Does Watchtower Society monitor this board?

by Quotes 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pathofthorns

    Hey Quotes...

    I have to hand it to you for calling the issue as you saw it based on the facts presented. I doubt few here would have questioned the "proof" offered by those in this thread. Thanks for pointing out the "logical fallacies" and I think it was a good reminder.

    For the time being, until something verifiable comes forward, I agree with your conclusion - "possible JWD myth -- not yet substantiated with proof".


  • LDH


    What would *you* accept as proof? Perhaps we should start there, and someone may be able to provide that without endangering ones at headquarters who are sympathetic to our cause.


  • IslandWoman


    It seems possible that if they are monitoring, sooner or later one of those monitors will be exposed to too much and lose their faith and join us here at JWD as a full-fledged XJW,

    I think you are giving this place too much credit. Many who lurk here do not "convert"! I would not have become an xJW at all had I come first to this DB as it is today (and as it has been in the last year) before reading COC.


  • deddaisy

    Question: "Does Watchtower Society monitor this board?"

    David Semonian, spokesman for the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses,admitted the group sometimes looks at the website "when necessary." He also said it attempts to "readjust(the) thinking " of those who post material critical of the religion on the web."

    1) a spokesperson for JW's admits the group looks at the website. note: he does not say that they have a third party look, he states that "the group sometimes looks at the website.."

    2) "when necessary" does this mean every day? no, it means "when necessary," which leads anyone (well anyone with a brain) to believe that this is most likely when scandals are possible......

    3)"He also said it attempts to "readjust the thinking" of those who post material critical of the religion on the web." How in the world is the WTS going to "readjust the thinking" of those that post on the web , unless, the WTS monitors the fricking thing!!!!!!

    Answer: In light of the material presented, I would have to agree with you Quotes, and Path, the WTS does not monitor websites, they only admit to it...........

    Edited by - deddaisy on 12 June 2002 19:23:36

  • deddaisy

    here's the person that can answer your question.......

    AngryXJW claims to know some "boyz in legal......."

  • NewWay

    I've been reading through this thread with great interest. As I'm new here, please forgive me if I reference anything that was said some time ago. Anyway, here are my observations.

    deddaisy said

    : Semonian then goes on to say that "they wouldn't disfellowship, they want to keep their members," or something to that effect......since when are "posters" on an apostate website members that the WTS is concerned with keeping?

    An interesting point. However, I did have the thought that if any of the posters were well-known or in a position whereby they could influence members of a particular congregation, then to 'patch things up' would be a good course in order to keep the poster quiet. As I am sensitive to the feelings of other Witnesses, I would not seek them out in order to speak my mind about the society - we must appreciate that we could end up causing them emotional distress and at a time when they are not able to cope with what we have to say (Jesus' words to his disciples comes to mind: 'I have many things to say to you, but at present you are unable to bear them'). Would we really want to be 'people of this kind (who) upset whole families' (Titus 1:11) by stirring up feelings of discontent directly within congregations?

    However, on discussion boards such as this it is a different matter. A Witness would have to make a conscious decision to expose him/herself to alternative views and information. 'Fairs, fair'. Based on their understanding of 'shepherding', and since they have made the rules, they may well argue that they have every right to monitor the spiritual activity of those who choose to keep association with their congregations - and yet compare Paul's words of humility (despite his 'status') at 2 Corinthians 1:24. However, monitoring outside of their spiritual jurisdiction order to force dissenters back into the fold (which some feel is what 'readjusting' in real terms actually amounts to) is out of harmony with God's will that everyone make a free, uncoerced choice as to what they will do with their lives - . The organisation has often pointed the finger at Catholicism for using the fear of hell-fire in order to keep the flock in line, yet seems to have a different take on its own use of Armageddon/eternal-death/God's-disapproval as a means to 'persuade' JWs into unquestioning submission.

    Whether the society monitors this site or not should not prevent anyone from speaking what they truly believe and what they feel duty-bound to share with others. Of course it would be wise to be 'as cautious as serpents' and to stay 'as innocent as doves'.

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