The reason behind why the ex-JW community can never match Jehovah's Witnesses' success.

by Stand for Pure Worship 187 Replies latest jw friends

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    Hello Dj, you getting your Christmas Tree ready? I drove past your house and realized Christmas is around the corner, why are you putting your lights up so early this year? I had a blast at your Halloween party last year, we got so drunk with those hookers, you really throw one hell of a party!

  • BackseatDevil

    Also, your statistics are straight off the JW website which... if it's anything like their teaching or their new coloring book bible, is NOT something to be trusted. Try finding statistics of exterior sources compared with those that are leaving the religion, and calculate accordingly.

    Many congregations "being built" are in various phases of being built (i.e. the year it takes to get money from the local brothers). if you take the ACTUAL number of publishers divided by the number of congregations you average 70 publishers per a congregation... so obviously some congregations are pretty small. We all know there are at least 10% of non-active witnesses (at least) who are still counted in this number even though they are not spreading the good news.

    239 countries is slightly inflated. At least 30 of these are "other lands". Some of these countries and "lands" are where the Witnesses are under ban, some of these are just where a Witness lives in one country but goes to a congregation in another... or where another country may simply be in a neighboring country's territory. Remember the JWs want to IMPRESS... they are not really about reality, in this world or thier own.

    Matthew 23:12 and 1 Cor. 4:7 comes to mind.

  • Shanagirl

    An average of five Kingdom Halls being constructed daily, almost 8 million brothers and sisters, dissemination of Bible literature in 595 languages, 111,795 congregations worldwide, distribution of 179 million Bibles available in 116 languages, 239 countries where Jehovah's Witnesses have a presence, etc.. Need I go on?

    On the other hand........... Crisis of Conscience, FreeMinds, The AWAA,, ummmmmm........hmmm........IDK Six Screens or something? Not exactly working out for you guys. Acts 5:38, 39 come to mind.

    Stand for Pure Worship

    So what is your point? Comparing them to an organized religion is like comparing apples to oranges. Jehovahs Witnesses Watchtower is a mind effing cult that runs on lies and orgnaizes and builds with free labor. CoC, FreeMinds, AWAA,, IDK Six Screens, is merely meant as a place to encourage and enlighten those who choose to leave WT or have become seriously victimized by WT. A support system with the freedom to discuss things that were forbidden by WT. Oh and by the way, WT is not pure worship and does not have the Truth, They only claim they do, but we all know better that to believe that snare and a racket.


  • Over%forme

    At least we do what we want NOT what we are told.

    Outlaw, you said it best.

  • ohnightdivine

    Because it is a well-run business with almost free capital, that is why.

    The way you bash other people not worshiping the WTS is just incredible, but understandable anyway.

    With almost 8 million JWs, I guess we have ONLY a few 6.2 BILLION people who are living "outside the truth". See the numbers? How can you catch up? The comparison sounds ridiculous? Yes, just like yours.

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    I know the reason, it's because we don't have the great diversity of sex-offenders on JWN, they are flocking to the Kingdom Halls because the families with one parent are willing to allow anyone to take their kids in field service. Sisters begged two brothers to take her little eigth year old girl in Field Service without thinking how improper this was. I put a stop to her madness, she said "the elders don't care if you are helping my little baby", I responed to the dumb bitch "It's wrong, don't you understand how the Times have changed and you need your daughter to go in Field Service with sisters, not twenty something men.

    Single-parents in the Kingdom Hall allow their eight-year old boys to go on hikes and overnight camping trips with strange single brothers who never bat a eye while a Amazonian beauty walks by. It's tiring trying to help a lonely parent understand they need to protect their child from the "The New World Society that outperforms JWN with Sexual Predators flocking in by the hundreds to join a community willing to embrace them and their past, as long as the elders certify them as "godly and pioneer material". I envy the diverse population "Stand-Firm" is use to and hob-knobs with. I would not brag to JWN my religion is attacting all the Megan's List community in droves to my Kingdom Hall. Your gain is our gain because Simon would have booted that trash off his website long ago. Continue to welcome all sorts of weirdos at the expense of your young ones, your average monthly hours in field service will go up so nicely and so will your Insurance premiums exponentially or is your Kingdom Hall self-insured? The Organization will dump your coverage and force you to get one through AIG once they find out who is coming to your Kingdom Hall.

    Stand-Firm is not so bad, he is trying to bring us joy and help us see all the good things we are missing by not feeding at the table he is. The bountiful spiritual-Spam and Vienna Sausages recycled twice a year is the only meat he is able to handle spiritually. When was the last time you had a Spiritual Filet or Spiritual Poterhouse Steak? Nope, good old fashion pre-digested "liverwurst" or "Generic-Spam" imported from China is as meaty as your stomach will allow, your stomach must produce worst gas than my two big Saint Bernards with your diet! Yuck!

  • braincleaned

    The sound of me walking in my flip-flops is more discreet than the flip-flopping of the FDS.

  • braincleaned

    Hey Stand for Pure Worship — besides gloating with a consolation prize while other religions beat the JWs to the podium in the race for increased numbers, may I ask you the same 2 questions I'm gonna ask everyone who claims knowledge of the truth from now on:

    — How do you know what you know (or how do you know the sources you trust are true)?
    — What was the process building up to your convictions?

    The catch? No circular thinking.


  • Finkelstein

    The JW organization is an utter failure considering its being producing literature at a high rate for over a century and to-date has only 8 million

    followers. That in itself signifies how and what the public thinks of this organization which is a lying corrupt publishing house, pretentiously making

    itself out as something special, when its obviously not.

    The JWs has one of the highest turn overs of adherent followers than any religious organization, which speaks volumes as well.

    The fact is there are more people who were once involved in this religious cult and left than there actual staid recognized members.

    So to Stand For Pure Worship ....

  • braincleaned

    By the way:
    Mormons — 15,000,000
    Islam — 1.6 billion
    Catholics — 1.21 billion
    But chin up... you beat the Scientologists!

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