GAH!! AGM!!! >:( (Or "Grumblecakes is Disgusted")

by grumblecakes 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Comatose

    Haha. So the reasoning book is dead then... that sure isn't a true replacement.

  • grumblecakes

    "Haha. So the reasoning book is dead then... that sure isn't a true replacement."

    Yeah, it makes the RS book look competent.

  • suavojr

    John 1:1 has a footnote stating about a god= 'was divine' very interesting thing to add

  • problemaddict

    And the word was divine is actually from a very old translation that is generaly recognized as acceptable. I really will try to remember which one it is from.

  • grumblecakes

    Oh yeah, the foot notes are a hoot.

    There's soooo much to coment on about this grey pile of s**t, its hard to know where to begin.

  • suavojr

    If the word was divine then the word shares the same nature, but of course they will not admit it

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I see the "mini reasoning book" addresses the question "Is the Bible scientifically accurate?" Does it happen to answer the question as to how Noah was able to fit millions of species on the ark or how kangaroos and koalas got from Turkey to Australia after the flood? Does it disprove the evolution of organisms by explaining who aboard the ark was infected with TB, HIV, smallpox, etc?

  • paranoia agent
    paranoia agent

    It is not the first bible to be simplified (CEB) but I am certain that their simplified version will be put to good use, after all if the GB can simply ignore key doctrine JW principles they will do whatever they like.

  • zound

    I see what you mean about the 'reasoning book section'. As the other poster said - it almost gives some credence to the reasoning book.

  • grumblecakes

    Seriously, try to go online and watch it (they said it would be available on Its so infuriating.

    David Splane's talk is at the end. He said the probem with the previoous edition was that too many words/terms could be interpreted too many ways (like "routine") and that whole talks, albeit well meaning talks, were built around something other than what the scriptures intended...

    Then he added...

    It was not entirely these well meaning brothers' fault, our publications at times said the same (or similar?) things based words and phrasings in the NWT that were just too broad.

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