What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Viviane

    LOL! Very funny Caliber, the thing is we come here to get help or to help others. I want to help Viv, I can see she is a product of WT and her comunication style is not her fault.

    You know exactly nothing about me. Please stop making 100% ignorant assertions about me. IOW, stop being an asshole by continuing to lie and pretend to have any knowledge of me. If you have something to contribute to the the thread reagarding the topic, please do so.

    Otherwise, STFU.

    I am not wrong about you at all Viv, you just can't see it yourself yet. I know exactly where your comming from because I came from the same place too, I understand how deprogramming from a cult works and how it affects people in different ways, I can see how you have been damaged by this awful cult.

    You know exactly nothing about me. Please stop making 100% ignorant assertions about me. IOW, stop being an asshole by continuing to lie and pretend to have any knowledge of me. If you have something to contribute to the the thread reagarding the topic, please do so.

    Otherwise, STFU.

  • Viviane

    I needed a intelligent debater to chat with.

    Kate, stop with the insults. No one appreciates a jerk. Contribute to the topic or leave.

  • KateWild

    Otherwise, STFU.-Viv

    Well that's not very lady like is it? I am only trying to find common ground with you. This is an abusive response and I predicted the thread would escalate to this because we both always need the last word. I know it's a fault of mine, but I also know you well enough to know that you like the last word too.

    I only want to help you with your journey, using bad language with others doesn't achieve progress. This is a public forum, anyone is allowed to may make comments if they wish and they are registered. You're OP is not genuine IMO, you have not proven that you are genuinely interested in what I , or anyone has to say. I answered your OP and you just dissmissed what I said and twisted my words and said "It's a metophor for "I don't know"" You were clearly not interested in my answer, or exploring why I believe they way I do.

    I am however exploring why you respond the way you do and can dicern a lot about your character by doing so. When I make assertions about you based on your posts, I am not lying. Viv lying is deliberately misleading someone. I am just basing my conclusions on your statements. Correct me as to your motives if I am wrong. IMO you are still very angry at being lied to by a cult, that's why you were so dissmissive of my answer. Thats okay with me because I understand you, and I am here to help you as soon as you are ready.

    Try not to get worked up, just calm down Viv, I am not your enemy, we simply have different views and that's okay.

    Kate xx

  • Viviane

    I do see your point Snare, but how can we know if someone is nice if they're not personal?

    The very first post you ever wrote to me was making untrue assertions about me. I've asked you to stop that rude behavior several times. Here's your last hint, since I've not beenan asshole to you, that's how you know I'm not an asshole. It's almost like you have pay attention to the fact that I'm not beating you up to know I'm not beating you up.

  • KateWild

    Kate, stop with the insults.-Viv

    Viv, you need to calm down and stop taking things so seriously and personally. I answered your OP and all I got back was a dissmissive and intimidating response. You had nothing to say that would encourage healthy debate. Cofty encourages healthy debate, and takes an interest in deprogramming posters from WT thinking.

    I think that at the moment in your deprogramming you are not in a position to help me deprogram, but I am in a position to assist you when you are ready. I want to be there for you, please understand all I want to do is help, that's all.

    Kate xx

  • Viviane

    Well that's not very lady like is it? I am only trying to find common ground with you. This is an abusive response and I predicted the thread would escalate to this because we both always need the last word. I know it's a fault of mine, but I also know you well enough to know that you like the last word too.

    What does ladylike have to do with your continual rudeness and posting lies about me? I've politely asked you to stop. If you don't like what happens next, you really should re-evaluate how you treat others.

    Viv, you need to calm down and stop taking things so seriously and personally. I answered your OP and all I got back was a dissmissive and intimidating response.

    You don't have the capapcity to make me NOT calm. Please stop making ignorant assumptions about me. Every post you have made regarding the topic has been discussed. Every post you made regarding me posting ignorant and dishonest assertions has been dealt with appropriately.

    If you don't like getting treated as someone posting dishonest lies about someone, stop posting dishonest lies.

  • KateWild

    since I've not beenan asshole to you, that's how you know I'm not an asshole-Viv

    Sorry my intereptation of everything you have posted in response to my posts has never been polite, and always rude. Maybe my view of rude is different from yours. You have used intellectual intimidation like sayiing things like "people turn their brains off". But I am telling you now Viv, you have been rude to me because I feel it's rude to say things like that. I have mistakenly defended myself and been rude back at times. I want to rectify that and move forward and get to know you better, but if you don't want to there is nothing I can do about that.

    This whole thread can be seen by many as you being rude, IMO you have shown no genuine curiosity about what spirit is, but I can understand why. I really do understand you Viv, more than you realise.

    I am not lying about anything, show me one statement that I have made that is a lie.

    Kate xx

  • Viviane

    Sorry my intereptation of everything you have posted in response to my posts has never been polite, and always rude.

    No one has called you name or made up lies about you. I've never been rude to you, just not allowed you to post dishonest assertions regarding me.

    Contribute to the thread or STFU with your rude lies.

    I am not lying about anything, show me one statement that I have made that is a lie.

    Already done. Re-read the thread if you don't remember.

    Contribute to the thread or STFU.

  • Viviane

    I am afraid "spirit" is here to stay, even if it just refers to the one that you buy in bottles

    Vidquin, I don't think anyone is debating that the word spirit has valid uses, almost always a metaphor. The topic of this thread is trying to determine what spirit stuff angels and demons or "life force" is comprised of.

    So far, we are no closer than when we started.

  • KateWild

    I've politely asked you to stop-Viv

    I see this as dishonest. Bad language is impolite. Point out a lie I said about you so I can defend your accusations. I have not lied.

    I joined this thread to give my opinion of what spirit is, I was clear in my post that I knew it would not satisfy your curiosity, as IMO you were not genuinely curious. When you did respond it was a conversation stopper. You clearly did not try and engage a healthy debate with me. I am not lying about this. Why do you keep saying I am lying when I am simply giving my opinion? You need to calm down and not take things so seriously. All I want to do is help Viv.

    If you don't like what happens next, you really should re-evaluate how you treat others.- Viv

    Is that a threat to have me banned or something, I am trying to treat you respectfully, maybe my efforts are not good enough. So how can we resolve this Viv? Do you want me never to comment on any of your posts or threads again? Or can we reach an amicable agreement on how to move forward?

    What would you like from me personally?

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