Why do I bother to wake up in the morning?

by punkofnice 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • Magwitch

    Oh Punk...You are such a cool guy. You make me laugh all the time. I am so sorry you are feeling the blues, so happy it is not the reds though. Remember what Holly Golightly said about the reds in Breakfast at Tiffany's?

  • JWdaughter

    Its ok and natural to be depressed when you have difficult things surrounding you. The saving grace for you though is that you know that tomorrow could definitely see a turnaround. Never lose that perspective. Difficult situations eventually ease and it will get better. Promise.


  • Finkelstein

    Being a Brit and of the age I'm at I don't go for doctors, meds and therapy....can't bleedin' afford it anyway.

    Hey Punk don't push off from going to see a doctor in mental health, a little talk and maybe some drugs can lift you out of these doldrums.

    When I get down and depressed, I spend the day going out for long walk or bike rides.

    It takes a bit of an effort to get out but when you return I'll guarantee that you'll feel much better.


    Don't spend hours here when you could be outside getting some fresh air.

    Remove yourself from your environment and see the world, as time passes those

    problems will seem less troublesome. Fink

  • jgnat

    Giving up was a luxury I could never afford. It takes incredible resources and strength to get through a day with the black dog hanging around. I've never had that many resources to spare, so chose vigorous life instead. Some days it feels as if I must not stop or the black dog will catch up to me.


    I'm of the same generation, punk, so I relate to much of what you are going through, except the "life has no meaning" part. Like I say, I had to make an early choice, and I've never stopped, to find significance in small acts of goodness, throwing the starfish back in the sea if you will.

    Frankly, I think the only sane way out of your dillemma is to try the medication route. We have universal health care here in Canada, too, so don't tell me it's impossible. You'll simply have to send your grumpy suit to the cleaners for a day and make an appointment.

    I have hundreds of ideas to introduce play in to my world on the cheap. If you are interested, I'll list some of them. A favored project right now is offering a straight-across trade, Canadian Pennies for a painting. All it costs me is my time and talent, and I am making connections across the continent. This exchange project fascinates me because there is little intrinsic value in either the penny or the painting; it is the time invested by the collector and the artist that has value.


    Why do I bother to wake up in the morning?

    ..............Everyone has days like that............................................................The Reality is..

    Jumping in Front of a Bus is only Good in Theory..........................It means No more Visits to the Pub..


    .................................................................................................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • GrreatTeacher

    I've been there. I definitely have gone the medication route, but I know not everyone wants to go that route. I do know that exercise is a healthy way to moderately improve your mood. It also gets you in shape and lets you feel better about yourself.

    I also just feel like I want to say that alcohol is very bad when you're feeling down and depressed. It's a depressant and will have you feeling worse off after it wears off. I can't touch the stuff or I am miserably depressed the following day.

    Mornings are hard for me, too. However, my husband and I put our alarm clocks on the other side of the room so we have to physically get up to shut off the noise! And then we head straight for the coffee maker. Whatever it takes to function...

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • cultBgone

    Hey, Punk, I get you about not wanting antidepressants. They're a temp fix at best, cause what we really need is to just change the way we think about ourselves and life.

    BUT here's something different...sometimes it's just okay to feel like crap! There's nothing wrong with you!

    Just let those feelings happen but don't build on them...let them out. We're so all about fixing every problem that we tend to think it's not okay to have problems, which is stoopid. We all have issues and problems, and anyone who says they never feel like garbage is just making stuff up.

    Someone in the thread mentioned living in The Now, which is Eckhart Tolle's thing. There's a lot of good in that...one of his teachings is to allow your feelings to happen without really reacting to them. Just let that crap out, or else it will keep rearing its ugly head in one way or another. Yesterday, I had no reason why but several times during the day I just started crying...weeping really. So I just let it out...and then it was over. Went on to have a lovely evening.

    So just allow your feelings to happen...let em out or they'll keep tormenting you. Just don't listen to any voices that say you should end it...we'd miss you too much.


  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Because you are AWESOME!

  • kassad84

    An excerpt from Leo Tolstoy - this after having written successful and brilliant novels - he still found life to be meaningless. And he was no fool.

    I was brought to Christianity neither by theological nor historical investigations, but by the fact that fifty years after my birth, having asked myself and all the wise ones in my circle who I am and what the purpose of my life is, I received the answer that I am an accidental clutter of parts, that there is no purpose in life and that life itself is evil. I was brought to Christianity because having received such an answer, I fell into despair and wanted to kill myself; but remembering that before, in childhood, when I believed, there had been a purpose to my life and that the believers who surrounded me - the majority of whom were uncorrupted by riches - lived a real life. I began to doubt the veracity of the answer that had been given to me via the wisdom of the people in my circle and I attempted to understand the answer that Christianity gives to the people who live this real life.

    - Preface, Gospel in Brief

  • kneehighmiah

    Hang in there man. It always gets better.

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