Satan and the demons, ghosts, spirits, fortune tellers. Are they real?

by KateWild 84 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KateWild

    Thanks Oub, I have just read up on it

    Very interesting, as I have never had an experience I cannot say if they are hullucinations or spirit beings. But I seem confident that skecptics have always got the same answers as do believers with their experiences.

    The thing that sways me is the clandestine nature of it all. If someone wanted to communicate with me why all the cloak and dagger semantics. If they need me to do something make it clear to me.

    Kate xx

  • designs

    Its sort of like Aliens visiting the earth. We have rovers on Mars, a Martian could walk over and pick one up. Where are the alien rovers on earth....

  • KateWild

    Its sort of like Aliens visiting the earth.- designs

    Maybe the spirit beings are the aliens. God could be an alien. He is alien to me in many ways, as he doesn't communicate with me. Kate xx

  • Terry

    If you are superstitious it means you must resort to claims of "belief" rather than demonstrations of fact or proof.

    If you don't want to be bothered by spirits, demons, etc. stop believing in them.

    But, if you stop your superstition you will lose God as well.


    Superstition is the only avenue of access to the Divine.

    We have the Natural Universe which can be accessed by our 5 senses and the results can be measured and confirmed.

    Outside of the senses, there is the Imgination. There you can create an alternate Universe where God, Peter Pan, Bigfoot, dead-alive Elvis, and--through belief--create an emotional attachment of some degree. The stronger you value your imaginary entities, the more intense your emotional reaction to your thoughts about them.

    When Pinocchio is found "dead" by Gepeto, I cried my eyes out.

    All you have to do is decide to believe and your emotions (involuntary signals of the things you value) will "confirm".

    Your choice.

  • abbasgreta

    Satan and the Demons - Absolutely

    Ghosts/Spirits - Devious trickery by the above

    Fortune Tellers/Mediums/Spiritualists - Conduits used by the demons. Many testimonies of 'spirit guides' giving known-only-to hearer accurate family information (not cheap stage-act types using an 'assistant') to lure in victims and then soon mercilessly torturing all those involved, both physically and psychologically.

    Remedy: Demand the demons leave in 'the Name of and in the Authority of Jesus Christ'. Ongoing prayer/support from fellow Christians.

  • Stealth

    I knew a fortune teller or as she prefered to be called a spritualist for 20 years before she died at the age of 96. She started when she was a young girl in a covered wagon, so did this her entire life.

    When at home away from her office and with family, what she did was never spoken of, and neither did any of the family.

    The truth of the matter is this: At best, they are a poor man's psycologist! Nothing more. People have problems, poor people have more problems. Many poor people don't have insurance. After a $10 or $20 visit from Madame C, and they leave feeling a bit better.

    At worst, its a con for the money alone.

    I drove Madame C. to her office once, she was quite old and I had to help her up the stairs to her office. To my surprise, she had a sign hanging on the wall that said, "Attend a church of your choice" and it had a picture of a church on it. I really didn't expect that.

    This is how I view fortune tellers to this day, they are a poor man's psycologist.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Many testimonies of 'spirit guides' giving known-only-to hearer accurate family information (not cheap stage-act types using an 'assistant') to lure in victims and then soon mercilessly torturing all those involved, both physically and psychologically.

    You can't trust testimonials for psychics or astrologers or palm readers. These con-artists design the experience in a way that allows people to suspend their critical thinking skills. Once they acheive that, they are able to take litterally hundreds of guesses until they hit one that the mark reacts to, and then emphasize the hits. That's how they arrive at the "known-only-to hearer" information. Either that, or they do prior research if they know you're coming. Either way, it's all been proven to be a scam countless times, but people still believe in it. Fools and their money are soon parted.

    If you're superstitious and you already believe that you'll be bothered by demons if you go to a palm reader then it's not hard to see why a you might come away from a palm reading (or whatever) only to experience a bunch of 'spooky' events. You leave the con artist in a state of hyper-sensitivity to any event that might be perceived as supernatural. When you happen upon such an event, you immediately explain it as being supernatural, even though it has a reasonable explanation that does not require a supernatural cause.

    Once you've settled on this supernatural explanation an odd psychological effect takes hold - the more evidence that goes contrary to your belief in the supernatural explanation that you see, the more you dig your heels in and hold tight to the supernatural explanation. This is the same sort of effect that doctors struggle with when it comes to getting kids immunized. Some parents have a (false) belief that immunizations can cause autism, seizures, you name it. The more information that is presented to such a person, the more they hold to their false belief, but the moment that any evidence seems to confirm their belief (i.e. an autistic kid that was only diagnosed as such shortly after initial imunization) they seize on it and their belief is confirmed, even if there are litterally millions of kids getting vaccinated that don't come out autistic.

    It's the same thing with supernatural believers. Any time they hear a sound they don't expect, they may ascribe a meaning or supernatural origin to it. Then when confronted with evidence that it's not supernatural at all, they'll continue to hold fast to their belief. Or, in the occassion that they might conceed that a particular event wasn't supernatural, they imediately flood the skeptic with a list of other so-called evidence so long that the skeptic figures them for a lost cause and doesn't bother disproving each event's just not worth it.

  • KateWild

    Thanks for more experiences and explainations.

    abba, you're repeating all WT dogma, nothing you stated was different from the WT position.

    Kate xx

  • Laika

    I had a palm reading a few months ago, I was quite excited about it but then she got everything wrong and was a bit insulting! So disappointing.

  • cofty

    Satan and the Demons - Absolutely- Abba

    What century do you live in?

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