Another story... possibly final story

by confusedandalone 134 Replies latest jw experiences

  • confusedandalone

    I am sure it isnt over. The thing is, due to being raised in a closed off family in a closed off religion I had no real friends.

    It was just me and my 4 other family members. I got married and moved away and it was just me and my wife and now kids.

    3 of my original four family members are at odds with me and I do not miss them. I still have my wife and kids and that is all i need so when they decide to berate me and disfellowship me, I wont lose anything. So they can harrass me all they want. However - I do not care what they do because their "authority and power" are nothing but a joke.

  • NeverKnew

    I would have loved to have known how long Jehovah's kindess would have lasted had you "provided" a small monthly allowance towards their bills... Like $150.00 a month up to $10,000. At that rate, I'm thinking you would have had a 5 1/2 year extension on His kindness towards you.

    I'm really proud of you. :)

  • haboob48

    Wow, that was worth waiting for! Great job on telling them to stay away from your wife and kids! P.S. Please post pictures of your fire pit when it is nice and aflame!


  • Crazyguy

    Man i would pay a thing because of the way they're treating you, there a scripture in the new testament can't remember where about if you don't take care of you family you a piece of crap. I would find this scripture and text it to your brother and let your parents know that since the debt were because they helped him that hes responsible.

    then tell them that they're having all these problems because Jehovah draws people to Jesus and not himself mention the scripture and that you are being blessed because you know have a relationship with Jesus. You may also want to mention that the bible several times says not to judge and they have judge you so you can not in good conscience help someone that has judged you as mentally diseased.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I like how you think confusedandalone ,but I don't think your name really fits you . You are not too confused if you ask me .

    When I left I felt the same way as you ,none of them were my true friends ,and as long as I had my immediate family with me I would be okay . I also liked the fact you let the Elders know their real place which is NOT in charge of your life . I still savor the moment when I let our Elders know that my personal life was none of their business ,and that I would not discuss my personal life with them ....EVER

    Good luck with whatever comes next . Suggest your Dad work out a payment plan with the credit companies himself . If he can afford to pay you something every month ,he can afford to just make that payment to his creditors .

  • exwhyzee

    It sounds like your brother is afraid your parents will expect him to chip in to help pay thier debts instead of you taking care of them. It makes no difference whether an announcement has been made about you from the platform, whatever it is you allegedly have done or are doing, your money is already dirty, right ? Your Father's con"shun"cience should bother him no matter when he accepts your help. (if any of that is even true)

    I love how your brother presumes to know what Jehovah is or isn't doing in regard to your dicipline. You really handled him well....didn't get nasty but definetly let him know how stupid his remarks were.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Confused, what an ordeal your "loved" ones have put you through.

    Quote "With friends like that, who needs enemies?"

    Just Lois

    PS... I know of a brother in charge of the RBC who went bankrupt 25 years ago. It was dealt with as a business loss, and thought of in the area, as no big deal. He kept all of his status in everything.

  • besty


  • williamhconley

    You need to tell your brother that serving the WT corporation does not free him from his obligation of taking care of your parents. Its not fair that you have been carrying that responsability alone. Being a pioneer, bethelite etc does not justify freeloading off everybody else. They made that personal decision and they need to support and carry their own financial weight. It's like making a donation to the redcross but asking your family to pay for it even though you never asked them for permission.

  • flipper

    CONFUSED and ALONE- your response to your brother was right on. Your brother is a tool. He should help your parents if he's so concerned. He's a user like a good number of JW's are. Peace out, mr. Flipper

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