Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7

by Perry 114 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • myelaine

    dear designs...

    lev 5:11 is in the case of EXTREME poverty (no where is it stated that it is meant to be a permanent replacement for blood sacrifice) the fact remains...NO prescribed offerings have been made on the altar of God's holy temple since around 70AD.

    love michelle

  • designs

    I love it, Protestants telling Jews what their religion is all about......

  • myelaine

    Moses telling the jewish people what God wants.

    leviticus 18:1-5

  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann

    If you go to shoreshdavid.org you will find quotes from ancient rabbis saying the Messiah must die, he would be called Gods' son, they believed Isaish 53 is speaking of the Messiah, Jerimiah 31 means God would set up a new covenant through the Messiah, and Daniel 9 predicts when Messiah would arrive.

    Also you can verify here and other sites that Jews and non jews reported miraculous events around the temple whithin the fourty years of its destruction in 70c.e., that signifies Gods rejection of the temple and its services,after Jesus' death.

    Someting significant happened back then regarding this man Jesus. After all I dont know too many historical men who have created so much contraversy and influence about 2000 years after their death. Mabey we should keep our minds open regarding being critical or supportive of Jesus as The Creators Messiah ,until 100% proof shows up either way.

  • designs

    Michelle- prayers and offerings of smoke from plants and meals from plants were fine.

    Chris- The broader discussion of whether a messiah would die has to do with some Rabbis looking at four individuals fulfilling the Mashiach's roles. But dying like Paul says for the sins the world inherited through Adam is well 'Pauline'.

    Rome destroyed Jerusalem because the people of the land revolted against tyranny but got crushed by the super power of the day. Sort of like the Nazi destroying Poland.

    But go ahead guys and gals bash the "Christ killers" as Paul said. Real nice.

  • myelaine

    we're not doing that at all designs, but nice try with your ad hominem.

  • designs

    When you sided with your Messiah who condemned millions of Jews to their death, o say, as both of you did, the Jews deserved to lose their covenant with God and the destruction of Jerusalem was their fault makes you an ethical accomplice to all the mayhem wrought by Christians against Jews over the past 2000 years.

    What is called the Deicide, those passages in the NT that call the Jews the 'Christ killers' resulted in the murder of millions of Jews.

    Stay the hell away from my children.

  • Apognophos

    Don't be ridiculous, designs. Nobody is advocating a pogrom. I have no dog in this fight, but you're going too far by insulting people who are speaking with a level head about abstract beliefs and not promoting violence. I thought you were doing well in the debate until you lost your cool and let your religiophobia show. Take a break from the computer and get some fresh air.

  • kaik

    No miraclous events happened in 70AD. Judea was an integral part of Roman empire and was as rebellious province punished the same way at the same time sas happened in Britain under Boedica, Illyria, or Batavia. Which G-d these provinces pissed off? Judaism does not teach salvation though someone else, there is no redemption for sin by someone else sacrifices. This does not make whatsoever any sense. Everyone is responsible for his or her own sin, nothing more or less. There is no redeemer, nor bridge [Jesus] over bottomless gap of sin between you and G-d. Redemtion and Jesus death is invalid in the eye of Judaism. Judaism does not teach original sin, adamic sin, or defect that is transmitted from generation to generation as a sin. Life is created perfect and sinless. Sin happens by people's innability to uphold Torah. Hebrews 9:18-23 and everything what is written in NT has no whatsoever any meaning to Jews. It is not part of theri sacred books; therefore, invalid and worthless. There is no need for mediator between you and G-d. OT does not deal with such nonsense. Besides Paul violated in this topic Deut 5:29.

  • kaik

    Pogroms were justified on premises of NT that Jews are responsible for killing Jesus.

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