NASA Identifies The Hand of God

by Perry 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    Shirley- what is the first point of indoctrination from Evangelical circles- you are worthless, and a sinner.

    It took us all some effort to shed that harmful indoctrination.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    designs: what is the first point of indoctrination from Evangelical circles- you are worthless, and a sinner.

    evangelicals have a lot in common with Hitler...he understand how to crush and control people too:

    "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." -Adolf Hitler

  • OnTheWayOut

    why is nothing done about greater issues here on earth....where humans actually live?

    How do you know nothing is being done? There are many portraits of miserable humans having their situations turned around by God. These are ususally discounted as accidents, or attributed to another cause by the doubtful. I think maybe what you want is a situation where failure is impossible? The answer as to why this is not provided by God is because all causes produce effects, not just the First One.

    Above is Perry's answer to "Shirley" on page 1.

    I don't want a situation where failure is impossible. While I disagree with believers about the "issues" involved in mankind turning away from God, I get that you all really believe that.

    What I expect of the God you all think is all-wonderful is that He doesn't let thousands and thousands of children suffer and die needlessly by His inaction. But if you want to believe that sparing some individual here and there makes up for the 2004 tsunami, I have to shudder.

  • redvip2000

    If God's purpose is for everybody to believe in him, what possible reason is there for him not making us believe in him?

    For example, if god was to cure all cancer tomorrow. Would you believe he exists? I would, and possibly millions of others. What possible reason is there for God not moving his pinky finger and curing all cancer?

    How about if God made food grow all over the ground in all of the desolate countries in Africa where people are starving? Would that make you believer? I know i would jump on board. So why doesn't god do it?

    What if God had an organization which was 100 percent accurate and consistent all the time? Would you believe that organization? Yes i would. So what possible reason is there for God not making sure of that, but instead exposing "his organization" to repeated failure?

    See the point?

  • Perry

    The amount of information storable in DNA the size of a pinhead would fill volumes of books stacked 500 times higher than the moon from earth. In my opinion, science can no longer allow thinking people to accept an outdated 19th century Darwinian worldview.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I cannot believe your thinking is that backwards, Perry. You truly are hoping someone here will wake you up from your ridiculous fundamentalist thinking.

    You don't understand Darwinism and how it is just BASED on what Darwin started. It is not stale and outdated. Really, the opposite- your fantasy is stale and outdated.

  • Viviane

    So.... it would fit on a kindle, basically?

  • extractor


    You are the bravest man I know!

    God bless you!


  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    Perry, being that you refused to answer my questions I can only conclude that on top of your god of the gaps arguments you are prejudice towards others and follow a deity worse than Hitler, have a great day.

  • Perry

    That statement seems a bit....paranoid

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