Should I have a Christmas tree?

by scuba99 84 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Scarlet

    Go for it. I am going to buy a tiny one for the den this year. It will be my first. I am not ready to go all out yet. I still have a fear of my mother and since I am not Df'd or Da'd I still worry.

  • hamptonite21

    When you are having one of your sleepless nights because of the tree, try praying----------------------------THAT IT SNOWS ON CHRISTMAS BECAUSE IT IS A BEAUTIFUL THING! If you are approached on this you can explain that the tree is hers, not yours and she has every right to put one up in her home. Good luck and Merry christmas.

  • Valis

    hey scuba...I've been been doing Christmas for many years now and I can relate to your feelings. I wasn't even in my own house, but that of one of my friends and his family. I found them all to be loving and they actually had the present for the unexpected was can never have enough socks. *LOL* Trepidation and the unknown are always a bit much for an EXJW, but I guarantee you that once you get into the "spirit" all of that won't matter. The holidays are not really about you or I, but instead the people that surround us and make our lives tollerable. I'm sure it would please your prettier half to no end that you choose to participate willingly and without reserve. As far as your father is concern, well your life should not be his business, as he made the descision to remove you from his own previously. It may take him several Christmas expriences to get over it but not to worry..*LOL* Oh and don't forget the lights on the outside of the house!


    District Overbeer of the "Feliz Navidad' class

  • 144thousand_and_one


    My circumstances with my parents are similar to yours. I always have a tree at Christmas, but it was a bit awkward the first few times the parents saw it. I'm sure they were offended. They get over it. Live your life for you, not them.

  • mpatrick

    I still remember my first Christmas...I wouldn't put a tree in my own house, but I put my best friends tree up for him. The only wrapping paper I would buy was winter related...nothing Christmas. I remember telling my non-JW husband that I had too much respect for my JW father to ever put up a tree until my father passed away. Even though I celebrated that year...I was guilt ridden!

    What made the difference for me was researching pagan traditions and finding out that even though JWs like to think of themselves as being seperate from anything pagan, they still participate in a lot of pagan traditions...they just don't know it. As far as disappointing my father, I tried to keep in mind that I wasn't doing this to hurt him but that I had to do what was right for ME.

    I realized that people celebrate holidays for the happiness and joy that it brings them and their friends and family. The first year that my husband and I finally put up our own tree, he told his mother it was like having another kid in the house. I finally enjoyed Christmas for what it was...a time for family and friends. Since I didn't have a family of my own to celebrate with...I soon began to realize that family doesn't have to mean blood means the people that love and care about you!

    I hope you do decide to celebrate with your wife...Christmas is only what you make it (much like life) make it great!

    Blessings, Michelle

  • Crazy151drinker

    Buy a 30ft Christmas Tree, stick it in his front yard and decorate the shit out of it. Then spread a rumor that he has found new-light and that Christmas is now OK.

  • RevMalk

    If all else fails, blame it on the new wife :)

    And Merry Christmas to you!

    ya, and happy hannukah

  • scuba99

    You guys are awesome! The info and perspectives have been quite cathartic for me. I feel like I should send payment.=) Thanks

  • nakedmvistar

    WELL, WELL, WELL.....

    I am new to these forums and I expected to see many different things while here but.....

    geez!!!!!!!! I too am no longer with the JW's but come on!!!!!!!!!! You all know christmas is PAGAN! Heck even many mainline religious orgs are at least acknowledging this fact. If you have a belief in God and understand that satan is the adversary then what's with all this ..."gee, I want to be just like the mindless drones out there. At least with most of the population, they have ignorance as their excuse! But trying to convince yourselves that christmas is okay is a bit foolish don't ya think?? I understand many of you have been controlled all your lives because of the jw's but unless you no longer believe in god I think you should have a bit more control.

  • Valis
    Valis really are getting on my nerves. I hold no belief in Dog, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy Christmas and giving of what I have to those around me. Especially my kids. No one needs to validate the celebration of Christmas, regardless of its origins. It is a time for giving, gathering, and making a bright spot during the cold and dreary months of winter. None of it is about self control, or is it about going in the face of one's belief in Dog. Its about a certain zietgiest that you obviously don't approve of. It is also a holiday that has evolved into a cultural experience and not just a religious one. You spoke in an earlier thread about witnessing various rituals, yet the ritual of Christmas and the "spirit" it embodies somehow escapes you. Not really a suprise to me, but something I thought amusing at best. What a boring life you must have... You still sound like a JW as well. Get bent and have a nice day...

    BTW I always keep my tree up till a fortnight..or January 10. An old tradiotion my room mate has shared with me. It also makes the good memories and thoughts of Chritmas day linger just a while longer. It may also have to do w/something in regards the Epihany, but I could be wrong.


    District Overbeer of the "waiting under the mistletoe" class

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