by minimus 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Europe


    Please explain how you have come to this conclusion about an entire group of people. But first, remember that a personal experience about how you were cheated by an elder in your hall will not cut it for a generalization for a group of 6 million. And also, please provide relevant other words, for them to be the "biggest bunch" these evil actions must be proven to be more consistent and evil than the average joe, otherwise they would be just as much liars, cheaters, fakers as the rest of us.

    Tell me Amac, why are J.W.'s allowed to generalize everybody that is not a dub as an apostate and part of Satan's world?????

    But as soon as people all have more or less the same experience with dubs, they are blamed for generalization????? Applying double standards as usual????

    Disengaged is right, most J.W.'s keep up the appearance of being honest (the WTS demands that) but when it comes to money.....they just act like the rest of the world!

  • Dismembered

    Excellent points Europe

  • amac

    Disengaged -

    we have no time to spend with all of them and come to any conclusions.

    My point exactly. Don't try to come to a conclusion based on your limited experiences. Realize that there is a little more to the world and to people than your narrow view.

    The ones I have spent time with broad brush the rest .(In my opinion) Sorry Amac you lose.

    No, I am sorry, but you lose. With an attitude like that you will never learn anything outside of what you "think" you should know. You have the same generalizing attitude as racists, bigots and all sort of unsavory characters. A racist says "I have spent time with 5 Mexicans and they are all lying thieves. So the ones I spent time with broad brush the rest (in my opinion.)" You would be a fool to hold on to thinking like this. Please reexamine your statement and see if that truly is the view you want to continue holding. If so, sorry Dis, you lose.

    Europe -

    why are J.W.'s allowed to generalize everybody that is not a dub as an apostate and part of Satan's world?????

    Who said they were allowed? I think they are just as stupid for doing so. And, in effect, you have confirmed my initial post about people on this thread acting the same way as some JWs. Like momma always says, just because they do it doesn't make it alright for you to do it.

    Applying double standards as usual????

    Please show me where I have exposed my double standards. When have I ever labelled a group (at least larger than 100 people) as being liars, cheats, hypocrites, etc, etc.

    Dismembered -

    Any relation to Disengaged?

  • ISP

    Nope......I have had too many bad experiences with brothers doing work for me. I also know worse examples of dishonesty.


  • AjaxMan

    . If you were ever a JW you have to acknowledge that honesty is talked about both in print and from the platform quite a bit, unless you were sleeping the whole time.

    Tell that to the active brothers and sisters. It's them that have been sleeping the whole time or the preaching just entered in one ear and went out the other on all of them.

    FYI: I dealt with JWs as I was personally involved with one as well as dealt with her family and friends. I am not a JW and don't care to be one as I am still Pissed Off with what they've done to me. Honesty??? They'll preach it to death, but they surely don't practice it.

    Now for honesty's sake, why don't they might as well tell us non-JWs straight that if we don't join, Jehovah will kill us at Armageddon rather than put on a bells and whistle sermon about a new life in Paradise.

    Also for honesty's sake, what is the need for Theocratic Warfare??? Isn't Theocratic Warfare the same as Lying??? If it is the same as Lying, then wouldn't that be DISHONESTY?

  • Disengaged


    I don't need to taste night dirt from every septic tank to know it's all bad. Are you a dub?

    If you were ever a JW you have to acknowledge that honesty is talked about both in print and from the platform quite a bit, unless you were sleeping the whole time.

    1.Sleeping yes, as the meetings sucked, and were excruciatingly boring. 2. talk is cheap.

    I'll reiterate Jdubs are crooks, in more ways than one.

    P.S. Amac Y/K, Amac Y/N is there a little similarity there? Uh Oh ! I think there is.......

    Edited by - Disengaged on 5 September 2002 17:23:2

    Edited by - Disengaged on 5 September 2002 17:24:58

    Edited by - Disengaged on 5 September 2002 18:19:33

  • Quotes

    Amac, you are correct, I am generalizing. Or more correctly, I am using examples. If this were a scientific journal, these would be called "case studies".

  • vandalism/destruction of opposing view (a.k.a. Apostate) books at public libraries
  • Just because you have never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It is a problem where I am from, and I have seen examples of this firsthand. Also, I suspect I am not alone in my experience. The fact that you have not noticed it doesn't nullify my (and others) example that it does happen

  • illegal entry into homes and apartment buildings clearly marked "No Tresspassing"
  • Oh please! We did this ALL THE TIME when I was in service! We ignored "No Tresspassing", "No Peddlars" and "No Solicitors" signs on a weekly basis! It was always justified, like "we are not peddlars" or "Criminals Tresspass, we are not criminals, we are delivering a message from God, so it doesn't apply to us."

