Watchtower encouraging members to go and preach in Israel

by wannaexit 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    This is kind of bizarre. Why Canada and not the US?

    Do Israelis somehow look more favorably upon Canadians than Americans?

    Or perhaps more likely, of what financial / political / prestige advantage is it for the WTS to have a bunch of Canadians bumbling around over thre, rather than Americans?

  • designs

    What does a JW say when a Jew tells him they 'Are the Kingdom of God on earth'.

  • Apognophos

    Do Israelis somehow look more favorably upon Canadians than Americans?

    Doesn't everyone?

  • Justnowout

    This is now being sent to congregations in the USA

  • Quarterback

    Yes, we had it read at our Service Meeting. It will be expensive, and it will not be a vacation. The GB wants you to participate in a campaign of field ministry. They want to blitz certain sections of that land. I know that Russell went to the Jews and had a special campaign to recruit them. But wait, he wasn't part of the FDS....I'm confused.

  • Quarterback

    What if we just sent them a Prophet? Yes, that should work. Does anyone know a English kid who goes by the name of Ezekiel?

  • Tech49

    This letter was read I our KH tonite, in the Pacific Northwest USA. I am appalled at the level of crazy this entails. Now granted, I am sure there are some places and areas in Israel that are relatively safe. But why would you ever consider, given the upheaval happening daily in that region, ask people to travel there, to promote a religious campaign in an area where they are already looked at with high levels of suspicion, at best?

    A quick web search will bring up tons of warning against travel to the area, except the Israeli travel site of course, duh... Does WT only read that site? What reasonable person would recommend that young pioneers, including women, be sent to an area already in political, cultural, and religious turmoil? Common sense is gone with these fools in NY!!!

    Someone said to me, just today.... "well, they would never send us there if it wasnt safe, right???!!!!" OMG !!! Did you not just hear yourself?? How about using your own brains for a minute!!???

    As another poster already sure is easy to sacrifice someone elses life, from the comforts of your NY condo, , especially when you are getting a new penthouse suite built for you, overlooking the lake upstate.

  • Tech49

    Oh, and another thing..... WHY?!! Why a great campaign in a middle eastern country, where the "Iron Bubble" protects the citizens from impending rockets from their neighbors.?

    Why go to Israel to preach to the masses of "heathens".? For financial gain?, no. In order to gain "converts" ?, no not likely. The amount of Witnesses in Israel is pretty small right now, and I wouldnt expect the massive explosion of newbies to be falling over themselves to bow down to the GB.

    Here's the reason, in my humble opionion: to garner sympathy. Much like the poor, gullible brothers in Soviet Georgia that are taking regular beatings and imprisonments, for preaching a banned religion, and distributing banned literature. Sooner or later, in Israel or a simliar middle eastern country, someone is going to be "martyred", tortured, captured, kidnapped, or executed.

    And now a "Breaking News" story on JW Broadcasting will be born. Oh, the humanity, persecution is upon God's people! What a wonderful example to all you fat, materialistic slobs that have not submitted to GB instructions!

    Self-made persecution. This is embarrassing.

    Put yourself in harms way, and harm will run over you like a truck.

    To any active JW's who may be reading this..... please use some common sense. Just because 7 dudes in a NY highrise say its safe, dont bet your life on it, dont bet your family's life on it. Dont put yourself in a situation that has a great potential to be hazardous to your health. If you want to preach in the desert, and not get shot at, go to Utah, or New Mexico, or Australia (well, you might still get shot at, but you get the point).

    Jack Harper, Tech49

  • joe134cd

    Israel is safe. Hey they have conventions in Detroit don't they.

  • AlwaysBusy

    @ Tech49

    Amen, Brother!

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