by D8TA 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • HildaBingen

    Dear Mr Jay:

    You are a potty mouth--full of gutter talk. Find Christ and you will put away such filthy speech, dear. Quell that anger.

    "Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned among you, just as it befits holy people; neither shameful conduct nor foolish talking nor obscene jesting, things which are not becoming, but rather the giving of thanks."

  • ashitaka


    Please throw yourself off of a tall building, holding ten gallon glass bottle of hydrochloric acid...that should do the trick in curing your obviously virulent bout of ignorance.

    D8ta was giving us his experience..."the giving of thanks" comes after we leave and become human again, after we shed off the guilt and stand up for ourselves against men who just don't care about us, people who call themselves shepards and run away at the first sign of us becoming, independent not of Christ, but their warped leadership.


  • coffee_black

    Hilda, Hilda, Hilda, Shame, shame, shame...

    There is such a thing as righteous anger. Jesus himself proved that when He threw the money changes out of the Temple.
    I'm a Christian, and can't begin to understand your attitude. Adddress the evil condition that exists within the Borg, instead of criticizing the people who have been hurt by the evil.


  • HildaBingen

    To black coffee:

    :There is such a thing as righteous anger. Jesus himself proved that when He threw the money changes out of the Temple.:

    I agree with you, black. But I cannot imagine Jesus using the F-word when kicking those reprobates out. These ex-JWs always talk about freedom. The only freedom that they have is the freedom to wallow in their filth.

    :I'm a Christian, and can't begin to understand your attitude. Adddress the evil condition that exists within the Borg, instead of criticizing the people who have been hurt by the evil.:

    This lady mystic will gladly address problems in the Borg. But dissidents will neither give Christ, God, or the Borg time to sort things out. They want to take matters into their own hands. Surely you know the folly of such actions, black.

  • ashitaka

    "But dissidents will neither give Christ, God, or the Borg time to sort things out. They want to take matters into their own hands. Surely you know the folly of such actions, black."

    The folly of taking responsibility instead of cowering while we are maligned, abused, fouled, etc.? Faith isn't tepidity, but courage in our own strength as put forth by God, if you believe in that sort of thing.


  • coffee_black

    Where have you addressed the evil in the borg? Enlighten me as to your view. All I've seen here is your contempt for those who expose it.
    No, Jesus didn't swear, but He used some pretty strong language when He confronted the Pharisees. Didn't mince words at all.
    The victims of the borg have waited for decades (in many cases) for the evil to be exposed and dealt with. The borg ignored them, and so the borg finally faces exposure.
    Regardless of who exposed it, or why, or whatever language they choose to use, the fact remains that the evil exists, and has existed for a very long time. It must be dealt with. I believe Christ agrees.
    Address the real issue.


  • HildaBingen

    Dear black:

    :Where have you addressed the evil in the borg? Enlighten me as to your view. All I've seen here is your contempt for those who expose it.:

    It is hard to address the issue when one does not know what the real issue is. Do I believe there are examples of pedophilia in the JW organization? You bet your bottom dollar. Do I think there are some 23,000 cases in the US alone? I don't know. I have not seen any compelling evidence that would lead me to believe that there are that many cases. True one instance of abuse is one too many. But I believe most JWs abhor pedophilia. And I am not about to jump on a sinking boat with Mr Bowen, who until now has preferred to use more rhetoric and half-truths than provide hard data, dear.

    :No, Jesus didn't swear, but He used some pretty strong language when He confronted the Pharisees. Didn't mince words at all.:

    Amen and amen! One does not have to swear to get her point across in strong terms.

    :The victims of the borg have waited for decades (in many cases) for the evil to be exposed and dealt with. The borg ignored them, and so the borg finally faces exposure.:

    Have you ever been a Witness or are you just relying on hearsay, black? How would you know that the borg overlooked cases for years? Do you believe everything Bowen and his cronies tell you, hon?

  • Prisca

    Ignores the troll.....

    D8TA, I like your style in defending yourself against the puny men who think they are something because they are big fish in a little pond.

    We all need to remember:

    The elders have no authority over us, only that which we give them.

  • coffee_black

    I never rely on heresay. I personally know of some of the cases.
    Because of this, I don't think the numbers are exagerated at all. I was in the borg for 38 years, I saw a lot. I left it because I could no longer stomach having any part of it.
    Many on this board have been personally effected by the evil.

    You say you can't address the evil in the borg without specific information. There's plenty of specific information in the threads on this board. Dateline will also present specific information. Maybe you need to learn more before expressing an opinion on the matter.
    Instead of maligning members of this board, you need to do some real investigating. I honed my research skills after having been lied to by the borg. I verify everything now.

    By the way, Bill's boat isn't sinking. It's moving right along smoothly.

  • HildaBingen

    Dear Black:

    :I never rely on heresay. I personally know of some of the cases.
    Because of this, I don't think the numbers are exagerated at all. I was in the borg for 38 years, I saw a lot. I left it because I could no longer stomach having any part of it.
    Many on this board have been personally effected by the evil.:

    There are problems in the [B]org. That much we all know unless we choose to shut our eyes to the folly of men. But problems in the [B]org or some cases of abuse does not equal 23,000 cases in the US alone. If you had to leave, then more power to you, dear. But the evidence for 23,000 cases of abuse in the JW org has still not been produced.

    :You say you can't address the evil in the borg without specific information. There's plenty of specific information in the threads on this board. Dateline will also present specific information. Maybe you need to learn more before expressing an opinion on the matter.:

    I originally started to post because I was concerned about the mob mentality here (the social contagion). I could not understand why Mr Bill, if he is the good follower of Christ that he claims to be, would not tell people to stop patting him on the back. Others brought up peripheral issues.

    Last I would like to say that I find it hard to trust information given out on this site. Dateline may be objective in their presentation. The people on this list mostly are not objective.

    :Instead of maligning members of this board, you need to do some real investigating. I honed my research skills after having been lied to by the borg. I verify everything now.:

    Your suggestion is a good one. Let us verify everything, black. Both what Mr Bill tells us and what the JW organization tell us. Just as a Roman Catholic would have trouble accepting what Hans Kung has to say--that heretic!--so a loyal JW should be relunctant to believe what JW dissidents say.

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