Watchtower encouraging members to go and preach in Israel

by wannaexit 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I make an observation between Christians and the watchtower.

    If a Chiristian had the desire or was encouraged to have the desire to do some sort of evangelical work.

    The Church, the flock support the worker.

    I was looking at books yesterday in a thrift store and encountered a lady working in the book section.

    I asked her does she work here. She said she volunteers.

    It was a charity book store that gave to pregnant women.

    I asked how do you support yourself so you can volunteer to work for free.

    She said she had her own ministry.

    She said her ministry was running a halfway house and that provided for her needs.

    That seems more biblcal Christain and ethical to me than the way the watchtower runs its printing/real estate business.

  • redvip2000

    Why should it matter if it's safe or not? What happened to Jehoober protecting its people?

    Also lodging and food need not be considered either, since surely Jehoober will make sure all of that is taken care of as well. If I go represent my company in another country, they make sure that my lodging and food is taken care of. Jehoober would have to do the same for someone who represents him.

    In fact why not make a special campain in Iran and Pakistan? Isn't the need there much greater? Don't those people need to hear the troof? Certainly they do. It also doesn't matter that those countries aren't safe, Jehoober will protect you. C'mon JWs, put your money where your mouth is, just go and trust Jehoober.

  • haboob48

    I just went to are saying "it's extremely safe" to visit. Must be where the watchtower got that info, from a pro tourism Israel site. smh


  • hoser

    Are there people who speak Hebrew in your area wanna exit?

  • BluesBrother

    I read this on JWTAlk as well. The poster was in Canada . The Country might or might not be considered "safe" for normal visits (although I would go nowhere near it!) but is it safe for J W "ministers" ?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Why should it matter if it's safe or not? What happened to Jehoober protecting its people?

    Exactly. It wasn't safe in Nazi occupied Germany. It wasn't safe in Malawi. That didn't matter to the powers that be in WT-land.

  • Balaamsass2


    I remember the Jewish Defence league abducting a Bethelite who was in service. Car chase-cops- etc. Ultra-orthadox Jews do NOT like missionaries and they carry GUNS in Isreal. Why not just send Sisters to Iran? Syria? West Bank?

    The Governing body is so brave with others lives.

  • hamsterbait

    Didn't the Kingdumb misery discourage learning Hebrew or Greek a few years back? I think because people wd realise the NWT was not accurate at all.

    now they want to take advantage of disobedient ones...

  • wannaexit

    Hoser: there is not one in my area that speaks Hebrew. In fact I don't think there are many Hebrew speaking witnesses in the whole of Canada.

    So true that if God is going to protect them why worry about safety.

    The governing body is getting dumber and dumber

  • Justnowout

    Negative to this being announced in the USA. I wonder why not here but just accross the way in Canada it was read

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