Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'

by Watchtower-Free 223 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    The idea was to placate the Jews with a Messiah figure who tells them to be subserviant to Rome and that their Temple would be destroyed. The 'House N##ger' of Confederate times or the subjugation of the Native American Nations with lies and false hopes. And yes the US now fighting the Afghanistans who it once trained and befriended.

    It was all very cleverly done and the proof is the NT strawman depiction of Judasim (Paul was only successful to an uneducated Gentile world and still is).

  • bytheirworks

    Saying Jesus didn't exist is like saying George Washington didn't exist.

  • DeWandelaar

    Did George Washington exist?!?!

  • Laika

    George Washington was invented by the British to help control the Americans... Or something.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    no, bytheirworks, that's not even closely similar.

  • Seraphim23

    I’ll be going to this event as an academic mate of mine wants me to go. Ill report back when I do.

  • Xanthippe

    My instincts are that there was a historical person behind all the myths. - Cofty on the Did Jesus Really Exist?thread. So you are saying that perhaps it's a myth that Christians were persecuted by the Romans. Didn't see that one coming.-Cofty. Yes we know.

  • DeWandelaar
  • Ruby456

    for those who suspect that there is more to Jesus than what history can comment on or more than what meets the eye, this book, particularly the last chapter, may be able to articulate what you suspect. The last chapter is a profound read - discusses parousia, coming and arrival

    The Cambridge Companion to Jesus - 2001 Markus Bockmuehl

  • OnTheWayOut

    DeWandelaar, thanks. That is a portion of the whole video on an earlier page of this thread.

    Again, new thoughts that are very interesting are contained.

    I am not all onboard with the complete conspiracy but it does seem that the typology, re-use of the Old Testament events to tell a new story, was a fact.

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