Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'

by Watchtower-Free 223 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snare&racket

    The truth is....none of us know. Why pretend either way?

    IF someone days they do Know...... question their intelligence or their honesty.

  • cofty

    Slimboyfat posted a video of a lecture by Richard Carrier showing the literary patterns in the gospels.

    That was well worth a look.

  • designs

    The Romans may have put up this sugar candy messiah to dissuade enough Jews to prevent or delay a revolt. Look at the French and British manuvers on the American continents, splitting loyalties among the Native Nations, enough to divide them so they could not push out the invaders.

  • Vidiot

    jws - "The problem I have with the contrived conspiracy is this. If it were plotted and planned, why is it such a mess?"

    Do you think all of those CIA or KGB covert ops always went smoothly and on-script?

    "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  • tec

    He asked you to humbly admit you could be wrong. Not to turn on god, just say you could be wrong about anything you believe (including god). He didnt ask you to say you think you are wrong, just that you could be wrong.

    Comatose (and Friendaroonie), this - knowing Christ and His Father exist - has nothing to do with ME being right or wrong.

    If you stick a pole in front of a person, does it have anything to do with them being right or wrong, that they see the pole? Or are they simply seeing what is right there in front of them?

    Saying I hear Christ is like the person saying he sees the pole.

    It has nothing to do with my own intelligence or lack thereof; and nothing to do with me being right or wrong. No more than seeing the pole has anything to do with the person being right or wrong. I know that we are familiar with using our phsyical senses only, and that we have forgotten (and are taught against) that the spiritual does exist; that Christ meant that he would actually speak (though we have examples that show this is true). So most don't know how to use those eyes and ears; the ones that Christ spoke of... from the spirit. Those who witness to the truth of this... well, you know the reaction such ones receive. But we CAN ask Him to give us eyes to see and ears to hear. He DID say that He came to make the blind see, and the deaf hear. Just ask Him if anyone is thirsting or does wish to hear Him... and then put your faith IN Him, that He can and will grant your request.

    Because He is standing at the door in front of you also. He is knocking. He IS the Spirit... and "the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come". Let him who hears also say, "Come". And he who is thirsting, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him come... and take the free gift of the water of life.

    Peace and love to you both,


  • cofty

    Saying I hear Christ is like the person saying he sees the pole.. most don't know how to use those eyes and ears .

    Once again Tammy dishonestly muddles metaphor with reality.

  • tec

    What was dishonest Cofty?



  • cofty

    You SEE nothing that the rest of us don't see. You use the word SEE as a metaphor but you won't admit it.

    You HEAR nothing except the internal conversations in your head that we all have. Most of us are not so proud as to boast our internal thoughts are communications from the almighty.

    If you are actually hearing voices seek help. If you are seeing things seek help.

  • slimboyfat

    I see and hear things. At least I think I do.

  • tec

    I used a metaphor in seeing the pole, Cofty; I did not use it dishonesly. I don't know why you would think that I would not admit it.

    I even explained exactly why I used the the pole example... that the man who sees the pole simply acknowledges what is before him (the pole being there has nothing to with him being right or wrong... same as Christ being here has nothing to do with me being right or wrong)

    You are free to disagree of course. I see that you can't disagree without throwing aspirations on my character though.



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