Thank you for the support

by Erica 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    sKally makes a good point.

    BTW, that was VERY gutsy of you to appear in Public on "Dateline"
    exposing the Watchtower Corruption,
    but if you say you're going to take them to court,
    then yes, take it ALL THE WAY.

    THAT way, all that is said exposing the Evil Watchtower in Court,
    gets put on the Public Record, and anyone can get a trial transcript
    and post it all over the Internet and there's not a Damn Thing
    the WTKult can do about it.

    Buuuut, if you allow them, to show you some of "the green"
    and try to 'buy your silence' like so many others in the past,
    then they are that much more 'off the hook'.

    There was a couple of jWs named Boggess here in North Carolina
    back in the early 1990s, where Sister Boggess was called into
    a Judicial Committee meeting with three BULLY Elders,
    and they PHYSICALLY accosted her, so much so, that she passed out,
    and the Elder Monsters freaked out and called '911' and the
    Rescue Squad came and revived her and took her to hospital,
    and she and her Husband SWORE they were going to SUE the Hell Out
    of the Watchtower, and they had a lawyer ready to go,
    and a case that was 'a lock'...
    but the WT Suits
    showed Brother and Sister Boggess a check with X number of figures,
    so much so (and this was money from "Contributions for the Kingdom Work")
    that the Boggesses 'took the money and ran'...
    and the settlement agreement was that they could NOT disclose
    anything or the terms of the agreement., Be Strong!

    Those Theokratik Kult Bastards will TRY to buy your silence.

    LOve, Tallyman

  • Erica

    The whole point is the not the money, it's the policy that must change to protect the little ones, and to expose what has been done to so many of us. I will NOT accept a gag order for that would defeat my purpose. To your question sf, yes it is going " full speed ahead ", but courts take forever as I found out during my first and last trial so I'm assuming it will be a while.

  • sf

    "To your question sf, yes it is going " full speed ahead ", but courts take forever as I found out during my first and last trial so I'm assuming it will be a while."


    Oh yes, I know about the courts and this 'system of things' very well indeed. Time is on your side babe.

    " The whole point is the not the money, it's the policy that must change to protect the little ones, and to expose what has been done to so many of us. I will NOT accept a gag order for that would defeat my purpose. "

    As long as that stays as the number one priority, the wt kids have a fighting chance.



    Too many 'lambs'!

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