Does Watchtower Society monitor this board?

by Quotes 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JT

    The question raised in this thread is a good one and the desire to have "Proof" is not asking too much. Unfortunately the type of proof that this poster is asking will probably not be able to be supplied , but I would share this .

    I too have heard from Current bethelites that the net is monitored how often , how much etc, I don't know. Now I would not put MY HOUSE UP JUST TO PROVE THIS, but when one considers the long history of the wt I don't really see why it is so hard to conceive,

    For those of us who have been around for a few years many of us know personally or have been apart of SURVEILLANCE teams, stake out teams, etc

    If you ck the cd rom under the word SURVEILLANCE you will find the use in ref to those who have taken blood but ask for forgiveness and are allowed to remain in the congo this was somewhere around the 40' and 50's, even though the cdrom only goes back to the 50's

    It is interesting to note that during a time of High nationalism and spying by the nations the wt would use the word SURVEILLANCE for instructions to the elders to keep and eye on such one in the hall.

    When you consider that phone calls are recorded and monitored many times at bethel unbeknown to the bethelites. When CO and DO and Elders have sat outside of single sisters home just waiting for that "Damn" light to go off with that man in her house- smile

    The very thought that WT WOULD NOT MONITOR SUCH SITES is almost laughable.

    But then again that is just me perhaps-

    While I have no problem with the person asking for solid proof, most of us know that wt operates with both written and unwritten rules-

    Case in point the wt has never Officially told elders not to tell folks not to go to the police, but the message is very clear to anyone sitting in that back room.

    As my old DO JC Howard use to say,: "The society can't always say stuff, but what way is the SOCIETY LEANING" SMILE

  • Xander
    "The society can't always say stuff, but what way is the SOCIETY LEANING" SMILE

    Can't help but wonder if I met the guy. Not good with names, so, dunno, but I have most definately been told that by a CO at least. From the platform. Don't remember the part, but it was one with a lot of things that couldn't be said. He'd read a bit from a letter, read a scripture or two. Then, the disclaimer 'The society can't TELL you to do such-and-such. But that's the way the society is LEANING' {smile} 'If God's chosen representatives are LEANING' {smile} 'in this way, what should we be doing?'.

    A local bro picked up the mannerism and used it to death in parts regarding blood and the like.

  • deddaisy

    hi dutchie,

    "She worked for the Society and was privy to lots of inside information and through this information she began to see the truth about the "truth."

    sounds like Franz, you believe that barbara anderson is the only one that was privy to inside information? the large percent keep their mouths shut because they quiver in their boots at the thought of the big "D." Like living a lie is a better option.....

    of course, this too is only my opinion on who does the monitoring, and you may be right. We do know that it is monitored, and like people here have commented, it really doesn't matter, except of course to those involved in legal battles with the WTS, and those with damaging information.

    I still believe that they "post," and that an outsider does not have enough background to divert issues and attempt to "readjust (the) thinking" of those familiar with the religion......(lurkers included)

    and look at Franz, that fiasco didn't curb them from putting JWs in positions with access to confidential information.........they don't care, if their little "yes men" get too independent, they just df them and label them apostates. Who would listen to apostates?

    do you know if the "legal dept." is comprised of JWs?

    Edited by - deddaisy on 10 June 2002 21:36:18


    Hey Quotes,My post seemed to piss you off.Good!..(LOL..Like I said In my last post,your pushing for dates names and places.Your also trying to look innocent about it.Your not doing a very good job.Anybody who knows anything won`t tell you..hopefully.This a need to know deal,and you don`t need to know....OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 10 June 2002 21:26:15

  • Dutchie

    Hi deddaisy, well some of their attorneys are witnesses and then again, some of them are not.

  • deddaisy

    hey dutchie, in that case, maybe we're both right.....

    but I just can't see an "outside" firm taking the time to have someone "trained" to monitor ex-JW forums.......I mean if "legal" has any JWs whatsoever, why wouldn't they just get information from them? Certainly as WTS's "legal dept.," they would be bound to confidentiality anyway......

  • Dutchie

    Yeah, you're probably right. Who knows why they do anything. They are paranoid and suspicious of everybody and everything.

  • joannadandy

    I agree, they probably do watch...but it's most likely not nearly as formal as people would believe.

    As for this whole "I know names and dates and places-but I'll never tell"(best if read in a Britney Murphy voice from Don't Say a Word)...

    I dunno I hate things like that. I realize that some of you may have really good reasons for not giving any of that out, and I realize that it's not really what was requested. Substantial proof was all that was requested not a list. I am inclined to want that too. As of now there is a lot more speculation and hearsay than fact, tho I did appreciate those quotes.

    Again like I said I understand people not wanting to give out specifics, but maybe you shouldn't even say 'I know something that you don't'-of course people are going to want more info and even want to beat it out of the person who said it.

