The Last BOE!

by Atlantis 101 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Scott77

    Marked for later reading. What a brave and courageous person he way!


  • under the radar
    under the radar

    So sorry to hear about your friend. He certainly showed his courage many times over. I wish him well. I'm sure most everyone here would love to hear his story if and when he feels he would like to share it.

    Although some of the BOE's were quite innocuous, others were quite enlightening as to what is really going on in the upper echelons of the Society. I'm sure some in my family will be dancing a jig once they realize I will no longer have "Theocratic" information, including documentation, long before they do. Due to your and your informant's work, I knew several important things before my brother-in-law, an elder, had heard of them.

    Please keep us posted on his situation and let him know that many here appreciate all his efforts. I wish we had some sort of medal to give him.

  • Atlantis

    How was he caught?

    That was one of my first concerns, and all he said was two words: (Surveiilance Camera). He was caught printing out a BOE which is not necessary or really permitted, and would be a cause of concern. When questioned, they boldly told him they had him on camera stealing confidential documents. This poor old man pioneered with me back in the 1960s. He never saw any sign of a camera anywhere! If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and you have a relative serving at Bethel, you better believe there are hidden surveillance cameras watching every move your loved oner is making.



  • JustVisting

    tyranny at it's worst.

  • 4thgen

    Thucydides said: “The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.”

    Let's hope he comes here....Even the bravest need support and comfort.

  • baltar447

    Well, we appreciate this real life "Johnny the bethelite's" efforts. Sadly truth is not as glamorous as fiction, but the reality is an older man with little or no social security is kicked out later in life to fend for himself. I wonder how many times this happens before people go postal.

  • Atlantis


    Well, the Watchtower is nothing more than a book publishing "business," and like all other organizations, they feel they have a right to have their "employees" on camera. Nearly every business out there is doing the very same thing. The Watchtower does not trust the very people who sacrifice their life to them. The Watchtower's only concern is the bottom line. MONEY!



  • JustVisting

    So, he's a little older? I hope he learned a skill during his time at the Towers.

  • suavojr

    can any active elder get the same letters or people at bethel have access to letters not posted on

  • quellycatface

    Does he need financial assistance?? I would personally would support and contribute to any collection for him.

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