I am so proud of Wendy Williams for calling Paula Deen to the carpet for her racist remarks

by booker-t 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyDad

    I think it is all PC bullshit. Us whites are constantly downbraded by radical "colored" so what is a slip of the tongue by a famous person. Don't even tell me that you people don't on occasion make a snide remark about someones ethnicity. Get a life already!


  • mrsjones5

    Ok and no I don't.

  • wasblind

    Well Josie, there goes the end of a civil discussion

  • mrsjones5

    Nah Was, happy dad can have his pity party all by his lonesome. I'm not playing into that.

  • wasblind


    I hope he can find better words in defense of the position he takes

    I guess I'll take my leave of this thread now . For real

  • Shador

    HappyDad said:

    a bunch of racist tripe

    Uhhh.... I think you wandered into the wrong forums, buddy. Stormfront is thataway --------->

  • 144001

    "Slip of the tongue?" I think not. She also testified to requesting that black waiters play slaves for a plantation style wedding.

  • LisaRose

    I think it is all PC bullshit. Us whites are constantly downbraded by radical "colored" so what is a slip of the tongue by a famous person. Don't even tell me that you people don't on occasion make a snide remark about someones ethnicity. Get a fucking life already!

    I have never been "downbraded (sic)" by any radical colored, whatever that means, it sounds painful, do tell. Anyway, no I don't make remarks about peoples ethnicity. This was not a slip of the tongue, it is just ignorance and lack of concern for those of another race. And I have a life, thank you, you should get a life, one that doesn't include so much bigotry. Really, it's sad to see someone defend racial intolerance.

    I have heard the "she is sixty, that was a different time" excuse. I am 58, I have never used the word, so that doesn't fly with me. Yes, she is from the south, but so what, no excuse, it's 2012, not 1950. I find it impossible to believe she didn't know that was not appropriate. I had a similar type thing happen where I used to live. We are all antique dealers, in a Co-op. One dealer said She was going on vacation, so if a customer wanted a discount, we could do that, but don't let the customer "Jew you down". I saw the one Jewish shop owner as she reacted, it was like she had been punched. When the other dealer was called on it, she said "well, that's the way I was raised". Well we can't help the way we were raised, but if you are fifty years old, you should know what things are just not acceptable to say.

    I don't think the woman is evil, just ignorant, but someone that much in the public eye should know better.

  • Simon
    Us whites are constantly downbraded by radical "colored" so what is a slip of the tongue by a famous person

    While I don't agree with the argument, I do agree that there are some double standards that don't help.

    When black people themselves use the N word I think it weakens the case to be 'outraged' by it. If it's intollerable then it shouldn't be used at all, period.

    It almost seems like some kind of bizarre reverse-taunt when they do. Does that make sense? It's hard to explain ...

  • mrsjones5

    The woman who brought suit against Paula Deen and her brother is white.

    " The predicament that Ms. Deen finds herself in began when a former employee — a white woman who is now managing restaurants in Atlanta — filed a discrimination lawsuit in March 2012. She claimed that racial epithets, racist jokes and pornography on office computers were common while she managed Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House, one of the restaurants in Ms. Deen’s empire. Forbes has estimated her net worth at $17 million."


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