Anyone still bothered by the demons?

by wednesday 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • Introspection

    By the way, just wondering - is your name from the Adams Family?

  • TR

    Never experienced anything paranormal in nature. Guess Satan figured he already had me, so why waste demons on me.


  • wednesday

    My screename comes form the old nursery Rhyme"Wednesday's Child is full of woe".channnel 8 (abc) used to run an adopt a child program called "wednesday's child". Generally conveying an unwanted child.


  • ISP

    Nope........I wasn't bothered before or now. I think you create your own.


  • SYN

    My own personal tale is a strange one - while most of my friends appear to be fighting their way through THE DEEMINZZ!!!!!!! to work every morning, I've never seen or felt ANYTHING unusual. And, I live in what most definitely is a haunted house where everyone else in it has seen and heard stuff. As TR said, Satan must've figured I'm evil enough already, and that I'm not worth blowing a couple of THE DEEMINZZ!!!!!! on...*sigh*....nobody loves me, not even Satan *g*

    Oh, and I get sleep paralysis all the time...disturbingly often, in fact! It bugs me immensely...

  • wednesday


    Currenlty I'm inactive. i have only attended occ meeting since 97 and not been in service since 93 i think. You have a witty sense of humor that i enjoy. Actually, when i think of them talking to me

    about there intense hatred for jehovah, now i know how they feel-who says jehovah has the right to make all the rules and why can't they just do what they want. Now, in all the years as an active jw, that is what they told me satan says. he wants to rule and not let jehovah make the rules. So by following that patten we are in a sense children of satan. I must tell u-if that really was them talking to me-and i believe it was- it actuallly makes a case for the JW teachings.I had been DF several times and was very bitter. I actually thought Jehovah would guide the elders to see the truth. he didn't. I have been abusesd by just about everyone in my life, in every possible way. I am in therapy and have been for 14 yrs. I have days when i'm better and days when i wish it was over.

    I'm very confused abut JW stuff. It is all i know and i do still believe a lot of its teachings. Even when i was active i didn't believe all of it though. Especially when it came to prophecy, it just seemed that they would make stuff up if they wern't sure. I knew elders who sadi they didn't agree

    either-but were content to wait on jehovah. There are many bad jw out ther-just as there ar many

    bad baptists out there. The conduct of imperfect men does not bother me as much as their

    unloving attitude toward those who have made mistakes.It always seemed that if u were in the rijght

    crowd" u could screw up as much as u wanted and they'd taake u back. if thye did not alike u-one screw up-your out. I think that is the areq i hav a problem with them.

    Edited by - wednesday on 12 September 2002 3:44:16

  • plmkrzy

    Demons arent allowed in my house. Well not anymore.

    No Solicitors or Demons
    Since becoming inactive i have even consulted psychics-which is just generally a waste of time and money. I am not bothered contstanly-but these things still happen.
    I was going to suguest you just send them over to TRs. He was wanting some demons a while back. Don't know if he's still up to it.
  • Introspection

    Hi Wednesday,

    I can understand how it's the only way of thinking you know. I just posted a relatively brief explanation today of basically where I'm coming from, I'd like to invite you to read it here:

    Now based on that and what you wrote in your message, it sounds like both Jehovah and Satan are in denial about what is. See, another way of looking at the almighty and God's will is that there can be nothing else, God's will IS what is, by definition. Of course, this is a very different view of God too, but if you have any separation and even outright opposition then there can be no harmony, and also no absolutes - because when you have two it becomes relative, and God's supposed to be absolute. So you see, the concept you were taught as God cannot, by definition, be an almighty God just by virtue of the fact that there IS opposition. It doesn't matter "how it will turn out in the end", because if at any point in time something other than God's will occurred in any part of the universe that means he is not all-mighty doesn't it?

    For you, I'd say dropping belief is probably the important thing, and basically you could say it's a matter of surrender to God, it's just a different set of language describing the same thing. Of course, this doesn't mean you sit around on the couch all day and wait for food and drink to be brought to you, but it's a matter of acceptance. If you look carefully at this acceptance, you'll find that it's also where unconditional love is found. You don't say I'll love you if you're a certain way, or when you do this and that, you accept them as they are. Sometimes the object of your love (this of course is really not an accurate use of the word, as there is no separation) may not do nice things, but that doesn't mean you can't love them. This is of course why Jesus said love your enemies. You mentioned the unloving attitude bothers you, I guess what I'm telling you here is that you don't need to receive it from anyone else, (certainly not from people that's just in denial themselves) but it can work through you directly. The thing with that is before it would reach anybody else, the love has to reach you first.

    Look, if you could choose between having God and having books about him, which would you choose? Yet you can always have the first, because even all the religious people say God is accessible all around don't they? But that means dropping your beliefs about God, I only even use the word because I have to describe it in some way, but the less preconceived notions the better. When you get a clearer head you can read more, but at this point all those loaded words will proabably only confuse you. And of course, being around people who like to argue with reality and make up their own stories wouldn't help either. It's probably good to take a break from all that.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I still got some periodic problems with the boogie men. Had a pretty bad night last night actually, I get these maybe once every couple months. Im on medication at the moment, this may be responsible to a degree for last nights demon paranoia attack I had. I get the attacks a LOT less than I used to, but, wheras the frequency is reduced greatly, the intensity of the attacks is up . I know its all in my head, but unfortunately it seems to be the only thing from the dub experience that i still havent fully worked out and abandoned.

  • Vivamus

    They only bother me when I watch "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and "Angel", late in the night. They come right out of my T.V. and sit on my bed....

    But, demonzzz are scared by daylight, so I found the cure, just watch the T.V. in broad day light, and I am fine.

    Seriously though, JW made me terrified of demons, after I stopped believing in god, satan and the like, those panick-attacks don't bother me anymore. The mind is capable of telling us just about anything.

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