Thanks WTBS for changing the Kingdom Songs, you freed me!

by StephaneLaliberte 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ateograciasadios

    AND thanks to the WT for the old songs, because 20 years ago I decided to play an instrument so that I could play the old songs. They kept me interested, and I practiced them a lot. I am still at school, non-stop since that time, finishing a doctoral degree in music. When they changed the songs, they explained that it was to make it easier for the congregation to sing...... and you all know that's exactly the opposite: rests that are unexplicably long, asymmetric melodies, no logical rhymes, cheap, cheap, CHEAP music. I could not believe it, even with all the training I have, it was very difficult to sing.

    You make me think that this is probably the reason I left too.

  • AnnOMaly

    i felt like all the joy and life had been sucked out of the songs.

    Exactly. Many of them were bland and sounded like they'd been arranged and played by a robot.

  • ateograciasadios

    "Many of them were bland and sounded like they'd been arranged and played by a robot."

    Yes, I was actually so proud of the old acoustic piano recordings, because you could hear some sort of artistry and deliberate playing. I am convinced the new recordings are played in an electric piano, probably even my a music software where you enter the notes and it reproduces the pitches for you. OR, they got the worst pianist of all to tape the melodies.

  • snowbird

    LOL @ Ann.

    I attended the funeral of one of my sisters in January of this year.

    As we filed into the little country church, it was fairly rocking; the choir, without any musical accompaniment, sang Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross.

    It was so solemn, yet so celebratory.

    I hadn't been to church in 40-plus years, but this moved me like nothing else.

    The WT needs to get a clue.


  • LisaRose

    Datadog, hilarious, good job.

    Can you imagine a church changing the lyrics to "Rock Of Ages" or "amazing Grace"? Most of the songs were not that great, imo, but there were a few nice ones. Music is a powerful way to stir the emotions and inspire loyalty and singing as a group can be a comfort. But the GB doesn't get it, they seem hell bent on getting rid of anything that might the meetings more meaningful and enjoyable.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks for sharing that, ecan6.

    I know it is not at all the same thing, but maybe some can understand it better if we look at what Cee Lo Green did to John Lennon's "IMAGINE."

    For a New Year's celebration before the ball dropped just before Jan 1, 2012, Cee Lo did this:

    Green changed the lyrics from "Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion too" to "Nothing to kill or die for, And all religion's true."

    Yes, he flipped the extremely important meaning to make some kind of point that differed with the original point.

    Watchtower changing the words to familiar songs may have caused many to look into the reasons why the changes were necessary. They destroyed familiarity to silently admit that the songs were "wrong" according to current doctrine. And they did it without any kind of input from the membership about it.

  • snowbird

    I knew I couldn't stand Cee Lo for some reason.


  • AnnOMaly

    In some cases there was nothing 'doctrinally wrong' with the old version.

    Take "Making Jehovah's Heart Glad," for example. The song was based on Prov. 27:11. It was 4 verses long and I guess they wanted to shorten it. OK.

    So which verse do they cut? Only the one that has a direct connection with the cited Scripture! Instead they retain the one extolling the virtues of the 'faithful slave'! Madness.

  • Oubliette

    ecan6: I felt violated and angry that they would change things so much without asking anyone about it.

    That's because they are the FDS and you are not!

    - Let's review: It's a cult!-

  • Crazyguy

    The Newer songs really do Suck, my wife has a cd of them in her car. When i get in to drive i have to stop myself from throwing that cd out the window.

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