Imagine A World Where Being "Gay" The Norm & Being "Straight" Would Be The Minority!

by Dis-Member 123 Replies latest social entertainment

  • heathen

    I'm sure the elites are trying to think of the gay ray or something .LOL .. I've heard the chemicals in the plastics and foods can cause sterility and cancer also the estrogen is causing men to be more feminine .The steroids are making women more masculine and so on .

  • apostatethunder

    If this video shows something is that we are all affected by the type of society we live in.

    Different societies promote different values.

    I think any society that promotes using women as sexual objects and wombs for rent does not deserve the name civilized.

    Ancient Greece was a democracy, that is if you were not a woman or a slave, so not quite.

    In the WT the woman is the weaker vessel, that means, give her all the cleaning jobs, put a cloth on her head if she (God forbid) has to make a prayer or give a talk, and remind her that she needs to be extra-humble when presenting an objection/query/remark.

    I don't know if there is a gay agenda or not, but women have a due place in the family and in society and those who don't respect that are abusing them, even if it is not so melodramatic as in this video.

  • DJS

    Apostatethunder, you are over-simplifying. Women are sexual objects in addition to being doctors, lawyers, moms and CEOs. Given the freedom of choice and the market opportunity, look at how many beautiful women capitalize on their sexuality, and I see nothing wrong with it. It has always been that way and it will always be that way; ranting about it as if it is somehow wrong is a waste of time.

    I will agree that when a society leaves only one option that is not civilized. But in the U.S. there are many options. Follow some of the twitter or tumbler blogs from young women. Commiserate with a bunch of 20 something girls. Listen to how 12 and 13 year old girls talk and think. They have options, but they are very well aware of the power of their sensuality and sexuality and many if not most will at times capitalize on it. God bless America (ok I'm an atheist but you get my point).

  • steve2

    As a gay man, I want it on record that I don't have an agenda. I simply take the odd opportunity to subvert innocent straights with homosexual propaganda. Some would conclude I have improved: Whereas in the past, I sought to subvert mankind with the Watchtower, now my occasional foray into the straight world has proselytising for tolerance and nonjudgement written all over it. I have even dared to push the equal rights wheelbarrow - two wheels too far for even my hithrto liberal Uncle Pelican who shakes his disappointeddand disgustedly bowed head. That is how deeply I have sunk. Whilst some applaud, infinitely more hiss and boo. I am worse than out-in-open homosexuals "with an agenda". I am evil.

  • Dis-Member

    Dis-member, we have heard enough of your homophobic statements, you know nothing about gay people. I suggest you find another discussion forum to pollute.

    I'm sorry but that is such an idiotic statement I won't even respond to it. You have just proved my point. Hateful as usual. Forgive me for not agreeing with or accepting your viewpoint. Your attitude and ignorance is far more offensive than your lifestyle. It's a gross weakness on your part to see even a discussion of the subject as an attack. It's not.

    I shot a civil partnership ceremony for a very high ranking member of a certain Royal family. My 3rd in fact. Is that gay enough for you?

  • LisaRose

    As a JW, I believed homosexuality was wrong, and I read and believed the slanted and negative articles in the magazines. I now realize that it was all wrong or greatly exagerated. I researched and read many accounts of gay former Jehovah's Witnesses, and realized what a struggle it was for them These people did not choose their orientation, any more than you did. In many cases they struggled for years and tried to "pray the gay away", it didn't work. I have also gotten to know many gay people and found them to be generally just like everyone else in every way but for their orientation, except that they are usually more thoughtful and kind. I think maybe the struggle to accept their sexual orientation in a hetero world gives them more insight to the human psyche, who knows?

    As for "shooting a civil partnership ceremony", bully for you, but it hardly makes you an expert on gay people. And isn't it a bit hypocritical of you to take that assignment in the first place, since you feel so strongly about gays? Were you afraid of a lawsuit, or did you just need the money?

    As for comments about my lifestyle, you couldn't be more wrong. I am a woman, married to the love of my life, who happens to be a man. I am not gay, "not that there's anything wrong with that".

    At the end of the day, you have the right to believe anything you want, and also the right to express those beliefs. I also have those same rights. I think your beliefs about gays are loathsome. I don't know why I even bothered responding to your ignorance, obviously it was a waste of time.

  • Dis-Member

    Not hypocritical at all. I also shot them all free of charge. They are my very good friends.

    You really have no idea about me do you? I can't say more without revealing too much and I shan't do so merely to please your unbalanced ego.. but I assure you I know more about gay people and gay issues than you ever will. Saying you once met a gay person in a bar really does not qualify you for anything.

    I'll leave it at that.

    At no point in any of these posts have I even once expressed my own personal opinion on this subject. All I did was post a short movie and the viewpoint of others that I found interesting. Nothing more. These are not my beliefs but your too blinded by your own need to attack just about anyone to have the intelligence and detachment or objectivity to even see that.

    Even if I did it would not matter. If I expressed that I preferred oranges to bananas would you call me bananaphobic? Yes you probably would.

    What on earth makes you think my comment about lifestyle refers in anyway to your sexuality?

    You jump to so many reckless assumptions I'd swear you have springs in your shoes. Again a very revealing action on your part. Do you have sex on the brain? Your quite out of control.

    Such an embarrassing attitude, unjustified anger and vehemence reveals so much more about you than anything I have posted here does about me.

    Let see how offensive you can be now. I only see the hole your digging for yourself getting deeper.

    Sleep well..

  • moomanchu

    It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus.

    That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer.

    I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying?

    But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.

  • humbled

    I'm heterosexual. A woman. I am more than a vagina. Or breasts.

    There is more to the attraction between males and females than the orifices we have, Moomanchu.

    The attractions between people have to be more than how they have sex.

    When we are very young or very, very old, sex is not the powerful force it is in the times between. But attractions and affections are present whether we are young, too young for sex or old, too old to do much. But we still love who we love.

    It is not about this hole or that. It is in our brains, our hearts, if you will.

  • humbled

    (Sorry, double post :>)

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