Why do I bother to wake up in the morning?

by punkofnice 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    It's ok to have a "day" just get up tomorrow and try again. I went on meds for a few months it kicked me back.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, punk -- my question also, but I realized it was an involuntary thing on my part. Waking up, that is.

    The posts I've read here have been helpful to me, particularly those mentioning getting exercise and being with people.

    I've written sad poetry on JWD/JWN for years; it's helped, but I've had enough of sadness. Despite things I've done and accomplished, I can relate 100% to your sentiments.

    We just keep going . . .

    Others need us, we need them. . . .



  • LisaRose

    I have bouts with "the black dog", so I get it. I have come to the conclusion that e drugs are not worth the side effects. I used to think it was like getting insulin if you are diabetic, but it's not that simple, they really don't know exactly how they work and even a good one for you can become ineffective after a while. If you were actually suicidal, then it's certainly better than the alternative and worth the risk, otherwise there are other things that can help.

    I find good old Mr. Sunshine to be very helpful. I usually am more depressed in the winter. So get outside. Exercise of course, walking gets you outside, so it's a two fer. Cut down n the alcohol if you are drinking, easier said than done, depression makes most people want to drink, but it's a vicious cycle.

    Eat your fruits and veggies, lots of them. Eat fatty fish like salmon, or take fish oil pills. Vitamin Bs are a quick fix also. Cut down on sugar if you are eating a lot of it. Try drinking coffee or tea if you aren't already, that little bit of caffeine can get you over the morning hump. I don't usually have coffee due to some health issues, but if I am suffering lack of motivation I will have some.

    Keep up with the music, that will help.

    Hope this helps

  • rebel8

    I've not read the replies, but I'm sure they say what I'm going to say.

    Get thyself to a doctor. STAT. You do NOT have to suffer like this. It's treatable. Do it.

  • factfinder

    Sorry you are in such a dark place. I am too, and it is getting darker as time goes on. I keep hoping for good news that never comes.

    I hope you WILL get good news and that your situation will get better.

  • AnneB

    I'm not a fan of anti-depressant medications. Too often they are given to people whose only real problem is Distress.

    There's a difference between Depressed and Distressed. One may need medication, the other needs a way out of some situation.

    When I was going through a rough time with my family, the elders wanted me to take anti-depressants. I asked why. The answer was "it's hard on us to see you this way". They wanted me to take meds so they would feel better!!! A whole lot easier than actually giving me a helping hand, eh?

    Do what you need to do, not what others want you to do.


  • bsmart

    I wish we had a LIKE button! Good advice from all, but please take care of yourself.

  • objectivetruth

    Hey my friend Punk.. I was saddened to read your post, and the trouble that you're going through.

    This reminded me of a conversation we had 2 months ago..

    I said " Are you an Atheist now? If so, is your life void of Hope and Joy? Without faith in anything, how do you wake up every morning? I am curious, and it is not my intent to judge your point of view."

    You scoffed at my question.. But I was serious.

    Are you open to re considering if there is a God or not, and if there is anything in the world to have faith and hope in? I hope you are.. I can help you see things differently, when ever you are open to hoping again.

  • punkofnice

    wasblind - A list is a good idea, thanks.

    Magwitch - The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?

    Yes. That sums it up although Greggs is the nearest we have to Tiffanys around my neck of the woods.

    JWDaughter - I await tomorrow all the time. Summer's coming and with it I pray hope.

    Fink - Now the brighter nights are coming I will probably go out for walks more.

    jgnat - I'll look at the links later but thanks, our generation are fighters ay?!

    OUTLAW - The busses run too slowly around here

    GrreatT - I don't do alcohol....phew!

    CultBG - I will certainly try letting the feelings flow.

    SoP - I feel like a failure but thanks.

    Kass - Awesome quote.

    Kneehigh - I'm hanging by the skin of my teeth but hanging

    Foundsheep - It's a bit of an extended day but you're right

    CoCo - Keep on putting pen to paper if it helps ay

    LisaR - Mr sunshine is my friend

    Rebel - Thanks for your concern fwend

    Factf - Ditto!!

    AnneB - Distressed seems to be the thing. Interesting comment.

    Bsmart - Like buttons would be cool

    Objt - Well, I wouldn't say I was scoffing at your comment more using humour to make a point. I don't see that there is hope and it isn't my choice so much as a realisation of the evidence before me. I appreciate what you're saying but I can't suddenly 'believe' just because it feels good when my own objective reasoning shows otherwise. If god loves me then god will give me conclusive evidence of it's existance and help I'm sure. No hope is better than false hope in my book. Thanks fortaking time to reach out.

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Dear Mr Punk,

    Sorry to hear you are feeling crappy. Speaking of crappy I am 54 and also down in a hole dealing with depression. I was searching the internet today and came across bowel flushing...haha that is how desperate I am. It appears you can help allieviate depression by washing toxins out of the bowel and then introducing the good bacteria to re-establish a good balance. I am willing to try anything at the moment. My days fluctuate with despair and highs but I still have a sense of humour like yourself and that sometimes is a saviour. I wish your son well (been there too...know the worry), this too will pass.

    Men are notorious for not going to the doctor, it is a hurdle to jump but actually a step in the right direction. Medicine is cheaper than funeral costs....

    Best wishes

    Chicken little

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