The reason behind why the ex-JW community can never match Jehovah's Witnesses' success.

by Stand for Pure Worship 187 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mum

    As I believe someone else pointed out, I don't think most of us here want a competition with the Watchtower. We simply want to live our lives our way, outside of a high control group. We want to be able to think, to be able to struggle with the questions to which there are no pat answers, to go on a picnic with our families on Saturday, to take a vacation without having to attend a convention, simply to live our lives as we see fit.

    You have real competition. We are not it.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Success? The number of hours to get a single baptism is 6 or 7,000. Add to that the fact that most baptisms are indoctrinated children from birth. Success was the 90's. You can only get children, depressed people, and very poor third world country people. I guess your argument is not very persuasive, nor are your doctrines and bible studies.

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    One other reason, is the gross inefficiencies the Witnesses have in the Ministry. Last count according to the "Year Book", it takes 1000 JWs to bring in one new convert each year, is that the reason your team is so special? "I know we lose a dollar on each widget but if we increase production, we can make it up in volume!" Millions of dollars of gasoline, Starbucks and meals spent for the lowest conversion ratio in religion.

    Islam has the highest number of "Forced Converts" in the World. One can't use them as a example since anyone who say's "I don't wish to be a Muslim Dad, will end up getting tortured until they change their thinking."

    I will recommend something most JWs don't do, read all the literature and books the slave is providing you. Go to a social website and check out the numbers of growing religions and check if your religion's growth rate is really large. Discount the high number of individuals starting to think and leaving the Organization because they are tired of reading the same material twice a year if not more. You never learn nothing new from the Bible, did you know that the Nahum Chapter 2 is about a Choo Choo Train and a blackman with his red garmet collecting tickets. "Studies in the Scriptures" by brother R. Nahum the prophet from 641 BC saw a vision of a Choo Choo Train? Think that one through, that was your "new light" Jehovah was providing to replace all the Bible Commentaries reasonable remarks of Nahum Chapter 2, now after 100 years the Watchtower Society decided to join the Bible Commentaries explanation instead of using a Choo-Choo Train to explain Nahum Chapter 2.

    Taking 100 years to catch up to Christendom's work is not flattering, I think your group is regressing and losing God's Spirit!

  • steve2

    The local playschool/kingdom hall awaits your divided presence SFPW.

    Truth is not a numbers' game. 1,000 people declaring a lie to be true do not make the lie true but they can cause quite a distracting din while one person declaring the truth will not have a snowball's chance in hell of drowning out the din. Truth is neither guaranteed nor inevitable. Lies proliferate with the speed of sound.

    A lie is a lie regardless of numbers believing it.

  • Phizzy

    Has Stand For Pure Bull**** ever answered the questions we have left him with ? or if he has posted an "answer" was it succinct, honest, and did it actually answer the question ?

    The word Troll comes to mind, Internet Bible Book 7 v 33

  • tootired2care

    Stand for pure worship, boast all the numbers you like, I'm glad you can get a sliver of pleasure from it. It's just too bad that is about all you'll get. You see I actually get to use my free time to really enjoy my life, and pursue my interests, and hobbies; while you on the other hand have to continously get dressed up and go out to meetings and field service each and every week, and then listen to the same tired mind numbing and boring drivel. And just when you think you finally have some free time to chill out, you have that nagging feeling in the back of your head that you sense you could be doing more for jokehova. The cycle of continuosly being at odds with yourself, and the drudgery of JW life must get very tiresome. But yea those numbers are something to really be proud of...LOL.

  • braincleaned

    " jokehova'' Hahahaha! Good one! :D

  • EdenOne

    Shot in the foot, SFTW.


  • Violia

    Actually, XJws are very successful.

    All those in any other religion and those who don't attend church at all = very large crowd of NOT JWS.

  • DeWandelaar

    I actually want to try to give a intelligent answer to anunintelligent question:

    The reason why sites like these will not "succeed" is because they are for helping people getting out of a cult. That process takes some time but most people will move on with their lives after their helpsessions on sites like these are over. They actually get a life! That is why they do not care about creating a fake situation with fake brothers and fake sisters. It is sad to see that the amount of cult captives is getting larger and larger.

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