AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!

by raymond frantz 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Violia

    I still believe everyone who is not violating the law has a right to assemble peacefully, including jws. If I had been in that KH I would have been very frightened but know what, I would have gone home and googled it. No real jws would ever take literature from an apostate ( at least not where he can be seen) but he can look it up on the net. I am not sure how to reach jws to let them know what is happening within their own org( b/c some would care) but invading the kh is not the way I'd go. Maybe printing out booklets for all the churches in the town and going and talking to local pastors, and others who works with children. Go door to door warning neighbors of the deceptive practices of jws, but invade the KH, not for me.

  • Vidiot


    Just when I start to think (individuals who identify) with the AAWA (regardless of what the AAWA themselves say) are starting to do things right, they pull this shit again.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Read above vidiot

  • _Morpheus

    To echo bu2b, While i would have been first in line as a believer to bounce these clowns, just on principle, someone with a simple sign promoting jwfacts would have gotten my notice, at least a little. I would definatly have looked at it when i got a moment alone....

  • BU2B

    Its not AAWAA! Anyone can print off their leaflets and distribute them without being sanctioned by the group!

  • Simon

    While i would have been first in line as a believer to bounce these clowns, just on principle, someone with a simple sign promoting jwfacts would have gotten my notice, at least a little. I would definatly have looked at it when i got a moment alone....

    I agree. Or make it a parody of what they do - knock on their door and say "we're calling on people in your neighbourhood to promote a new website, jwfacts, that provides protection against cults operating in this area". Make it funny, non threatening and potentially viral.

    Its not AAWAA! Anyone can print off their leaflets and distribute them without being sanctioned by the group!

    I think the problem many of us have is that whenever their members do something wrong or stupid they use this "it wasn't official AAWA" excuse which has made some of us cynical.

    Just like protecting volunteer or victim information, it's important to have clear published policies for the group. Most activist groups have them to make it clear what is and isn't acceptable so that people can't do things in their name and then point to them as the instigators or inspiration for it.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    When AAWA board members and volunteers are blogging against "aggressive activism" it is quite clear this is not "AAWA activists" in the posted video. Sure anyone can download AAWA flyers and do whatever they want with them. But the blokes in the video are not AAWA volunteers nor are the flyers they are passing out AAWA flyers.

    Now if you want to make this totally unrelated video an AAWA issue and an occasion to bring up well covered disdain for AAWA, well that's your prerogative.

  • 144001

    I see this as counterproductive and comparable to the "crazy apostates" who used to picket Dodger Stadium during the district tortureventions. The WT easily casts the "crazy" and "demonic" labels on these fools, and for some of the "sheep" (aka "pigeons"), it strengthens their commitment to the organization.

  • dozy

    I understand the frustration but I just don't think this kind of action works. It certainly would have put me off when I attended.

    Maybe standing in the lane giving out leaflets might have worked ( after all , that is what JWs do ) but bursting into the KH bumping into some elderly JWs while filming it doesn't really achieve anything.

    You can be sure it was referenced several times during the meeting about "attacks from apostates" etc.

    When I was about the age of the young boy featured in the video , I remember we had some born again types who attended the Sunday meeting & after a few minutes of the public talk started to shout noisely about "you don't believe in Jesus" and walked around the KH trying to give out their tracts etc. It was quite intimidating & a sister with young kids burst into tears. I just remember a couple of the elders pleading with them to be quiet or just leave. There was a horrible stand off for a couple of minutes or so. Frankly this sort of thing is just counter productive.

  • DJS

    I have had several churches ask me for assistance in developing security/response plans for such things as active shooters. I work with experts in this area, protecting or destroying pretty much anything actually. Imagine what these dumbasses could have walked in to had it been a US church with an active shooter/assault plan and armed deacons. And yes, they exist. This was dumbassedness at its peak. It doesn't matter what an imaginary jesus did 2000 years ago, nor does it matter if what they did was legal. It was disrespectful to the KH, it hurts the anti-JW movement, and it could have caused bodily harm to the dumbasses or the KH members.

    But this is the world wide web, where any dumbass idea gets, at least on the surface, equal footing with rational intelligent responses. Before this post I knew nothing of the AAJAW or whatever it is called. I may be glad.

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