Anyone still bothered by the demons?

by wednesday 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazy151drinker


    But lets say you met a "Demon" but you dont believe in Demons so you would just label it as something else. So you could say that Demons do not exist but LKJ@#!#DAA Do?? My point being that if something does exist but people dont believe it does, they will just name it something else so they can believe in it.

  • funkyderek
    You have NO PROOF that they DO NOT exist any more than I can PROVE that they DO exist.

    The same applies to ghosts, goblins, fairies, elves, unicorns, dragons and little green men. Can you see why "believing" and "not believing" are not equivalent in these cases?

    So it would be best if we showed respect for everyone's opinions and beliefs and help them from the place they're at.

    Perhaps it wouldn't. Perhaps it is best to show those who hold ridiculous unfounded beliefs that they are wrong, especially when their "beliefs" may be a symptom of mental illness or conditioning.

  • Crazy151drinker

    You mean Unicorns arnt real??? *tears*

  • freedom96

    I know for a fact that ghosts really exist, for I lived with one in my home. Do I think it was a demon, no. Do demons go around and harrass people, perhaps so, but I never encountered that, I hope that I never do.

  • DJ

    Wednesday......I'm gonna give this one last goes: grrrrrrrrrr! DJ

    Dawn: I just said the same thing to Valis that you just said to him. It was in chat. Then he left chat and posted that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfreekinbelievable disrespect. If science can't prove something then he trusts that it does not exist. That's fine,,,,,,, but to say that someone is engaged in fairy tales just proves that he lives in a bong filled world of blissful ignorance in relation to reality. and he's a teacher,!! People like that w/ their narrow minded opinions and heads stuck up their holes ought to learn when to be silent. Oh yea.....and Hyghlander that does ditto for you. I apologize to anyone whom this may offend but I am weary of newbies being treated with disrepect simply because someone cannot relate to their plight. dj

  • Valis

    Dawn, I wasn't berating anyone. I do find it deplorable when people add to a specific problem that spawns from a religious idea. Namely that demons exist and they are in some big war with dog, therefor only dog can fix/protect you. Telling someone who may be mentally ill to have conversations with dog for protection against demons is just BULLSHIT! That's like elders praying over a mentally ill person and expecting jehovah to somehow alleviate the very real problem. Almost all of my family on my mother's side are crazy as hell and why? Because they never sought mental health treatment until it was way far gone and little to be done except take lots of pills and hope for the best.. . In my personal experience, one dead cousin, one crazy aunt, one totally nuts cousin, and an almost dead uncle later has taught me much..mostly though VERY empirical evidence. Praying is not the answer to mental illness. Will never be, regardless of whether or not you believe in the almighty. As well, this is not limited to Christianity at all. Biblical demons pale in comparison to many of the other world religions and thier named conceptualization of various demons. Funny thing though, most point back to the person as the source of said demons which reveal themselves through our actions. It easy to believe in the Christian form of demonology cause its always someone else's fault shit happens inside your own head.

    Crazy...yes I am evil....eheheh I would ask you to go back and look at the origin of all belief in demons and ghosts. Where do those ideas come from? Certainly not from nature, but from our own need to have something else out there....furthermore, it amuses me that, just like those who think they are anointed, people who think they have been visited by demons are somehow special and warrant the attention of the "other worldly". A bit egoistic in some way. At least there are some schizos out there that recognize they have a problem and seek appropriate mental care.

    On the human codition and demonology

    This guy is a nutcase..

    History of Demonology


    District Overbeer of the "satanic sans the satan" class

  • funkyderek
    I know for a fact that ghosts really exist, for I lived with one in my home.

    How do you know it was a ghost, and not a demon, an alien or the Invisible Pink Unicorn?

  • Crazy151drinker

    I will have to read the info on the crazies! Well, the only problem is that I, yes ME, the great one himself, have seen spooky stuff, and Im far from mental.....a little crazy perhaps...but not mental. Now I dont have the slightest idea what they may be. Repetitions of the Past? Angry Spirits? Bad supply of Crack?? I just hope they not DEEEMONZ!! LOL

  • Valis
    but to say that someone is engaged in fairy tales just proves that he lives in a bong filled world of blissful ignorance in relation to reality.

    Ah if only it were a bong filled world. You obviously missed the sentence right before the fairy tale reference DJ. I made it a point to suggest a trip to a mental health specialist. How else does one fucking say that? How delusional are you to believe that demons exist and tell me I live in blissful ignorance? Give me a break! BTW, if you want to get ugly with me I'm more than willing to go that route, but I assure you that your own fairy tale will come crashing down long before mine. So one had one's head up one's ass because they don't think demons are real and they suggest very real reasons why this person is experiencing something they can't explain? More bullshit! Try again....


    District Overbeer of the "fairy tale killer" class

  • VeniceIT

    Well we sure got a wide variety of responses here!!!!

    Personaly I don't think 'Jehovah' and the deeemonz are on opposing teams, seems to me if any of them exisit he's their leader. Look at all the atrocities done in his name, and in the name oc chrisitanity over the past 2000 years, it's SICK truly sick, and to think I once prayed to him, omg, sick sick sick.

    I do belive there is a spirit world and some kind of creator. I don't think all spirits are bad, some are probably good, and helpful. Just as you said you can't be bothered by demons if you don't belive in them, I think the same holds true you can't be helped by good spirits if you don't believe in them either, weather they're your spirit guide or gaurdian angel or whatever you want to call it.

    I also think people should be free to belive what the want unless it's having to do with beilive in 'Jehovah' because that is right out!!!!


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