Watchtower encouraging members to go and preach in Israel

by wannaexit 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannaexit

    An odd letter was read at last nights' meeting. It was in regards to a special campaign for next year arranged by the governing body to go and preach in Israel. The call is going out to anybody that speaks Hebrew and English. Of course whoever goes has to assume all expenses and find their own lodging as there are few witnesses in Israel. The letter made sure to encourage sisters to go as "Israel is very safe."

    Anybody else have this letter read?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Was this read at a meeting in the US?

  • sir82

    Nothing like that in our congregation.

    Are you in the US? Maybe it's a Europe thing?

    "Israel is very safe"...well, I guess maybe compared to Syria or Iraq or Somalia......

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Israel is one of the few countries that views Witnesses as a nuisance and so I think it is very misleading to say Israel is safe - I suspect it would be a very hostile environment for witnessing.

  • Bart Belteshassur
    Bart Belteshassur

    How many witnesses can speak Hebrew? LOL


  • wannaexit

    The letter was read in Canada. I found it really odd that the letter stressed that "Israel was safe". I think watchtower is going a little too far.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Wasn't there youtube videos posted where the witnesses were in a gym or building and there were rocks being thrown through the windows at them????

    We were introduced to someone's bible study at one of our last conventions that we had attended and they were from Israel taking courses at a university up here. The wife had stated that when she goes back home to her country, they will not be able to preach there like it is here and that we should be grateful to have the freedom that they are not allowed to have there.

    Now all of a sudden the sisters are good enough to go and risk their lives. Honest to god this religon has no boundaries when it comes to their greed. WOW!!!


  • blondie

    I know that the WTS has encouraged jws that have a Jewish family background (mother). I guess they have citizenship rights the rest don't. Israel does not let just anybody in but they encourage Jewish Americans to come and live there.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    "The U.S. Department of State reveals in its 2012 Report on International Religious Freedom regarding Israel and the Occupied Territories that while "the country's laws and policies provide for religious freedom and the government generally respected religious freedom in practice," that attitude among Jews toward missionary activities and conversations were negative.
    "Most Jews opposed missionary activity directed at Jews, and some were hostile to Jewish converts to Christianity," according to the State Department's report. "Messianic Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses were harassed regularly by Yad L'Achim and Lev L'Achim, Jewish religious organizations opposed to missionary activity."


    If you are dumb enough to go preach "da troof", God help you...


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