GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")

by grumblecakes 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • adamah

    Comatose said-

    Eve liked the fruit because it was pretty.... Imagine that.

    They should've called this the 'New World Translation (Eve Edition)': we all know how those superficial and vane women are always messing things up for the men-folk, and making a mess of everything! The New version has a plastic cover to protect from their clumsiness!

    Grumblecakes said the RNWT says:

    Gen 3:6-"Consequently, the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was something desireable to the eyes, yes, the tree was pleasing to look at. So she began taking of its fruit and eating it. Afterwards, she also gve some to her husbandwhen he was with her, and he bagan eating it."


    They haven't fixed it in the "revised" NWT (like in the old NWT, they dropped the 3rd reason Eve saw the fruit as desirable to eat ("to gain wisdom"), and simply rephrased the 2nd reason). My article on the passage still stands as valid criticism:

    On Genesis 9:5-6, they actually improved it considerably. It USED to be:

    Genesis 9 (NWT Classic)

    5 And, besides that, ​YOUR​ blood of ​YOUR​ souls shall I ask back. From the hand of every living creature shall I ask it back; and from the hand of man, from the hand of each one who is his brother, shall I ask back the soul of man. 6 Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image he made man.

    I wrote an article on the botched translation in the NWT, and in the interests of fairness will need to update the article to add the changes offered in the NWT (Revised).


  • Apognophos

    Some factual corrections:

    They took every word that could potentially have multiple meanings and changed it to mean only one thing

    There seems to be some misunderstanding about this and I'd like to nip this in the bud before you guys hurt your credibility. What they are saying is that they are now using English words that are less ambiguous than the old ones, e.g. "pattern" becomes "model" where this makes the meaning clearer. It has nothing to do with dumbing down the meaning of the original Hebrew/Greek. It's a matter of better word choice for the translation when the original word clearly meant something specific and the English word that was previously used had too many meanings in the dictionary, or the meaning shifted over time.

    They DRASTICALLY reduced the index. Want to see where in the scriptures where a certain word appears? If its not on their list of "words commonly used in preaching" you're out of luck because that's all the index consists of

    The index was always missing terms anyway, in my experience. This change makes total sense because people are using other tools like the WT Library for personal research, which are far superior to an index. Thus the index indeed only needs terms that will be used in preaching.

    The middle column for cross reference now barely exists!

    Yes, it's been chopped way down, another good change. The old cross-references were the product of an insanely OCD mind (I'm assuming Freddy's). If the paring down was done intelligently, and I'm sure it wasn't done at random, then the new cross-refs will focus more on the important terms in the verses and less on hunting down every other reference to every distinct phrase in every scripture. The old super-thorough cross-refs frequently misled me into looking up references to the wrong part of a sentence, and I won't miss them. They were a clear case of quantity over quality, though they made more sense in a pre-search engine world.

    This new edition narrows further the ability for the average JW to do intensive research and potentially raise questions in their own head

    I see no basis for this assertion. Witness research always used to consist largely of using the Index volumes. Now it consists of using the WT Library. The Bible was never the center of their research to begin with.

    I was looking forward to hearing in what context the term "sister proof" was used...what the hell does that mean?

    This was not misogynistic. The audience clearly got the joke, judging from the amount of laughter from brothers and sisters. I believe it was a reference to sisters using the Bible more in field service, as they have always taken the lead in preaching. Likewise, the sisters complaining about the lack of Bible, and the letter written by "a sister" were definitely a knowing reference to the fact that the sisters have indeed been way more vocal about the shortage of Bibles than the brothers.

  • label licker
    label licker

    So if it's true that they changed the word bread to the word food then why at 1 Kings 13:15-19 the word is still bread and not the new word, food? When Jesus said man must live not on bread alone,(Matt 4:4) he was quoteing from the Torah.(Deut 8:3) I just noticed it on your pic that you sent. Bread is bread. It's the same in all three scriptures yet they focused on the one in Matt 4:4 to change its word to food. Makes me wonder what their new agenda will be with this certain scripture and its new word, food.

  • slimboyfat

    Judging by that passage in Kings it looks like a pretty thorough revision indeed.

    The absolutely key question is whether whoever produced the new Bible actually knows the Biblical languages and revised the text in light of the original.

    If it is simply a modernisation of the English text without reference to the original text then there must be huge scope for error. If stylists without knowledge of the original languages have been let free reign then we can expect a number of howlers in terms of translation to emerge.

    They probably looked at other modern language versions and thought to themselves, "we can do that". What they perhaps didn't reckon on is that these versions not only read easily, but they are produced by people who know the original languages of the Bible extremely well and can therefore make translations that are both easy to read and accurate.

  • wasblind


    In the Reasoning Book on page 277 the WTS claimed the contributors of the material for the first NWT were from anonymous donors

    and that they did not know the educational background of these anonymous donors

  • Apognophos

    So if it's true that they changed the word bread to the word food

    Where did you hear that? The brother mentioned this as a sample of the changes that were being made to Asian language Bibles, preceding the work on the new NWT in English, the reason being that bread is not a staple food in Asia, but a luxury import item (I don't know that this is true, but that's what he said and I'm just reporting), so rather than change the word to "rice", they genericized the word to "food" to avoid distorting Jesus' words.

  • slimboyfat

    No, they said they considered using the word "rice" instead of "bread" in the Chinese version, but opted for the generic "food" instead. Nothing about changing "bread" in English.

  • Hortensia

    They are BS artists from way back, and you all are surprised? It is interesting to see how blatant they are nowadays about their cultish behavior. And sneering at "sisters" is pretty typical. Assholes. Any JW who just sat and thought for a while could start to see how bad the religion is, but then, they aren't allowed to just sit and think, are they?

  • slimboyfat

    The text size looks bigger, and it really does look like they've reduced the word count by cutting a lot of awkward extraneous phrases.

  • grumblecakes


    No misunderstanding. Yes, they said they are substituting words (all over the place) for ones that are less ambiguous...

    But, silly me. I'm sure these extensive revisions are for the actual benefit and spiritual health of the R&F. They are honestly very, very concerned about accuracy and actual truth. Not at all about indoctrination and information control. Not at all. They would never abuse the scriptures. Im sure there is no selfish motivation behind this massive overhaul.

    Just 8 lowly, humble men, who just want the honest truth, whatever it maybe. They just want so bad to help.

    Seriously, I'm not trying to be overly alarmist. However, I am highly suspicious of these guys.

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