Evolution and spirits

by Chris Tann 149 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Simon

    sowhatnow: many early memories are false. There was a great TV show about this once in the UK where they explained it and showed that other events didn't match up with the stories which had merged things from different memories.

    e.g. the house they pictured themselves in was one they moved to later in their childhood based on records

    The simplest test for possibly real vs imagined memory is whether you saw yourself floating downstairs or whatever. We tend not to have memories of seeing ourselves doing things simply because you never see yourself doing things!

    Kids have vivid imaginations. I remember seeing all sorts of stuff but it was ususally after watching a scary episode of Dr Who (couch cushion level 3+).

  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann


    Heres the whole story coded logic. BTW I was not saying evolution is false because spirits exists. I was merely asking those who believe in evolution what they think about reports of supernatural events and if they believe it.

  • cofty

    I read the article and watched the video.

    I could not be less impressed. A mixture of attention-seeking, delusion and superstition.

    Not a single shred of convincing evidence.

    Clinical psychologist Stacy Wright... believed the 8-year-old did not suffer from a true psychotic disorder.

    "This appears to be an unfortunate and sad case of a child who has been induced into a delusional system perpetuated by his mother and potentially reinforced" by other relatives, she wrote in her psychological evaluation.

    Clinical psychologist Joel Schwartz, who evaluated Ammons' daughter and older son, came to a similar conclusion.

    "There also appears to be a need to assess the extent to which (Ammons' daughter) may have been unduly influenced by her mother's concerns that the family was exposed to paranormal experiences," Schwartz wrote.

  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann

    Wow, your fast cofty. Good points. What about the physical supernatural feats?

  • cofty

    What about the physical supernatural feats?

    There weren't any.

    The kid was holding granny's hand and did a back-flip - at best.

    It got grossly exaggerated in the retelling.

    Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. Have you seen this video before?


  • snare&racket

    here is how I made a desicion on spirits and a few other things....

    What have I seen myself?..........oh yeah nothing!

    There are miracles and witnesses of them taking place all over the earth now, as always. You probably live a bus ride away from a UFO and alien witness. There is a court in Saudi that just allowed a man to divorce his wife as she was possessed by a genie but didn't warn him....

    Believe half of what you see and NOTHING of what you hear.

  • Theredeemer

    I remember a video that went viral of a bunch of people in Alabama who swore they saw a leprechaun in a tree. A LEPRECHAUN IN A TREE!

  • Theredeemer

    My point: people.....people are stupid

  • Terry

    I personally don't understand the belief in invisible personages whether spirits or ghosts or what not.

    I especially don't think the REAL ME is a ghost trapped in meat. But--belief or disbelief is not evidence.

    Just because we don't want to die doesn't mean we get to escape by detaching and floating away.

    Life seems to me to be a great many simultaneous processes. If you pull a few wires--kaput!

    The biological juices and meat are animated by electrical impulses which are chemistry in action the same way

    analagous to a new car with the computer monitoring the engine. If you disconnect the battery--you're done.

  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann

    And the levitating across floor. And come on! Do you really think this kid is gonna walk up a wall ,on a ceiling and land on his feet while holding his grandma's hand all by himself? Im sorry ,but I just can't dismiss the many accounts that I have read about from seemingly reliable sources ,as happenings, like this ,as all psychological. I wont untill it is proven completley false.

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