When we die...

by Finallyfree12 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • LV101

    jgnat - Yes, his claim is extraordinary.

  • jgnat

    If we start a thread on justice, I would ask if it is possible for people - either collectively or individually - to be objective?

  • pacloc

    what about the children that are born suffering and die with illnesses? Or children born to starve to death?

    As an ethical and logical problem that is for theists to answer. As a human problem it will only be solved by human effort.

    This is what was posted by you. It was not very clear that you did not include death in your sentence about human effort solving human problems. I most definitely have not been twisting anyone's words.

    You say so many untruths and claims that are pure opinions so boldly. You know that God was created because of fear of death? Really. Do people really take you seriously on this forum? Christians are willing to die as martyrs because they have no fear of death. It is the godless that try to find god at their deathbed.

    and jgnat, your definition of Christian is not the same as how I am using the term. I speak of true Christians. Anyone can claim Christ, but they are not really Christian. So I can say we Christians about the things I have spoken about. If you call yourself Christian and think that justice died at the Cross, and that God does sinful things you are a confused searcher for Christ, not really an example of what a Christian is. As for Islam, as Christians we obviously treat their teachings that go beyond Christianity as heresy, so their view of justice is imperfect. Christianity, to Christians is not just some religion, it is the only true religion. So have people claiming Christianity done horrible things? Yes, but that was sin, not Christianity that was done. And yes this hurts the label of Christianity horribly, and that is why we are supposed to be careful to not make God look bad by our sins.

    Anyway I feel I am not getting anywhere with anyone on this thread, so I don't know how much more time I should use responding. Unless any of you are serious about discussing some of these things, I think I will stop responding.

    Thanks for the time, God bless you all.

  • Viviane

    You belong to a group now? A group of non belief? How do you know you share any of the same non belief as others in your so called group? You some how know that I am uncomfortable?

    You still owe me an apology for falsely claiming to know what I think.

    You are still in your Jdub mindset of logic. Very sad to see a human being stoop so low as to misrepresent somone else. "Oh you said you know what spirit is and then pretend to say you don't know what it is, your saying meningless circles." If you were not say angry with me and were trying to learn something, you would see that I never claimed to know everything about angels and demons except what I've learned through scripture and the Church

    You're still claiming to know what I think. You are still wrong.

    What is spirit made of? Not a tough question.

    Only a fool would reason the way you have, that either you know everything or nothing about a topic. I am sure you know everything about all things you ever speak of.

    I haven't reasoned that way at all. Please stop misrepresenting what I say. Do you know what spirit is?

    Now as far as spirit goes, I do claim to know more about it than has been presented by other posters. I have said over and over and you do not want to hear it because your childish mind wants to know "what it's made of" in physical terms.

    It appears that you don't know since you are just now turning to insults. If you can, please converse like an adult.

  • jgnat

    Ever come across the expression, "No True Scotsman"?

    Preaching sure is a lot easier than proving your point, eh?

    I didn't say that justice died on the cross, only asking if that is not the logical extension of your own words.

  • Viviane

    We are all comprised of energy and light and exist in one of eleven dimensions.

    Thats physics. Physics also shows we can exist in two places at once.

    That's 11 dimensional M-theory, part of string theory, not proven physics. And physics does not show we can exist in two places at once. You are confusing quantum wave function with macro objects.

  • Viviane

    As Christians, we have no right or way of knowing someone's relationship with God.

    And yet, when confronted with simple questions, you claim to know what others believe and start insulting people. You aren't a very good example of an adult that's thought things through.

    Hospitals, Universities, and advances in science were started by the Church. Once again an atheist that cannot understand the word "and." You either do something practical, or only leave it up to God, Heaven forbid you do both.

    Actually, most of those things were really started by Muslims. Christians were a later footnote. History and knowledge are powerful things. You should try them.

  • Viviane

    Anyway I feel I am not getting anywhere with anyone on this thread, so I don't know how much more time I should use responding. Unless any of you are serious about discussing some of these things, I think I will stop responding.

    Best news I've heard all day!

    The problem, pacloc, is that you started out by insulting people, being wrong, and then trying to use platitudes and bad logic with people that have spent a lot of time thinking about these things. You don't get intellctual pushovers here.

  • jgnat

    I think the "two places at once" is a reference to Schrodinger's Cat.

    Schrodinger's Cat

    When I do wrap my head around this stuff, elemental particles do have this disconcerting property of being in two places at once, but the way averages work once we get to the macro level we all line up to Newton's physics.

  • cofty

    You know that God was created because of fear of death?

    No. I am sure that a desire for eternity is an important factor in the success of the god meme. I think a more important factor is precisely what you are demonstrating on this thread.

    We see that life is unfair and we find that hard to accept. In the oldest part of the OT we see that simplisitc theology. A childish belief that defies reality and asserts that the good prosper and the bad don't. "The path of the righteous one is like the bright light ...", "a little longer and the wicked one will be no more..." etc etc

    Faced with reality - see the plaintive cries of Job - there is a development of belief in an afterlife where the injustices of this life will be put right.

    It belongs to the infancy of our species. Life is unfair. For millions of people it has been short and painful. Sorry reality isn't more comforting.

    Anyway I feel I am not getting anywhere with anyone on this thread, so I don't know how much more time I should use responding.

    Another arrogant theist who thinks his/her superstitious assertions are above rational scrutiny.

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