Why is Hope a good quality?

by Bleep 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JT

    Bleep says:

    "Funny how people love to judge me about using the internet. Not all people here are ExJWs. I am only talking to the people who do not think there is a God and people who love God. Only trying to encourage Bible reading is that so bad?"

    Actually you have made a very serious mistake, you have attempted to side step the issue, I was not judging you using the net, in fact the WT is the one that judges you , for they have given you direct instructions about sites such as this, they have set the terms and you have decided to disregard them

    I merely pointed that fact out, and asked the question of you : How do you reconcile being obedient to Jah visible organization while at the same time thumping your nose up to thier very clear instuctions?

    You state:

    "I am only talking to the people who do not think there is a God and people who love God."

    could you please show me the post IN THE PAST where you indicated thatyou are:

    "ONLY talking to the people who do not think there is a God and people who love God."

    - perhaps you are not aware of how the net works, when you put a post on a public forum you are in effect talking to anyone who reads your post-

    beside for to claim that you don't know that there are DFed DA and those classified as Apostates by your organization posting here and you posting back to them ----

    is like telling your elders that you bought Playboy mags for the well researched articles

    I understand the position i have put in for you are actually faced with just 2 choices

    1. admit that you are going against what your organization says about being on the net with Apostates

    2. or that your organization is wrong for telling you and millions of adult jw that you all are being disobedient by being here

    you see my friend the wt gives folks like you little room to work

    as a former elder i know exactly what the wt teaches on this issue of being on the net in "apostate" forums, my only question and it remains is-- HOW DO YOU RECONCILE BEING here in view of what your organization teaches on the matter

    I look forward to your response.

    finally you asked: "

    Only trying to encourage Bible reading is that so bad?"

    no it is not --if that is what you want to do, ----but that has nothing to do with the issue i asked you to address

  • Bleep

    The ones that never got to live along life on earth and able to go to heaven is not right. They were never tested by Satan. Everyone will be tested when the Serpent is free from the abyse. It is in Revelation im sure of it.

    If Jehovah can keep track of the many hairs on my head I am sure he can keep track of the dead. Dont forget he did that same thing before Jesus was Sacrificed on a torture stake.

    We are all babies since we only live to be 70 or 80. Jehovah gives us a whole day (1000years) to do what is right. And we get to be perfect for that trial. What a blessed thing Jehovah threw Jesus Christ did for us all!

  • Bleep

    The elders can only encourage people not going to the internet. It is up to the individual. Have a nice day.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Torture Stake?

    Im sorry Bleep but Satan hasnt gone to the Abyss yet. I see no locusts. I see no 1000 years of peace. No trumpets. No signs. Your a little early! But then again you were a little early in 1975 too~ :)

  • Bleep

    Do you even know what the locusts are? They are Gods people declairing the good news. The Bible has many things in Revelation that will come to be. keep reading.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    The ones that never got to live a long life on earth and able to go to heaven is not right.

    So now you're telling God what's right and what's not?

    If Jehovah can keep track of the many hairs on my head I am sure he can keep track of the dead.

    And if God knows us so well, he can make a just judgement on us whether we're her for a day or 10,000 days. We all have souls/spirits that return to God upon the death of our mortal bodies (again see Eccl 12:7) ... to think less is to deminish God's creative power. Sleep in the bible is but a metaphor...the bible is FULL of them.

    Bleep..you really need to get out of that New World Translation and into one that is more accurate. Experts say the NWT is one of the worse translations there is.

    Edited by - Double Edge on 17 July 2002 20:23:18

  • jgnat

    Crazy 151, love your answer. Got your eyes wide open, do you?

    Bleep, Witnesses are Locusts, are they? Well, they do swarm on occasion, but they are better dressed....

    Bleep, still waiting for an answer. You are side stepping....

    • So I am dying to know. According to WTS Accurate Knowlege, is Susanna Wesley a true Christian or false?
    • What exactly sets member of the WTS so superior to all other Christians? The only boast you have so far is Uniformity.

    More about hope,

    Bleep says: Hope is what imperfect humans have to have to stay in the book of everlasting life. One must fight the hard fight to stay in that book.

    Are you afraid of giving up your hope - otherwise you die? Hope is for good things, not for fear of what might happen if you dont have it. You have given many definitions of hope, but very little of what you are hoping for yourself, other than life. Nothing else?

    Bleep responded to JT,

    Funny how people love to judge me about using the internet. Not all people here are ExJWs.

    I see nothing sinful for it. But if there is just ONE Apostate here, are you not disobeying the Faithful and Discreet Slave, who dispenses Truth in Season, the true meat of the word, untainted, the Accurate Knowledge? Are you not in disharmony with your united brothers?

  • jgnat

    To Gravedancer

    Gee, I love how you make me think, focus my thoughts.

    Is hope for a future event, rather than against reality? For none of us can see the future, except for the amazing few who have managed to correctly interpret the prophecies of the end times. Of course, none of these prophets can be put to the test until something actually happens...

    Hope kept me going as a parent, because I hoped for a good future for my children. That hope kept me moving forward, trying to be the best parent I could. If I had seen how the future was really going to turn out, I might not have tried so hard. On the other hand, I am not sorry I invested those 20 years. Still worth it.

  • Bleep

    Ex JWs love to shift blame on people. I am not here to judge anyone.
    Remindes me of the time the apostles were wondering who the greatest one was. The truth lies in a good Bible study but in most cases they want to keep going back to the vomit.

  • Bleep

    This topic of hope started out good but it got side tracked by not me but the ones that have no hope.

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