Evolution is Crap, there I said it!

by Crazyguy 261 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazyguy

    Its interesting I'm being brated on other threads for not posting on this one for awhile. Now there close to 200 replies yet no one has seriously been able to say anything about my questions as to why I think Evolution major evolution is crap. Yes there been some books suggested and i'll check them out, but everyone almost everyone thinks because i was a JW i have this creationist only mentality. Wrong there just too many missing elements for there to be a real good argument for major evolution. Yes there is evidence of animals etc. making changes over time but where is all this evidence of creatures trying to evolve one way and it not working out and they die surely there should be a tons of evidence of creatures trying to evolve and it doesn't take. No scientific evidence that were light and darkness came from or sound etc. And not to mention maybe (I'll already have) that science can identify all the components needed to make life yet they can not create the most simple creature. Sorry guys i'm not buying it.

  • cofty

    Your not understanding it - that is your real problem.

    Most of what you just wrote is "not even wrong".

  • BizzyBee
    Yes there is evidence of animals etc. making changes over time but where is all this evidence of creatures trying to evolve one way and it not working out and they die surely there should be a tons of evidence of creatures trying to evolve and it doesn't take.

    C'mon you guys! How can you argue with logic like that?

  • Shador
    no one has seriously been able to say anything about my questions as to why I think Evolution major evolution is crap
    Yes there been some books suggested and i'll check them out

    The answers are in the books. No one is going to rehash or summarize hundreds or even thousands of pages of scientific research and explanation on this forum.

    I suggest you go read the books that were suggested - the real science books that were given earlier (not the rehashed creationism that QC is spouting) - before continuing to post. Otherwise, you will just continue to impress everyone with your stubbornness and willful ignorance.

  • jgnat

    You've got a long way to go to developing a cogent argument, crazyguy. This is the first time you have hinted at why you think evolution is crap. Failed creatures? Try these for size:




    The birds of paradise project is a great story of specialization.

  • Shador

    Y'know QC, the way you keep on, one might begin to suspect you:

    A) Are Meyer


    B) Work for Meyer and/or his publisher.

  • LisaRose
  • cantleave

    Lisa I am nicking that for my FB timeline......

  • Crazyguy

    Another area that is missing that would truly be needed IMO to help evolution along is mating among species and outside of them yet it doesn't happen. Take a tiger and mate it with another cat and the offspring is sterile same with all other species at least in mammals. I'm just wondering if you all believe because someone an expert has told you so and because they seem to be an expert you give them the authority and them believe them out right with out doing any research, kinda like a religion we all know.

  • cantleave

    Crazy guy do some reading. Evolution is nothing to do with inter-species reproduction. It not about the sudden speciation over a generation or two. It is about gradual speciation over many many generations. It is a gradual process like ageing. Here is a great meme that explains the concept


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