Is my clinging on to a belief in a Creator doing me any harm?

by KateWild 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AnnOMaly

    A believer has just PM'd me to check out this site.

    Has anyone heard of it? I am going to check it out and see if it's reasonable or not.

    Looks like a Bible Student website which still uses Russell's writings as a guide. The admin defends 1914 as a date of prophetic significance.

  • KateWild

    What if performing rituals is one of your interests? -Laika

    It was when I was a JW, I was one of those pioneers that loved the ministry and meeting new people and discussing their beliefs, teaching them mine. It was fun. But obviously all a lie, I have gone back to some and told them it's a cult.

    So now I have to find new interests, JWN at the moment, but I am working on that. I think I am addicted LOL!

    Kate xx

  • rebel8

    The JREF has a series called "What's the Harm?" on this very topic. Here is one of the episodes.

    The problem is that belief can and does lead to evil things.

  • Heaven

    When you are willing to believe something without evidence, you are setting yourself up to be taken. There's a sucker born every minute.

  • KateWild

    Looks like a Bible Student website which still uses Russell's writings as a guide. The admin defends 1914 as a date of prophetic significance.-Ann

    Oh dear, outta fire into the frying pan. Most posters on JWN know 1914 is wrong. I have noticed they use scripture to back up their beliefs and I don't believe the bible is from God. I might take a longer look if I can be bothered. Thanks for that Ann.

    Kate xx

  • Seraphim23

    Hi kateWild. I think beliefs can harm people and they can also help. In a way harm and help are relevant in terms of what the real truth about existence is anyway. Thus the same can be said regarding atheists also. Of course we live in a physical universe and so atheists will often do a bit better than believers for that reason in many ways. I could real of a list of atheist virtues at this point but I am a believer. So to me the question of an afterlife comes to mind. If this is the case then this physical dominance may be reversed in the future when we die or when the universe itself comes to an end. This only applies if there is an afterlife of course and the best way to search for an answer is to look into the realms of spiritual beliefs. It’s very `chicken and egg` in a way, if one looks at it only from the perspective of this life.

    Take good and bad for instance. They seem to be dependant things in that one can’t have good without bad, or bad without good. Looked at logically and In terms of itself, it is impossible to come to an answer. Take the concept of up and down. The reason for up is down and down, up! They exist as co-dependent concepts that cannot be separated. However if `up` didnt exist one could not travel in a direction and holidays would be impossible. If however I was to say straight out that `up` exists in order that people might enjoy a holiday, people would not see any link between these two different things because there is a tendency to look at concepts only in relevance to itself. Logical loops are easy to get trapped in. Any resolution normally comes from looking outside the logical loop.

    So on a universal level with the question of evil and the idea of God, the answer may well exist outside of this life and this universe. It depends on the truth of the question as to if God exists or not. Good and evil constitute a logical loop and thus an answer will not lie there as to Gods existence or not. Other things depend on good and bad existing which might give more clues on the matter of God of course including evidence that other realms exist or not.

    Just a few thoughts I thought you might find helpful or interesting.

  • KateWild

    The problem is that belief can and does lead to evil things.-Rebel

    That is true of JWs certainly, but I am not going to start to look for or burn witches just because I believe in a creator. I have not done anything evil in the name of God since I left. How can my beliefs as outlined in my OP lead me to do evil things Rebel?

    Kate xx

  • KateWild

    When you are willing to believe something without evidence, you are setting yourself up to be taken.- Heaven

    This is an interesting perspective. I have been taken advantage of a number of times due to my trusting nature. My ex has betrayed me and the kids so significantly I no longer trust anyone. How does my belief in a creator set me up?

    I can't see it myself, I think the opposite is true of me, I have serious trust issues now.

    Kate xx


    Make Krav-Maga your ritual, or Yoga, or Jeet Kun Do. We all have rituals, even if that is just getting up and turning on the TV. Just find a productive ritual that gives you life and throw away the rest.


  • KateWild

    Hi kateWild. I think beliefs can harm people and they can also help-Seraphim

    I think my belief in God helps me to lead a happy fullfilling life, and it fuals my enquiry into science. Kate xx

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