Why Are People Anti-Semitic?

by minimus 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostatethunder

    Christians didn't start prosecuting jews, it was the other way around.

  • Mikado

    Factfinder, the remark about the Polish was a joke. The poster was attempting to make their point using humour.

    James brown is on the other hand basicly a fool, BUT, as someone with a Jewish heritage I was once totally abused and hounded off a Facebook site for daring to ask where my share of the so called jewish millions was..

    Apostate thunder simply doesn't understand history.

    people somehow seem to imagine that posting things here isn't real, that they can say things without ever having consequences on other people.

    For what it's worth, I don't think your sister is right, there are idiots and bigots in lots of walks of life, but that doesn't tar everyone with the same brush.

  • minimus

    Mikado, I agree!

  • darkspilver

    Hey minimus have you read or heard about the 1903 "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"?

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Fact finder, you don't rule the world.

    According to my post you are a garden variety jew who doesn't know what time it is.

    No offense.

    You are lost in the matrix.

    I do not hate jews.

    I am just commenting on why people are anti semeitc.

    This is the information age.

    There is info to answer any question at every ones finger tips.



    As I said at the start,

    If I have to explain, you wouldnt understand.

    I can see you don't.

    It is not the garden variety jew that is the worlds problem.

    Being a jew is like being a mason 99% of the masons and 99% of the jews are clueless.

    But the Jewish rabbis have this mystical thing called kabbalah.

    And with it they have put the world and mankind under a demonic spell.

    ignorance is lacking information, knowledge or awareness about something.

    So I ask who is ignorant here?

    Who can even read a post and comment coherently?

    I know, anyone who is educated on the subject knows that the garden variety

    jew do not have the money.

    We know you are clueless just like the masons, the Jw's,

    The consumers of the world.

    And therefore educated, informed people do not hate garden variety jews.

    For that matter, I don't hate anyone or anything.

    Even though this is the information age.

    I have known these things from back in the 60's .

    Anyone who paid attention in high shcool history class was given the information.


  • BackseatDevil

    @apostatethunder Christians didn't start prosecuting jews, it was the other way around.

    That is not completely accurate. Remember that most of the “Christians” in the first and second centuries were Jews who kept the Law. For many of them, Jesus extension or an expansion to the law. Paul was basically the only person preaching to the Gentiles.

    It is because of conflicting styles of Christianities that division arose and in the third century when one form of Christianity was sanctioned (the one stating that Jesus was divine, was made flesh, and returned to being divine) and all other forms were considered heretical.

    So in this conflict of who is persecuting who, it was mostly Christ-believers against OTHER Christ-believers. This changed during the Crusades when, in Crusade 1 over 5 million Jews were killed specifically.

    And @factfinder, if you're a Jew with relatives from Poland and you didn't get the scope of that joke, I'm fairly certain racism isn't the biggist issue in your life.

  • punkofnice

    Reminds me of:

    'What are you rebelling against?''

    ''What have you got?''

    Some people just need to target others to make them feel good about their worthless selves.

  • minimus

    James brown, after reading your post, I don't know what to say.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Minimus. When I went college, I took English Composition.

    They taught me to keep a journal and to write everyday.

    One way, I write everyday is to respond to post and topics here on JWN.

    They also taught me how to research what I write about.

    So you named the topic and I responded with some documented research.

    When I learned to write in school. I learned to write and got all A's and was told to be a writer.

    When someone writes about something, they do not necessarily believe it or like it.

    They just research form a opinion and present it.

  • minimus

    So you believe the rabbis have put the world under a mystical spell???

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