What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • caliber

    Ok why is it soooooo important for you to know what spirit is, when it strongly appears

    you don't beleive in spirit.... it is a nothing to you ? What is your motive ?

  • Viviane

    Caliber, you'll get nowhere trying to make this about me, silly boy!

    Can you explain what spirit is comprised of?

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Caliber...if someone had to prove truth to themselves....which even christ stood for (truth) they would need to ask questions. If they dont understand or it makes zero bit of sense or isnt measurable or you cannot prove it exists at all, how can you ask someone to believe in it? How can you believe in something you dont know or really understand?

    For me, if you claim spirit is real, and you can prove it, or lead me to a solid understanding of its function and existence, i would believe it.

    For a long time people believed the sun and planets revolved around the earth...yet when proof was found that the earth and planets revolved around the sun, who had a harder time accepting that as true? Think deeply.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    I apologize if ive deviated from topic, but the topic is changing from a question about spirit to analyzing and assuming peoples motives behind it.

  • galaxie

    Hi viv;...I.m.o..everything you do is possible because of your own HUMAN spirit inc' your contributing to this forum.

    Every breath you take allows you to continue in a spirited way ie as all human beings , whatever motivates us , exites us, gives rise to our personalities, which in turn is seen by others who may have an opinion on a persons spirit. In this scenario spirit is a descriptive word which can be used in place of;..attitude as in she has a bad attitude you could say she has a bad spirit.or I'm at a low ebb, could be I'm not in very good spirit. Or he is a very spirited person meaning he is very motivated.

    So in these examples most people would understand what the word spirit meant in the context of the conversation.

    All possible because we breathe and stay alive.

    That initial breath at birth is the spirit (noun) as 1st definition in my Collins dictionary force giving life to a body.

    That force is not supernatural but is the air we breathe

    Our electrical stimulus to exite our lungs at birth would not have developed had it not been for the oxygen the baby needs.

    It is ONLY because of oxygen any of us can have any so called spirit (remembering before there was ever such a word descriptive or otherwise there was the air we breathe )

    The force of the air once the lungs are stimuled is the spirit which allows us to operate as human beings, motivating us to do things like for example asking questions on an Internet forum, congratulations Viv you are using your own spirit (descriptive for motivation ) every time you post or reply on this topic.

    In my humble opinion of course .

    Best wishes.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    So spirit is a metaphor. K. Got It.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    However thats not it according to Christ right? Cause you die fleshly But raised a spiritual body....hmmm

  • Viviane

    Sorry for the long response time, I was traveling all day yesterday.

    All possible because we breathe and stay alive.

    And this is where your defnition is arbitrary. We are alive because countless things are just the way they are. If plants didn't use photosynthesis, there would be no O2, so we really owe our existence to plants. But, then, if it were for hydrogen and gravity, there wouldn't be light to power the plants. If it were for the strong nuclear force and neutrons, neither O2 or hydrogen would exist.

    It appears you are justck picking one thing out of the list of things necessary for humans (and all life) to exist, breathing. It is most certainly NOT only because oxygen exists that we do. It's one of many things.

    I'm not getting why that one thing of many is the choice. It's arbitrary.

  • galaxie

    Viv,....I am not saying it's oxygen alone. The force is the air we breathe composite,but of course mostly oxygen.

    You are of course correct to say we owe much more to our existence, and as you say without photosynthesis no oxygen. But you digress. The context is HUMAN spirit. Photosynthesis provided us with the force we humans cannot exist without.

    The unborn child relies on the oxygen from its mother as did she and so on back. When the umbilical chord is cut how does the now independent child survive,? To what force does it owe its continuation of life? The force of air in its lungs. That is the spirit of life which then in turn is fundamental to our continuing our development until finally our last breath goes out and as some would say his/her spirit is finally gone, in other words no more. breath no more spirit for that individual.

    I posed a question to you in a previous post have you any opinion?

    Best wishes

  • Viviane

    To what force does it owe its continuation of life?

    To all the things I mentioned. Your choice is arbitrary. Regardless, your answer is "It's a metaphor".

    I posed a question to you in a previous post have you any opinion?

    I may have missed it, I don't see anything ending with a question mark in your previous post. What was the question?

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