    From a young age I was trained on how to sneak into "secure" buildings, and how to avoid detection while in the building so as to remain there as long as possible. Again, your claim that you have not seen this does not change the fact that I, and many many others, have seen endless exampls of this.

  • failure to report suspected and alleged child molestation, contrary to mandatory reporting laws
  • There have been numerous recent examples of elder's not reporting, in clear violation of report laws (and without having any valid loopholes). A civil case is going to trial in Toronto that states this exact claim, and it is only one recent and local example.

  • failure to pay taxes ordered by the French government. They simply moved out of the contry to avoid payment. So much for "paying Caesar's things to Caesar".
  • Actually, JWs, along with several other groups, were labelled "cult" but only after years research into the problem by the government. Since they (and the other cults with them) were deem destructive cults and no truly a religion, their tax status changed and they owed back taxes. You said "I see no illegal actions there". You are correct up to the point that the legal case was completed and the case was decided in the favour of the government. At that point, they were legally required to pay (whether they liked it or not). And that is when they picked up and left. Deliberate refusal to pay tax that you have been assessed, and for which you have lost your appeals, is illegal.

  • abducting children to prevent court ordered, life saving, blood transfusions
  • You haven't heard of it, so I can assume you were asleep at all those assemblies where we were rallied with stories about midnight abductions.

  • abducting children to prevent court ordered custody of a "non-believing" parent
  • "Done by an extreme minority of JWs" Even if I grant you this point, it doesn't change that fact that some JWs do this, just like some (but not all) wordly people do this -- and you are supposed to be so much better than worldly people!

  • bribing Mexican government officals to receive a "cartilla" which indicates that mandatory military service has already been served
  • You "only know hearsay about this". OK, contact the Bethel and see what they have to say. Better yet, contact a KH in Mexico and learn the facts yourself!

  • telling lies while under oath, claiming it is not a lie but rather "spiritual warfare"
  • There is a document used by JW elder's/Lawyers when preparing for Child Custody cases, which although not telling them to lie (in so many words) instructs them to say and emphasize things which they would normally never say. Also, consult the Watchtower definition of LIE which is tailor made for guilt-free non-truths:

    Edited by - Quotes on 5 September 2002 18:0:53

  • Quotes

    The point is: SOME (not all) JWs participate in these types of illegal behaviour. This denies their claim to be a "clean organization" and deines the claim that they are more honest than others. Rather, they appear to have the same level of honesty as anyone else in any other religion.

    The fact that some (most?) of the illegal/dishonest activity I've mentinioned can be justified by JWs is the really troubling aspect in all this.

  • amac

    Disengaged -

    I don't need to taste night dirt from every septic tank to know it's all bad. Are you a dub?

    I was raised a JW and am now Agnostic. You, on the other hand, sound more like a JW using general, one size fits all, illustrations to defend your undefendable position. Did you also know that it only takes one drop of poison to contaminate an entire glass of pure water??? Geez...

    Quotes -

    Since this thread is entitled "ARE JW'S MORE HONEST THAN OTHERS?" I should have prefaced my posts with my opinion. Are they more honest than other collectives that stress the importance of honesty, such as other religous groups? No. Are they more honest than the rest of the world's entire population? Probably, because as a collective, they are taught to be honest, whereas in the entire population there are plenty of people with less scruples than you and I. You can find them in prison cells and running large corporations like Enron & WorldCom.

    My main point in posting on this thread was to refute the claims of those who have posted to the other extreme, saying that not only are JWs not more honest, but as a group they are liars, cheaters, hypocrites, etc.

    Your comments were obvious generalizations and posted under a thread like this seemed to insinuate that these were common actions among JWs. You yourself admit that these are generalizations (or case studies.)

    You closed with:

    Rather, they appear to have the same level of honesty as anyone else in any other religion.
    This I agree with. I disagree with statements that claim otherwise.
  • Disengaged


    I was raised a JW and am now Agnostic. You, on the other hand, sound more like a JW using general, one size fits all, illustrations to defend your undefendable position. Did you also know that it only takes one drop of poison to contaminate an entire glass of pure water??? Geez...

    Yes I heard that worn out illustration many many times at the boring assemblies.

    Are you sure you are an "agnostic"? You sound more like a dub. I say that because of your immediate, shallow minded personal attacks when ever it is that someone may have struck a nerve. Although, that would never happpen to you. Right?

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