin can be enjoyable, though temporary. I'll leave it to God to sort out the sinners.

  • outoftheorg

    Hello Sword.

    One of my sons cousins told her that an elder had molested her. In looking into this it was found that he also molested one of my daughters. It was brought to the elders attention and at the end there were 5 women that lodged complaints against this elder. The elders in their wisdom chose to only believe 2, my daughter and one other.

    In the elders supposed wisdom they followed the wtbts instructions and chose to do nothing. This elder remained in good standing, telling all from the pulpit how to live righteous lives. When my daughter displayed how this was hurtful to her the elders said how she accepted this was up to me.

    A few years later there were more complaints of improper behaviour by this elder and my daughter was again asked to tell of her molestation. Once again the wbts chose to do nothing and he is still preaching from the pulpit as to what is acceptable conduct and how to be righteous followers of Jehovah.

    When I expressed dissatisfaction with their lack of action regarding this elder, the elders chastized me for doing so and began to shun me.

    Explain to me please why I or my daughter should look upon this organization as Jehovahs only true representation through the holy spirit on earth.

    Please don't make a fool of your self by telling me to leave it in Jehovahs hands.


  • Mulan

    Great post, outoftheborg. I wonder how many lives have to be destroyed "waiting on Jehovah".

    I like the question Simon proposed on Sunday: "Could they do anything to make you think they weren't Jehovah's organization?"

    If the answer is "no", you had better wake up, because you are in a cult.

  • Celia

    Sword says :

    . I know that your faith in him is not strong enough to simply accept "wait on Jehovah", so see that really is the problem, your lack of faith.

    You don't know anything about me and my faith ! Any mother or father I know, if their kid had been abused, raped, molested by anyone, priest, elder, MS, uncle, Governing Body member... would first break his nose and hit the jerk in the nuts, and go to the police, not wait on Jehovah. What would you do Sword ?

    Unfortunately for you, in the near future many will face the same consequences as child abusers when Jehovah comes to cleanse this horrible world full of child abusers, fonicators, adulterers, killers, etc...

    Leave the judging of people you don't know anything about to God, or whoever... And by the way, when is this near future you are talking about ? tomorrow ? next month ? next year ? in 2014 ? in 2099 ?

  • VeniceIT

    WHoohooohhoooo I just made my first 'iggy'


  • SwordOfJah

    out: Certainly that is one difficult case. It would not be appropriate to comment on that case sine I do not know all of the details, nor what went on during the elders investigation of the case.

    Please don't make a fool of your self by telling me to leave it in Jehovahs hands

    I do not consider myself a fool for waiting on Jehovah. Jesus waited on Jehovah, why should I be different that my savior. Jesus did have the power to take care of all his accusers and those that assassinated him, but he waited on Jehovah. Really you should not minimize my faith or the faith of any other Witnesses because we wait on Jehovah. I consider that Jehovah as my heavenly father is much wiser that I am and he will handle matters with his wisdom and justice. Faith in Jehovah is what keeps me calm and in control of my emotions.

    Could they do anything to make you think they weren't Jehovah's organization?"

    The answer is yes. If the organization went in a contrary way of Jehovah's will, then I know he would not look upon them in favor. For example, if they ever accept traditions of men and teach lies like the Trinity, Hell Fire, that we have an immortal soul, then I would certainly see that as a sign. In the end, we have to have faithful to Jehovah and his word.

  • SwordOfJah

    out: Certainly that is one difficult case. It would not be appropriate to comment on that case sine I do not know all of the details, nor what went on during the elders investigation of the case.

    Please don't make a fool of your self by telling me to leave it in Jehovahs hands

    I do not consider myself a fool for waiting on Jehovah. Jesus waited on Jehovah, why should I be different that my savior. Jesus did have the power to take care of all his accusers and those that assassinated him, but he waited on Jehovah. Really you should not minimize my faith or the faith of any other Witnesses because we wait on Jehovah. I consider that Jehovah as my heavenly father is much wiser that I am and he will handle matters with his wisdom and justice. Faith in Jehovah is what keeps me calm and in control of my emotions.

    Could they do anything to make you think they weren't Jehovah's organization?"

    The answer is yes. If the organization went in a contrary way of Jehovah's will, then I know he would not look upon them in favor. For example, if they ever accept traditions of men and teach lies like the Trinity, Hell Fire, that we have an immortal soul, then I would certainly see that as a sign. In the end, we have to have faithful to Jehovah and his word.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    See, this is what I don't get......I sent all the info out to some of my non-j.w. siblins about what Silentlambs was all about. I haven't recived a word from my sister that I sent this to. As myself, she was molested, and I would have thought of all the people, she would be someone that would have taken an interest in helping victoms *survivors* of abuse. Even though she's not a witness, never was, she is very close to my brother whom is a elder. She may have mentioned my email to him and she is taking his side. I don't know. I think I may have pissed her off. I don't know. Maybe she thinks that it's showing disrespect to our deceased mother, that was a j.w. I swear, for the life of me, I don't know why I haven't heard back from her. It's been over a week now. Would you email her back and ask her, or would you leave it along? I had on brother that is d.f.ed to email me and tell me not to send him anything else on this matter.....that he didn't agree with me. At least I know where I stand with everyone, ya know! What would you guys do? Would you email my sister back and ask her if she recieved it, or let dead dogs lie?

  • 144thousand_and_one

    I do not consider myself a fool for waiting on Jehovah. - SquidofJah

    Hey Squidlips,

    Keep waiting for Jehovah and watch your life waste away as another pawn of the corporation cult. You think you have the "truth," but what you have is a delusion, and a corporation willing to exploit your mental illness for it's monetary gain.

  • VeniceIT

    Troll Food..Come get your Troll food $.25 a bag, troll food.......


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