One aspect of evolution that does not make sense.....

by EndofMysteries 153 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Then he is no more able to follow the conversation than you are.

    I don't believe you have the slightest interest in learning anything.

  • galaxie

    S&R, true , the closed mindset is in complete contrast to scientific discovery , and unselfish resourceful endeaver to gain knowledge and understanding of mankinds origins.

    Those who don't want to learn miss the opportunities to be enlightened in contrast to remaining ignorantly in the dark .

  • Space Madness
    Space Madness


    I see a ton of responses to EOM's question but I don't see any answers. Can you quote the response that you feel answers the question?

  • cofty

    The original question was about how natural selection can result in camoflague. It was based on the false premise that creatures adapt to their environment.

    What made their DNA or whereever it came from say, "My species is being eaten up by predators, so I better evolve the ability to camouflage." If a chemeleon is eaten up, it can't pass anything that would trigger an evolution. How did an insect at one point turn into the leaf insect? At some point it decided that to look like a leaf would protect it?

    Go back and review the early pages of the thread, it has been explained clearly a number of times.

    The selective pressure of predator and prey - the arms race - is one of the best understood aspects of evolution.

  • Space Madness
    Space Madness


    False premise that creatures adapt to their environment? Isn't a chameleon changing its color to match its surrounding adapting to its environment? Every response I read has been just like yours. All I asked was for one post that answers the question and you respond by telling me to re-read the thread. You claimed the question was answered many times yet you refuse to quote one of the many answers. Its evident none of you understand your own beliefs. If you did you wouldn't be posting links to random articles or be answering every question with go read a book. If you actually understood your beliefs you'd be able to explain them yourselves. Just like how I can explain algebra to my niece without telling her to read a book or linking random articles that I didn't read.

  • cofty

    Isn't a chameleon changing its color to match its surrounding adapting to its environment?


    I can see 6 answers at least on page 1. Try this one and the next 5 or so for starters...

    Go and check my posting history if you have any doubts about how well I understand the subject. Hundreds of detailed posts explaining aspects of evolution in my own words. Same could be said for at least 10 other posters on this forum.

  • cofty

    Here is a link to my specific answer to EOMs question...

    If you are really interested we could talk about the specific genes and gentic switches that control colouration.

  • snare&racket

    You are not comprehending the different terms.

    Go read up on three topics and come back. Until you do, you are just a child in a class arguing with the teacher that 2+2 does not = 4.

    -DNA mutations

    -Natural Selection


    IF you do this, then you make evident you do actually want to know... and explaining it further will be easier for us.

    If you don't bother, which is likely, as you would have done it already, it is only one google away....if you dont, then stop wasting people's time.

  • Viviane

    Bumping to see OTWO's response. It appears a lot of the supporters of evolution are being exposed for not understanding their own beliefs.

    A lot? Can you mathematically quantify "a lot"? If not, then what you wrote is meaningless.

    I see a ton of responses to EOM's question but I don't see any answers.

    I see someone that is ignoring answers and embracing ignorance.

    Its evident none of you understand your own beliefs. If you did you wouldn't be posting links to random articles or be answering every question with go read a book.

    Why do you expect to be spoonfed knowledge, too lazy to do any work yourself?

    If you actually understood your beliefs you'd be able to explain them yourselves. Just like how I can explain algebra to my niece without telling her to read a book or linking random articles that I didn't read.

    Oh, a false analogy, I love these!

    Your neice DOES have a book she is using and is trying to understand. You explaining algebra to her is not doing the work for her. You aren't doing her homework or taking the test for her (and if you are, shame on you). You are helping her to understand. If, however, she acted as petulant as you, she would ask for the answer, complain that you are explaining it using numbers AND letters and complain you don't know what you are talking about.

    You've been given answers time and time again and pointed to more resources to help you with specific offers to explain specific items you don't understand, yet you whine about not having answers. Asking for more is just pure laziness or a desire to stay ignorant.

  • EndofMysteries

    Space Madness - Cofty is ignoring this study I linked it earlier.

    You asked him isn't a chameleon changing it's color to match the background. Cofty's answer, "No".

    That above article has this statement... " The chameleons colour-matched their backgrounds much more closely when presented with a bird than a snake, the team found."

    So Cofty said no, but this study says otherwise.

    Apgo and I atleast agreed that most likely they DO do that and the studys and disputing articles that say its ONLY for communication are likely the result of the chameleons being comfortable with their surroundings and no need to spend extra energy to camouflage. But Cofty still thinks it's only for communication it seems.

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