Science proves there is a God

by seekchristonly 247 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    It's okay, Outlaw. SCO doesn't even believe anything he says:

    in fact i dont agree with some of what i said myself. But some of what i did say may be near to the truth i dont know.

    He just likes to argue for argument's sake and dismiss input from people who've actually educated themselves on this subject, then he blows them off as "know it alls" when his foolishness has been exposed for what it is.

    He also says he likes to exchange ideas, but obviously that isn't true either.

  • cofty

    i dont agree with some of what i said myself. But some of what i did say may be near to the truth i dont know. SO i bow to the superior knowledge of those that think they know it all

    Nothing that you said is remotely connected to anything resembling truth.

    It's not that anybody here thinks they know it all. It's just that some of us have invested years of hard work to learn things since we left the cult.

    Making bold assertions about things you know nothing about is not the way to learn. Ask questions. Attacking people who respectfully respond with facts is not how to earn respect.

  • seekchristonly

    long live the persecution complex!!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    long live the persecution complex!!


    ....said the kettle

  • cofty

    Anybody can look back and see your unprovoked personal attacks.

    Why doesn't following Jesus make people more congenial - and honest?

  • Oubliette

    SOC: SO i bow to the superior knowledge of those that think they know it all

    Snarky, sarcastic comments will neither win you friends nor arguments.

    I checked out this thread hoping it might be a stimulating, intelligent discussion of the topic stated in your title.

    Sadly, I was disappointed.

  • Randomthoughts

    It seems that sco views different opinions or beliefs as an attack.

  • cofty

    SCO is typical of an anti-intellectualism that is common among evangelicals.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    SCO openly admits he doesn't agree with what he himself says and doesn't even know if it's true...but he'll argue his position regardless.

    Since he can't even agree with himself, it's unreasonable to think he'll agree with anyone else either.

    Stupid is as stupid does.




    Usually I cut cut Christians a lot of slack..But..This is just silly..

    It could be a Jerry Sienfeld Thread..


    .........................................................................."THE THREAD ABOUT NOTHING"


    ................................................................................. photo danchic.gif

    ....................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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