Should I have a Christmas tree?

by scuba99 84 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Europe
    Europe took the words right of my mouth;-))

    Let me see if I got this right. Your father hardly ever talks to you. You asked him to perform the wedding ceremony and he refused. He did not evern go to your wedding, and now you are worried about his feelings? WHY?
    Dont let anything ruin this new happiness, Scuba!! What's more important to you, that your new wife is happy or your dad??
  • bigfloppydog


    If I where you, I would put up the tree, and enjoy the excitement with your knew bride, what is important now is the life the two of you have togeather, your father has already expressed how he feels. Do what your wife would like, that would make the two of you happy.

    It took me 4 years to decorate, only because of fear of what JW's would think of me, now I do what makes me happy. You can't please everybody, please yourself.

  • Lin

    Scuba, welcome to the board first of all. Secondly, I have to agree with Larc. I was born and raised a jw, in what you might call a "hardcore witness" family. I am also getting married next May (congratulations on yours!), and my family of course won't attend either. You have to live your life with your new wife in ways that make both of you happy. You cannot live your life concerned about what everyone else, or family members, will think if you do this or that. It's your life, not theirs.

    For me, Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Big xmas tree, lots of colored lights on the tree, inside and outside the house, decorations everywhere. It brings me a tremendous amount of pleasure, and I start it right after Thanksgiving to make it all last that much longer. Just remember, it's your life with your wife, and doing whatever makes the two of you happy. Phoooey on anyone else I say.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    I call him "Super Elder". So he has very little if anything to do with me
    To me, this kind of answers your own question.... start being "positive" in your life and suit yourself and your wife. Christmas can be the most wonderous time of the year if taken in the true spirit. Trees, lights, presents don't deny the divinity of Christ. God wants to to be happy in this life (even though life itself can sometimes be pretty crappy), so we should enjoy all the wonderful things life has to offer, which puts Christmas near the top of the list.
  • Flip

    'Tanks99', be very wary of the words of anyone that uses should or shouldn't.

  • PopeOfEruke

    We've had a tree ever since I was de-Borged and they are GREAT! Never once got worried about it. Kids love it!

    After all, JEHOVAH made the bloody tree didn't he?? Then why can't I have one in my house?

    Just Enjoy enjoy enjoy. And drink lots of alcohol.....


  • scuba99

    Certainly food for thought guys...Thanks so much for the positive words.I know they come from people that can relate. It's just so contrary to everything my brain has absorbed through out my entire life. It's kinda like waking up and finding out you're whole life was a lie. I know that's kinda strong but how else can you descibe it. I'm getting to place where I feel anger now instead of confusion...But there's nobody to blame at least nobody with a face or a name. I will have a tree!


  • Beck_Melbourne


    Your response really moved me for some reason.

    It's kinda like waking up and finding out you're whole life was a lie.

    There is no better way to describe it, that is exactly how it feels. I remember when I felt that moment of realisation...and like you, I went from confusion to anger. All those years wasted was my main thought.

    I think in time, you come to accept the fact that you will ALWAYS fall short in your father's eyes...its not your father's fault, its just how he has been taught, and he thinks he is doing the right thing.

    Don't fret for people who don't want you in their lives...move on and enjoy your family and your life....make choices based on your own personal tastes and preferences and not based on the conscience of those who don't love you how they should.


  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    The Christmas tree is so phallic you must have one. What would Christmas be without the symbolic penis of Satan in the living room. Go for it.

  • PopeOfEruke


    and lets bow down and say a prayer to Jehovah for making Penis-shaped phallic trees! Good One Jehobah! Makes me laugh!!!! I always knew you had a sense of humour.....


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