Atheism is a Belief System

by seekchristonly 194 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty

    But it's wel known many scientists are deceptive and perpetuate a claims .

    Is it?

    For example?

    (FFS get a new keyboard)

  • EndofMysteries

    Answer yes or no for one question on the book cofty, does the book explain how the universe came from nothing, with nothing meaning 'the absense of anything'?

    If you say yes I'll be very interested to see how the universe came from nothing. If this nothing has properties and attributes then you either didn't read the book or lying.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    OTWO: Science allows for wrong understandings. Just produce some actual proof and the atheist will look at it. If your God exists and you can prove it, then things will have to be reevaluated. Until then, there is no proof of your god.


    Science has systems built into it that actually seek to prove current understandings incorrect. If evidence presents itself which modifies or nullifies prior theory, then appropriate adjustments are made.


    In contrast, religion has systems in place that only support itself as being right, despite all evidence to the contrary.


    I think I can safely say that if there is a god and he presented himself to all humanity with irrefutable evidence, every atheist would then have a valid reason to change their mind.

  • cofty

    does the book explain how the universe came from nothing, with nothing meaning 'the absense of anything'? - EOM

    100% YES

    The book reviewer is either thick or couldn't be arsed to finish the book. You should know better.

  • jgnat

    So how does one evaluate a scientist's work to see if it stands up to scrutiny or not? First, the methodology must be published. There must be enough information for peers to evaluate the work and attempt to replicate the results. It has to be credible. After that much scrutiny, the charlatans are quickly put to rest. (Hint: don't get your science from Star magazine).

    How are Christian charlatans tested?

    Witch test

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    SCO: But it's wel known many scientists religious leaders are deceptive and perpetuate a claims .


    Every assault you use to discredit science applies to religion.

  • galaxie

    Who would accept deception or perpetuation of false claims more than the god brigade?

    I dont believe in unicorns therefore no delusion.

    I do believe in unicorns without proof of their existence gross delusion!!!

  • seekchristonly

    Does science prove that something can exist from nothing . If it can then that means if i lock an empty room for 100 billionyears when i open the door again it will be full of furniture right or wrong

  • cofty


    An empty room isn't "nothing".

  • jgnat

    Something from nothing: strawman argument!

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