    In the end does it really matter?

    If you want your annonymity it's easy enough to not give out personal information.

  • Quotes

    When all is said and done, here is what we have: Nothing more than suggestion and innuendo. Although I started this thread with sincere intentions of getting to the bottom of this claim, it has changed into an interesting study in logical fallacies. Frankly, it is rather sad to see this from a group of otherwise "enlightened" people who are so quick to catch the Witchtower Babble & Trick Society when they use logical fallacies.

    Some have claimed to have proof, but they can't say. That doesn't count as proof! Maybe this person/persons are wrong, maybe what they consider "proof" is just 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th party hearsay. But we'll never know, since they aren't putting their "proof" out where others can analyse it. If it can't be analyzed, if it is not verifiable and/or falsibiable, it's not proof.

    A few have asked "Of course they monitor, why wouldn't they?" which is a classic example of "Begging The Question"

    BEGGING THE QUESTION. An argument in which the conclusion is implied or already assumed in the premises. Also said to be a circular argument. Example: Of course the Bible is the word of God. Why? Because God says so in the Bible.

    We've also seen the suggestion: "They keep close tabs on their members, so why wouldn't they keep close tabs on the web?" which I think is an example of the logical fallacy called FALSE ANALOGY:

    ARGUMENT FROM ANALOGY or FALSE ANALOGY. An unsound form of inductive argument in which an argument is based completely or relies heavily on analogy to prove its point. Example: This must be a great car, for, like the finest watches in the world, it was made in Switzerland.

    Thanks to OUTLAW, we also have AD HOMINEM attacks against me personally, apparently just for asking the question:

    Ad hominem or ATTACKING THE PERSON. Attacking the arguer rather than his/her argument. Saying something negative about someone is not automatically ad hominem. If a person (politician for example) is the issue, then it is not a fallacy. Example: John's objections to capital punishment carry no weight since he is a convicted felon.

    BTW to OUTLAW, you still haven't responded to any of the points I made in reply to your post. Never once did I "

    push for dates names and places" those are your words and your interpretation. I'm not sure what you mean by my "trying to look innocent about it" -- if you question my intentions, fine that's your opinion. But to reduce yourself to ad hominem attacks really isn't necessary. To give you an example of your own medicine, I could pull the ad hominem trick on you: "How did you get to be Jedi member, with over 1900 posts in 8 months? Was it by the lame, kindergaten level, hit-and-run, 3 line posts like you have included here? Why don't you go back to Public School or playing with your Lego Blocks... The adults have important things to discuss, and it wouldn't interest you. Go back to hiding behind your locked email account like the coward that your are." I could do something like that, but I won't. I prefer to talk about this using logic and reason.

    We also have a tendancy towards APPEAL TO IGNORANCE:

    Ad ignorantium or APPEAL TO IGNORANCE. Arguing on the basis of what is known and can be proven. If you can't prove that something is true then it must be false (and vice versa). Example: You can't prove there isn't a Loch Ness Monster, so there must be one.

    In other words, since noone can proove that they don't monitor, therefore they do monitor.

    The over-riding feeling is "proof" via COMMON BELIEF

    COMMON BELIEF. This fallacy is committed when we assert a statement to be true on the evidence that many other people allegedly believe it. Being widely believed is not proof or evidence of the truth. Example: Of course Nixon was guilty in Watergate. Everybody knows that.

    Or, in other words, of course they monitor us... everybody knows that! Haven't you been listening?

    Although I have already addressed it, once again: several people have posted Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc statements:

    Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc. A form of a hasty generalization in which it is inferred that because one event followed another it is necessarily caused by that event. Example: Mary joined our class and the next week we all did poorly on the quiz. It must be her fault.

    In other words: a topic was discussed here, and the Watchtower quickly changed their policy on this topic shortly thereafter. I know most people won't understand why that isn't proof, but it isn't. It may be consistent with WTBTS monitoring JWD, but it does not proove that WTBTS monitors JWD.

    I could go on, but I won't. It seems possible that if they are monitoring, sooner or later one of those monitors will be exposed to too much and lose their faith and join us here at JWD as a full-fledged XJW, and they can regail us with verifiable details of how they monitored, how often they monitored, who did the monitoring, what sites they monitored, what they did with the information they obtained from monitoring, etc.

    I look forward to that day!

    Until then, I will file this under "possible JWD myth -- not yet substantiated with proof".

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Quotes, you need to lighten up. Lay off the caffeine, uncork a bottle of wine and relax. I mean, what does it matter and who really gives a rat's posterior whether they do or not?

    I haven't bothered enough about this question to obtain concrete confirmation; but I will say that I know these buggers as well as anybody, and it would shock me if they don't, mainly because of their paranoia, but also if for no other reason than to devise articles to counter any notions currently in circulation.

    That's the view from Room 215; have a good evening.

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