What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • galaxie

    Force of life only in physical terms of pressure exerted by filling with oxygen nothing medieval or supernatural intended. I am willing to concede its a rather loose term brought about by the dictionary description.

  • cofty

    "Force of life" is just a nonsense string of words.

  • galaxie

    Any opinions on "spirit;...force giving life to a body" as per dictionary.

    I don't see it as supernatural.

  • Viviane

    Not exactly viv,..Breathing is only facilitated by force of life oxygen no force no breathing. it is all physical spirit oxygen force of life

    You keep contradicting yourself. It was breathing, now oxygen. You keep changing. Either way it's just a metaphor. Nothing has been explained.

  • Viviane

    Any opinions on "spirit;...force giving life to a body" as per dictionary.

    I don't see it as supernatural.

    It's a metaphor. We've already covered that as an explanation. We are no closer to an answer.

  • snare&racket

    This thread perfectly sums up why I could never be a believer again....

  • Twitch

    You can prove scientifically that what you are is just merely atoms, molecules and cells.

    Is this all you are?

    How do you measure "you"?

  • John_Mann

    You can prove scientifically that what you are is just merely atoms, molecules and cells.

    Is this all you are?

    How do you measure "you"?

    Spirit can be equal to consciousness. And consciousness does not exist, it's just folk psychology. Consciousness have the same status of demons. At least in materialism. "You" is just a convention.

  • Viviane

    How do you measure "you"?

    What do you mean by "you"? I don't want to misunderstand.

  • galaxie

    Hi viv;...sorry if I did not make my point clear,but when I refer to breathing I dont mean that the act of breathing is the spirit but is used in terms of taking breath (air oxygen)which is the bodies way of staying alive by using the force of the air in our lungs.

    Similarly in Chinese spirit ' qi 'or ' chi ' is literally breath , air, gas.

    I did not intend it as contradictory as you have seen it.

    So to summarize, spirit is a word used in language with multiple meanings . Sometimes used to mean supernatural beings or influence, I disagree with that.

    Sometimes as a descriptive to denote human traits attitudes etc, as you have alluded to, I understand that definition.

    Sometimes used to mean in human context the physical air we breath allowing us the force of breathing to keep us alive, I would concur with that although until you asked the initial question its not a description of spirit that i had thought about, and now i will forget about it.

    Best wishes

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