Watchtower encouraging members to go and preach in Israel

by wannaexit 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    Telling a Jew that God's name is Jehovah ought to get a car full of bricks....

  • RubaDub

    Israel is safe. Hey they have conventions in Detroit don't they.

    joe134 ...

    I think this campaign is focussing on countries such as Israel and not third-world countries.

    Rub a Dub

  • designs

    What would a JW say after a Jew presented them with the story of Jeshu ben Pandira....

  • Quarterback

    Designs, They would say that he is listed as a "Do not call".

  • hildebrando
  • talesin

    When I looked at the official government site (Visa Services Canada), here's what it said about getting a 90-day travel visa.


    Do I Need a Visa to Visit Israel?

    Canadian citizens using Canadian passports do not require a visa to enter Israel for tourism or business stays under ninety (90) days.

    Most other nationals, including those with Permanent Resident status in Canada, need a visa.

    Apply IN PERSON at the embassy or nearest consulate.

    Perhaps it is easier for someone wth a Canadian passport to enter Israel, than an American? Canadian passports used to be highly valued for that very reason.


  • blondie

    Do You Need a Visa For Israel?

    U.S. citizens traveling to Israel for stays of up to three months from their date of arrival do not need a visa, but like all visitors must hold a passport that is valid for at least six months from the date they are departing the country.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    So what is this Israel thing really about?

    Just heard through my wife that a young sister in a neighboring cong plans on going.

    What's the Society's real motive behind this? Another distraction/misdirect as the calendar flips to 2015?

  • piztjw

    One of the "super" eldurrs I know and his wife servant claim to be going. I heard that it will cost them ONLY $1,000.00 (US) each. And as for "safety" they were informed in their acceptance letter that when asked by any customs agents what the purpose of their trip is they are to lie and say, "We are just tourists on vacation.", otherwise they will likley be denied entry.

    So much for telling the truth at all times, and couldn't that money be better used for the help of their local brudders who are struggling to put food on the table?

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Tech49, I think you are right. In William Schnell's book, "30 Years a Watchtower Slave", he described how Rutherford would DELIBERATELY send in his "companies" (publishers/colporteurs) into areas of high resistance to stir up persecution, which he would then push through the court system to help the WT gain legitimacy, protection, legal status, publicity, sympathy, and whatever else they could gain from having his minions be beaten, thrown in jail, tarred & feathered, etc.

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