Tell us about your Profile Pic

by Beck_Melbourne 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Jehovah took mine from his back yard on the star Alcyone where He used to live ( he was on vacation ). Trouble is, he only used a 2000mm telephoto lens, so you can't quite see me, but I'm just north of Africa and I have a on my face.

    Edited by - SpannerintheWorks on 19 September 2002 5:51:58

  • Angharad

    Mine is of our two cats - spot & patch

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Angharad, its cool how you got the cats to appear like they were posing for the camera....they could have been movie cats LOL.


  • Angharad

    LOL Beck - they are just stupid! - they will sit looking at the wall for ages like they are expecting something amazing to happen - we just called them and took the picture as they turned around.

  • Matty

    My Avatar is a tribute to the Watchtower illustrators obsession with Pandas in the new system. They give the impression that the most wonderful experience in the world you can possibly have is cuddling one while giving them some bamboo leaves. Personally, I'd much rather cuddle up to a luvlee laydee than a panda, but whatever turns you on, that's all I can say...

  • Beck_Melbourne

    they will sit looking at the wall for ages like they are expecting something amazing to happen

    LMAO that's so funny...I wish my kids were like that...if only i could sit them down in front of a wall and leave them there until i was ready for them LOL...if only!! Whatever you do, don't ruin your cats and expose them to the world of playstation, dvd, internet and stereos


  • greven

    Mine is from a computer game called 'Star Craft' . it represent a 'Ghost' which is something of an assassin commando guy. love to play that game I selected the pic because it looks like a borg and as a am still officially JW I thought it appropriate. I might replace it when I have DA`ed myself. (check my bio for more info).


  • think41self

    Mine is a picture of myself and my favorite sister Dana....aka Safe4kids.

    I picked it because I think I look younger than her in this pic and that kind of thing drives her crazy.

    The little crowns are cute, aren't they Beck?


  • roybatty

    hey greven, nice pic. My 11 year old son introduced me to the world of Starcraft and just about every night we're playing against each other. Kind of like chess but a bit more complicated. I never thought an 11 year old could be so good at strategy.

  • roybatty

    Oh yeah, my pic. Um....let's see...oh yeah, I'm riding my motorcycle along with someone else on back. I believe I was sticking my tongue out because the person taking the picture was nagging me about not having a helmet. Talk about a bad attitude :)

    Edited by - roybatty on 19 September 2002 10:15:2

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