TV.JW.ORG is coming!

by Oubliette 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • All for show
    All for show

    Even if their plan is to make it so jw kids don't watch tv. Their ten years behind. Kids have too easy of access to the internet, know a lot from their peers, they won't buy in to watch only jw tv. Not too mention, kids my kids age 6-newborn, we as parents can hardly stay in the hypocrisy circle known as the truth. This only serves themselves, the good loving JWs that still believe wil feel encouraged, but mainly the servants and women with titles that LOVE to be the first too know. They will use it to compare with other families ...'we stream jw tv every morning...' Start quoting GB members talks in their comments on Sunday.


    i told an old couple in my hall about jw tv, I thought they were going to have a heart attack. " what in the hell is that for " they said. Hilarious!!

  • Oubliette

    Magnum: It is selling out by trying to become more mainstream.

    Well said, they've jumped the proverbial shark.

  • ShirleyW

    JWTV. org - All I can picture in my mind is some hokey quiz show with that organ music in the background like the quiz shows from the 50's and Carol Merrill from Let's Make a Deal standing in front of the boxes as some loser elder wearing a plaid sports jacket and bow tie asks you do want Box number two or do you want what's behind the curtain?

  • Gregor

    Even Pat Robertson's very successful 700 Club can only churn out about an hour of content per day to market in the vast TV churn. These are info-mercials for the most part. Haven't seen any Cheerios, Tide or Dodge ads to help pay for the time. Maybe I'm mistaken because I can never watch more than about 5 mins. of the syrupy s***t.

    JW TV ? No way it would pencil.

    JW streaming video? maybe. But not likely

    CALL NOW ! ....But WAIT. Friday nights they show video of prohibited sexual activity just so nobody will be in the dark about what NOT to do.

  • daringhart13

    My only question is this:

    Since Jesus has directed the Governing Body to get into the streaming TV business, will he be making a landmark appearance as their first, live interview????

    Imagine how many people would suddenly believe.......he could even wear a button during the interview. Morrison has some Oprah like qualities, doesn't he? He could be the interviewer......


    JWdom is hurting, and the higher-ups know it. The org is desperately trying to slow its descent.

    It is selling out by trying to become more mainstream.....magnum

    I`ve got bad news for you Bud..The WBT$ isn`t hurting..

    The WBT$ saved the WBT$ Ship by reBranding to JW.ORG..

    JW`s love it!!!..They can`t get enough!!..

    Look around,it`s "JW.ORG MANIA" in WBT$ World..

    Theres JW.Org Merchandise,JW.ORG Entertainment for visiting WBT$ JW Delegates..

    Now theres JW.ORG TV..

    The WBT$ has got a Huge Hit on their hands and it`s "OFF THE CHAIN!!"

    This is just the beginning of an incredibly successful WBT$ Advertising/Marketing Campaign..



  • sloppyjoe2

    Outlaw I couldn't agree more. The org is just beginning it's change and the JWs love it all. They made a billion dollars on sales of their buildings and it has been estimated that due to free labor that the new headquarters only costs 11.5 million. The JWs love it all and really don't care at all about 100 years of invisible rule or doctrine changes. The org will be around for longer than any of us will be alive. There is no sky falling or organization demise, in fact they have massive cash. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble.

  • rebel8

    Right now, the landing page on that URL says " Broadasting
    Coming Monday, October 6th" HYPOCRISY ARRIVES TOMORROW! YAY!

    Thx hildebrando for posting that anti-televangelism article. I was remembering all that rhetoric in the 80s. They said they were sooo superior to televangelists back then.

    CaptainSchmideo: "If Christendom does something a particular way, then God's people should do it 180 degrees different." I wonder what his reaction will be to this development.

    Right. What happened to their fringed garments to show they're separate from false religions?

    GHC: I'm fascinated at how the JW logo is white on the wall yet it's blue in the reflection on the floor.

    FWIW I'm glad you pointed that out. I wouldn't have noticed it. It gave me a moment's amusement while I wondered if the mirror reflection of demonic things was distorted. ;)

  • Magnum

    OUTLAW & sloppyjoe2 - I see what you're saying, but I think we're talking about two different things. Perhaps all this JW.ORG & rebranding mania are a success in that the current mindless JW drones love it. However, to me, this drastic rebranding is a sign that the org saw the writing on the wall. It knew it was losing (or had lost) the doctrinal/prophetic battle. It knew it was being more and more exposed. The internet made it too easy to counter JW arguments. Time ran out on JW end-time prophecies. JWs were beginning to question and get apathetic. The org knew that. I think it has been desperate to try to remedy the situation. The org was hurting. I've heard accounts of the org's receiving many, many letters complaining and asking uncomfortable questions. That's why, not long ago, in one of the publications it was stated that individuals shouldn't write asking questions that are not addressed in the publications. I also believe that's why the org shut up almost all the partakers by changing the FDS to the GB; they were receiving too many complaints and questions and too much unwanted input from some of the other partakers.

    The org has been feeling its way that last few years trying to stop the descent. At first it said the internet was evil; then it jumped in with fervor. It bad-mouthed televangelism; now it's exploring TV. Etc.

    So I say there already has been a descent in JWdom. Many have acknowledged on this site that most JWs today are lacking in intelligence and knowledge and that many are socially and/or emotionally challenged. It has been observed that almost all newly baptized in the educated/informed world are JW offspring or others who were already associated with JWdom in some way. There are very, very few converts now who are emotionally, socially, and financially stable and who are knowledgeable and intelligent. It was not always that way.

    So I say the org is hurting as I just described and that all the rebranding, internet stuff, international convention merry-making, etc., are part of a desperate attempt to stop the hurt. But I agree with the point you two are making - that the rebranding, etc. are a hit with the new JWs - the mindless, idol-worshipping drones. So the descent I'm referring to is not really one of numbers, but of quality, dignity, etc.

  • suavojr

    I don't see them allowing us to call in live. Can you imagine what would happen?

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