Who else went sex crazy?

by buffy 95 Replies latest social relationships

  • COMF
    a brief dramatic reconstruction showing the Webmaster hurriedly unplugging lots of cables from the back of an internet server

    Interesting... the electronic attack over the web prevented them from closing their connection the normal way, and disabled the "Off" button of the machine.

  • patio34

    Heh, heh, I just used Simon's new "ignore" button which hides all of certain posters' posts. It works great! Thanks Simon. Guess who on this thread I did it to? His/her initials are SoJ. No offense, but it's better than reading trolls' posts.


  • Celia

    SworeoffJah .... vs. SwordofJah

    That's a good one !

  • Englishman
    Jesus waited on Jehovah (except when he didn't)


  • buffy

    scuba99: Thanks for your honest reply. I'm from Pennsylvania, US. Where are u from?

    To all: this post has turned into way more than I ever expected. I'm just sorry that Mr. Sword interferred, cuz i only had a few people actually answer my original question. But, thank you to those who did. I get the idea that I wasn't the only one who went a little crazy. But, I think that anyone who was a JW at any time, has gotta go a little crazy in one way or another. Mr. Sword sure did make it interested. Hehehehe.


  • mamashel

    Really you should not minimize my faith or the faith of any other Witnesses. It's minimal enough on its own; but it's all we have. I'm by far the humblest and holiest guy here, and damn proud of it, too

    Gee, I wonder what this humble, faithful witness would sound like at the door to door work:

    Sword: Good morning, I am here to offer a free in home bible study.

    Door: Oh no thank you, I have my own religion

    Sword: Well take these damn magazines and shove em them. After all I am the most humble and holy christian in the world, and damn proud of it.

    Yeah, right. Save it for the drama.


  • butalbee

    What the hell??? Here I got all excited seeing a sex thread and some limp sword of what I don't know has totally ruined it.

  • TheStar

    Yes Butal,

    The troll has done his job again and successfully highjacked this thread.

    Sounds familiar doesn't it?

  • rocky220

    Limpsword!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha!rocky220

  • Kagloo

    Come on kids... settle down... this is how wars start!!!!

    I have a question... perhaps it might concentrate our minds a little.... Someone says... I read it somewhere in here... that the WTBTS made 931 million dollars last year... What does that mean?

    (Sorry if this is a little 'off topic' )

    Does it mean that they had that much donated... or that much income generally or that much 'profit' ?

    And just as a point of interest.... How much did the Latter Day Saints or the Catholics gross during the same period... I am told in a 'DISCOVERY' documentary that the Vatican has so many priceless artifacts that most of them haven't been properly catelogued yet! And yet Catholics starve all over the 3rd world don't they? As far as I know it's only the LDS who have a 'social program' to help their members. (Is that true?)

    How can we make a judgement about the WTBTS in isolation? Wouldn't it be fairer to compare them with other religious groups before we start accusing them of anything?

    A billion dollar income might seem excessive in isolation but perhaps not when measured up against the income of other religious groups.

    And finally........I've only been contributing for a little while... but I have to say that you (regular and long-standing0 contributors) are a pretty 'touchy' bunch of folk, when someone raises a point that rankles you... wow you really are vociferous in some of your comments... I know you have every right to express your views... but heck.. you really do get mad a lot of the time!

    Hope that doesn't open the floodgates of similar comments... After all I am only trying to raise a question and make what I feel is a valid (albeit a personal) observation.

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