Proof of Noah's Flood - Presently watching a Documentary about Europe & the Ice Age

by *lost* 170 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • *lost*

    Look again at the picture of the rock.

    It looks like a vertical midsection of rock, and it looks twisted and gnarled rather than layered. to me, layered is one on top of another.

  • Phizzy

    Interesting to see the old water canopy nonsense aired again, I suppose Bro of the Hawk got his information on that from the Flat Earth Society.

    I notice he did not answer when questioned on the date of this supposed flood. This is pertinent, because the Bible claims it occurred around 4000 years ago ??

    Just look up the details of the plant Kings Lomatia, which is over 40,000 years old, and cannot survive in, or rather under, salt water.

    End of flood story. Unless you wish to go down the Local Flood route, which rather takes away any point to the Bible story.

  • cofty

    Lost - Siccar Point is one of the most famous geological features on earth. It is visited by geology students from all over the world. Of course it's possible they all got it wrong and should have just asked you to have a quick glance at a photograph and save themselves the time.

    Take another look at the picture. The rocks at the bottom are a type of rock known as Silurian greywacke.

    The layers are clearly visible and run in an approximately vertical direction. These were lain down horizontally as sediment under an ancient ocean 425 million years ago. At some later time they were turned vertical by seismic activity, eroded over a very long time and sank back below the ocean. More sediment was deposited on top and became compressed over many centuries to form Old Red Sandstone 345 million years ago.

    The difference between the two types of rock is blatantly obvious if you visit the site but not so clear in the picture.

    The whole formation was then raised again by later seismic activity so we can visit Siccar Point and see for ourselves that young earth creationism is nonsense.

    Andrew Hutton's discovery of Siccar Point was an historic moment, as important as Darwin's visit to the Galapogas Islands.

    Here are the ramins of St Mary's on the cliff top near Siccar Point. The walls are made of Greywacke with a layer of Old Red Sandstone on the outside..

  • Comatose

    Lost - did I miss where you suddenly remembered the name of the documentary? I thought this thread started with you writing a misleading title and then saying you can't remember the name if the show or much about it. So no I haven't seen it. Of course I don't need to read every pamphlet and book ever written by the WT to have an opinion. I don't need to watch a show on arithmetic to be allowed to state that 2 + 2 = 4.

    People like Cofty help people like me. I don't express myself as well as be does. He knows a bit more than I do. But, when he takes the time to answer your questions and tries to be clear and thorough, it's extremely annoying to see you just dismiss the evidence. Example is the picture of the rocks above you are now arguing about. Your typical, response will be to go on about how unfair it is for your opinion on the rocks not to count just because you never went to school to be a geologist. BOTH will pop in and tell us all how this looks to an expiramental geologists... I feel like I'm watching lemmings run off a cliff.

    After beginning The God Delusion and following Dawkins on twitter I find I don't feel it as necessary to respect silly beliefs. I'll try to work on that. No one likes a pompous ass. Well actually I do. I enjoy watching a pompous ass act out sometimes. But, anyways, carry on.

    I don't want to stifle learning. I want you to ask real questions if you don't know the answer and want to learn. But, when you ask questions just to them argue and spout off nonsense, I'm going to call you on it. If you don't like being made to look silly, then don't make it so easy.

  • hannes
  • Perry

    Earth was at one time completely covered by water you say? That's preposterous!! Get a rope.

  • cofty

    Nobody said that Perry. Thanks for the pretty picture though.

  • adamah

    Cofty said-

    Thanks for the pretty picture though.

    Well it don't look like much, but it's all we got, and we call it "home, sweet home." :)

    Comatose said-

    People like Cofty help people like me. I don't express myself as well as be does. He knows a bit more than I do. But, when he takes the time to answer your questions and tries to be clear and thorough, it's extremely annoying to see you just dismiss the evidence. Example is the picture of the rocks above you are now arguing about. Your typical, response will be to go on about how unfair it is for your opinion on the rocks not to count just because you never went to school to be a geologist. BOTH will pop in and tell us all how this looks to an expiramental geologists... I feel like I'm watching lemmings run off a cliff.

    The even greater haughtiness of man is the 'arrogance of ignorance': those believers who demand that everyone dummy-down to their level, since their know-it-all God suffers from small-man syndrome and doesn't appreciate being challenged by 'flawed men' on his ignorance (on stuff like the invisible elusive (yet, somehow firm) firmament, men think inside their hearts, uselessness of handwashing, decision-making occurring in kidneys, etc).

    This guy pretty much says it all:


  • Perry
  • cofty

    Do some research Perry.

    It's getting tedious with lots of us make loads of effort to explain really interesting science in our own words and then the fundies come along and copy-paste some BS they found on Kent Hovind's website or they post a video and think they are actually having a discussion.

    It's never anything new. Always the same old canards that creationists tell each other even though its been debunked many times.

    Intellectually lazy - but then "god-did-it" doesn't take any thought does it?

    Reality is fascinating and inspiring but it's also complicated. Willful ignorance is a choice.

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